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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. 400,000,000 legal citizens, ? Illegal peeps. It boils down to these two? The Twilight Zone could never have come up with this or are we all living in an episode. Wake up, wake up. PLEASE.
  2. Mess is right. A porno loving serial cheater who is embraced by the religious right, who tries to over throw his government and loves commies vs a guy who is near death, incapable of rational thought. You got what you deserve.
  3. Levy and Talley biggest dislikes. That is sick man....
  4. I don't see Biden as an embarrassment. He is obviously ill, dementia, Alziemers or what ever, he is poor old soul, living on his years of politics habits. But his wife, family and the democratic party are stupid, dangerous and blind. They have a month to find a candidate. Joe has been a great politician, maybe not a leader, but he has been allowed to go past best before date. Not his fault.
  5. Not sure what your point is. I hope you do not think I am angry. My only thought was the LGB community had successfully joined mainstream culture, the plus gave reason for many to change their position leading up to today's Trans debate in children. That has dragged the LGB people into extremism position again. The LGB movement lost the chance to be mainstream which they fought for since the 60s to extend themselves into further conflicts, or there orgs were taken over by even more radical positions. In Toronto the Pride parade became a conflict with police and citizens when taken over by BLM. A parade of celebration, mutual respect and understanding became a conflict. not that BLM is not legit, but it harmed the LGB community, IMHO.
  6. IMHO, no issue existed when the symbol was LGB, But when the alphabet grew, opposition grew. Over decades citizens had come to understand and accept gay. With the plus began the push back
  7. A great man, from a different generation who did wonderful things for Buff and the Bills. He didn't come from money, he earned it. He risked it. I spent many amazing days in Buffalo and Orchard Park thanks to Ralph. Was he perfect? No! But without him Buffalo would be Boise. Will you pay for the seat license Ralph never charged.
  8. Loved Ralph and thanked him for making our Bills a Buffalo symbol. Will always remember Jim K retirement presentation. Ralph trying to make a speech, stumbling as only Ralph could, after stumbling to the point of the gift, then he announced they were giving Jim "a black truck" because he could not remember what to say. Great Great memories of Ralph.
  9. In 60 years politics inside the US has stopped an opportunity to close a huge gap in security. This week Russian War ships will visit Havana. Hard not to see this coming. Hard to imagine not being able to have a treaty, understanding and positive relationship with Cuba that benefits both parties. Hard to imagine a country starving could not be influenced. Hard to imagine the US oenaluzed Canada for having politicians visit Cuba. Hard to imagine this is about mob money and personal wealth of a few Cubsn refugees. Thousands died fighting in Vietnam for a fraction of the strategic possibilities. Hard to imagine having a military base in a country you have no relationship with. Welcome back to the real Cold War. Every politician and activist that stopped a development of a positive relationship with Cuba since 2016 when Fidel died should be paraded through the streets of Washington and exposed. Price of poker just went up!
  10. Well, when Claypool was signed I immediately went to the headcase card. Coaches comments sounds like maybe I was wro...wron, wrong. That was hard to say!
  11. So, The Ronnettes "Be My Baby" and all the Wall of Sound music is to be destroyed because of Phil Spector actions later in life?
  12. It's an age thing. I am a little older and can actually listen to music without a video. I know that is hard to believe.
  13. This shows the Bills are not as together as I thought. First there are numerous articles about drafting captains, leaders, dedicated players that can be counted on. Then they want to play social worker with a head case like Claypool. What a waste of time when that time should be spent with a dedicated player, a deserving player. Heck, we decided that Diggs was not worth the trouble and he was certain to be more productive than this guy. Oh well, I just took a deep breathe and poured a beer.
  14. Are you suggesting that people destroyed Cam not Cam destroyed Cam. He was ego that did the superman bs.
  15. Terrible pick, never has anyone named Keon been a successful NFL Star
  16. True exhilarating voices that immediately brings your mind to an incredible moment are few and far between. Bills fans can get chills just repeating the phrase. Fandamonium. Today, we lost another one...we will never hear "Yankees win, theee Yankees win" again. John Sterling retired effective immediately. 85 yrs old. Health. Have a long and healthy retirement John. I know, off topic a little but memorable sports moments are why we watch and listen.
  17. July 2026, news headlines from Texas, Diggs arrested in.... This is destiny. and he will blame Bills Mafia..
  18. Please get the carpenter to fix the swinging door. Diggs could not even listen to the last instructions given to him by his ex team mates.
  19. Of course everyone is better off than 4 years ago, 10% better with no possibility of improvement from here, no matter who wins this election. With the ongoing invasion of illegals and crime it cannot get better than this.
  20. So Rhino is back in America after his recall to Moscow. Back front and center for another run at bringing America into the block!
  21. Ignorant...let's see Crime ridden, uneducated, violent, lazy, no economy, no tourist industry...= "Shiithole"
  22. If you allow Haitian immigration that is foolish. It is a culture based on violence, underground economy and no education. Both US and Canada would suffer and not monetarily. CRIME! It is time that all citizens realize that migration is invasion by the worst of the worst. The gop have been wrong about shipping bus loads to democratic cities, they should send the buses to Appalachia where no money exists, or to reservations and watch the media react to that. Cuba is ripe for influencing now, poverty is increasing, no wheat, gasoline prices up 500%, dwindling tourism. Opening trade with YS today shd y months later Russia would be done there. Better to do that than allow China to open it the gates....and it is coming.
  23. Oh come on, he recently said he would allow Putin to invade NATO countries. If the US under trump are going to follow isolationist policies, of all the countries in the world, why oh why would Haiti be an exception.
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