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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. So tough guy Gore drags a woman by her hair! WTF does it mean in the NFL to be good veteran presence on a team, a good role model for younger players. Oh, I don't bring no weapons to the dressing room? Or I pick up the breakfast tab, or I can teach you how to get hoe without no one knowing... Another suppose to be classy guy bites the frigging dust. Throw the key away, please!
  2. Or, China was or is about to take advantage of Russian aggressiveness and take what they want. US policy for 8 years of Obama was soft. No one has any idea what trump said behind closed doors with Xi, Putin or North Korea. His shooting from the lip, poor relations internally with State and Forces did damage for sure. Trump hurt alliances around the world. Trust was damaged. 25 years ago US dominated with strength, compassion and money. Following Russias 20 years fighting in a dustbowl was followed by 20 years of US dragged into the dustbowl in the mideast. The political divide has stopped presidents from appointing the best person into key positions due to confirmation or has stopped many from wanting to be involved. China does not want to be seen as weaker than Putin. XI and Putin sat side by side at the Olympics while we all pouted at home thinking we proved something. That was funny. Insult Xi and let Putin glad hand him. 1 communist to another. Meanwhile we watch MT Greene, AOC, Trudeau set agendas that divide us. By not stopping Putin, China is assured of successful Taiwan takeover. They took Hong Kong, NEXT UP. IMHO
  3. Add Warren Moon to the list of race commentators.
  4. Anything to win a SB. If it's OBJ or Andre Reed in the slot....don't give a rats pitoey, just win and all is forgiven.
  5. Seriously. Schools are a gauge of intelligence? Have you watched college sports, basketball, football, or notice the number of people charged with falsely getting into schools? College education in the US is likened to being a royal in England not a commoner. College is worn as a gold star, social status. It is announced with elitism at events and parties. It gives you the right to party at age 65 because of a sporting event on a distant campus. College has made the phrase " alma mater" important in social settings. But it has nothing to do with intelligence. Me thinks๐Ÿ˜…
  6. Either way....Red was an assist to the qb, so stick with it.
  7. So let's start Jan 6th over again. Let's have a revolution. Let's listen to Ghosts. Let's forget about actual law and react to the votes of 200,000,000 as being all questionable because a corrupt judge in the wilds of AZ can't find a thumb drive. Yes...a small amount of corruption exists in a country of 400,000,000. It started in the Oval office... has been around in my life time since the Warren Commission. The country runs on corruption...every congressman is corrupt. They can't pass 1 bill that does not hide millions of corrupt dollars for pet projects in some hick town. The public purse breeds corruption. If the 2020 election had corrupt results...the most corrupt prez jn the past 100 years is not the guy to expose it and be believed. imho
  8. Flutie, no Johnson, no Flutie no Johnson, no Flutie, no Johnson....oh you get the idea.
  9. And Music City Miracle is 2nd, and which Superbowl is 3rd? You must be a saddest.
  10. I also despise this Mayfield guy, but I really hope they play the Browns with Watson or without Watson and beat the shiit out of them.
  11. Lived through 20% mortgage rates in 80s. Retired now, and I get why $700 per yr is way too much for BN. We are all having to reconsider beer, wine for sure. Dinner out is done with thought, purchases now trimmed. What most people do not understand that for most inflation is temporary, maybe 1 or 2 years, then wages catch up and move on. Retirement brings perspective that these massive increases are for ever and your income does not keep up. But you need to still enjoy life. Rather than beer, wine, try cocktail hour, different one each time. Nice to plan, cheaper. There are hundreds of cheap cocktails made with bourbon. Lots of fun.
  12. What is all the hype about. It is apparent in the video that Chandler was nothing without a good quarterback. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  13. Conventional wisdom also said if Kamala Harris was not vp candidate and AOC shut her mouth trump would have lost by a larger margin. There is 2 sides to politics. The folks in the middle are affect both ways.
  14. Highmark? What the heck is that. I am glad the Bills have had the sense to keep the stadium name of "Rich Stadium", all these years. Nothing like tradition. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  15. Laws that proclaim a bill of rights for any group, only serves to separate people. One bill of rights for all. Any consideration of any religious order, is wrong. You are American, Canadian or whatever. Your religion may be important to you, but not first. Even the founding fathers knew that. If we do that then the issues of gay, Muslim, transgender, Catholic etc etc no longer exist. Do knock on my door with your beliefs, and I will respect your privilege to practice your beliefs, providing you practice man's law in our country.
  16. Handbasket, it is a very old saying ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
  17. Calling fellow Americans soft targets....really BTW, how many libsvsrd hunters and own guns? Yes you can be fiscal conservative and not own a gun...there are a couple on this board. True, according to role, they should not hear the case, there is no constitutional need to be involved. It is a state issue, like the death penalty. On the other hand, guns are mentioned in the document, so that should only be a national issue, IMHO.
  18. Libs would never fight a civil war. Their main objective is redistribution of wealth, war does not allow that. So your take is that fiscal conservatives are not real Americans,
  19. You are correct, but they are used as a political weapon, every post election sole the intended role and modern role are different. If there was a left leaning court the gun issue may be different. I understand it is a republic, but the court has increasingly been political. If the present court decision on RvW is correct then previous decisions were wrong and should never have been made.
  20. This just in reported NY Post...parents of this murdering Wacko offer " thoughts and prayers" to families of victims. All is right in Highland Park now. Such over used words in the past decade.
  21. 100 % correct. 1 small insignificant Wacko, with easy access to guns + some type of vendetta = death to innocent people You cannot eliminate the Wacko, or the vendetta, or the innocent deaths BUT you can eliminate access to guns Seems the only direction if you want a change in direction. OR count mass shootings as price to pay for living in USA.
  22. But the SC has become a political weapon and does not make neutral rulings.
  23. Dec 30, 1995 Playoffs Miami at Buffalo Kelly vs Marino Miami receives kickoff and crowd was so noisy Marino called time out before first snap of the ball. It got worse for him from there. 24 to 0 half time Bills run wild, Thurman 150+ yds, Darik Holmes and team had 340 yds rushing My 10 year old son was with me and still talks about crowd that day. Thurman is still his favorite Bill of all time
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