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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. From my house the most used word will be a??hole
  2. No but JP can throw the ball more than 7 yards against a team than has one defensive starter in their backfield,,,
  3. I know we will not win with JP this year...but why play a QB who cannot throw the ball more than 7 yards... I have seen enough of Kelly Holcomb...time to realize that we need to play JP for our future.
  4. Get to Mexico asap and get a quicky divorse...don't pass go and don't collect $200
  5. Without tailgating football is not football. As for the little girl...while I have extreme sympathy and it breaks my heart to even think of it,,, but it is not about her (or others) it is about court proceedings for $$$$$. That incident happens daily from some bar...from a restaurant...from a club... The NFL is run by lawyers and eventually the No Fun League will kill themselves with perfection. The NFL are like a bunch of productivity consultants who looked at the Symphany Orchestra and concluded that because the French Horns only played 10% of the time and the Trumpets only 15% of the time that they could be removed from the orchestra and money would be saved and nobody would notice. Well, the NFL will do the same and remove tailgating and cheering (goodness don't stand up to cheer) and be left with high priced boxes who watch games on TV's with their back to the game outside...drinking expensive wines...walking to the limo's in underground parking... while the younger crowd will stay home and play Madden to see who REALLY wins because it is SOOOO real ( did you see the 06 version, TO looks more like TO than he does in real life)
  6. IMHO when 2 people of none equal physical ability can compete equally in tt is not a sport. Girls cannot competewith men in golf, track, swimming, soccer, etc but they can in archery, darts, bowling and autoracing, these IMHO are not sports and it has nothig to do with big sweaty men.
  7. She certainly is hot, but this is proof that Auto Racing is NOT a sport, but an activity like darts or bowling. I would like to see her win or at least finish very well. she is a good driver and I think autoracing would benefit from it. This is the first Indy race in 8 or 10 years that people will actually watch.
  8. Do you think any real Bills fan give a flyin' F...about what the stadium name is in Toronto. That toilet they call a stadium is awful..ask the BlueJays or Argos I am a Canadian, live close to Toronto and I know that TO is the worst sports town in NA. 2/3 the population doesn't know how to spell football...or say it, 40 % of the population was not born in NA or even Europe, there is no interest in Football in Toronto beyond the rich as the place to be, a few others who today support the Patsies, Phin or Cowboys because they see them on TV. do they play football in Jamaica, India, Pakistan, China, Korea, Vietnam, Philipines, Sri Lanka....no, no, no so why does TO even want a NFL team. They don't support the Blue Jays now... A tailgate party in To consists of a hotdog and soda on a subway platform Would TO support a team that did not win...never (except the Leafs). Toronto people are front runners only..(see Blue Jays attendance for proof) I am a season ticket holder to Bills games and if they move one regular season game to Toronto I will drop my my subscription. They have played Exibition games in Toronto before...for those over 20 you might remember. The Bills belong in Buffalo 100% of the time, the are supported, loved and needed. Go Bills ps besides the Wonder Dog needs to eat.
  9. Bills Backers of NYC have a big group going...join up they are great people
  10. I heard they are going to enforce the 4 hour rule on sunday at the game? Anyone else hear this?
  11. so far as I can see, in the past 2 years not one draft choice has had a positive or lasting effect on the team or lived up to the expectations. You cannot improve a team until your draft choices make a positive impact. Free agency fill specifics, choices are the team.
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