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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. Defensive End on the team and his reward was to get cut. Copeland Bryan out performed, Schobel, Kelsay, Denny, and and maybe even Ellis. So Jauron keeps guys who are his boys, not the best player. IMHO. Jauron had the opportunity to send a real message, but then again...he did send a message. Don't show passion, don't show desire, don't show talent. and you can still make this team. I am not suggesting that Bryan is a pro bowler, but he deserved to beat out any of the big 3.
  2. It's called passion. Jauron has no visible passion and football is a passionate game if you expect to win.
  3. When the O cannot use up some clock, and the O is this bad, are we not killing the Defense by time of possession. Will we not wear out the D, especially in hot games? I think the Bills need to go back to a regular offense until we get the game plan and O fixed. What say you?
  4. What happened to the guts. All we hearr now is the Packers played well and we need to learn from our mistakes with all the undertones of "who really cares it is only exibition games and we run vanilla stuff" What a bunch of crap. So the Packers don't run vanilla and use their best Superbowl D. All we get during a pre season game is dump passes. All we get is a hurry up offense that has no hurry. You have taken on DJ personna. Trent my boy....start being a leader or get out of town. There is no place in the NFL for a QB who is a wimp (ask JP) You are learning the wrong thing for this head coach...either take the bit or step aside. I for one am running out of patience.
  5. I am not sure Maybin will be any better. Few PS guys live up to the hype, especially a one year wonder. I am sure that he and his agent sense that he is not that good (see Lavar Arrington) and are trying to get the most money before the Bills discover the same. But our problem is we do not have a tough defensive end on this team Weakest position on the team by far IMHO
  6. I suggest it is time Russ plays hardball and gives him a drop dead date...
  7. I think you hit on right point here. The main issue with this coaching staff (Jauron) is this nonsesne of remaining in control and no real highs or no real lows. that is crazy thinking in a sport that is violent and requires players to risk theri own health and safety every day. Bobby April seems to have a great deal of energy and his people on ST sure show it. When they talk about participating on ST players show passion When they talk about Jauron's offense they give standard answers and reaction. Our offense in particular never punches anyone in the mouth, and that is Jaurons fault. IMHO
  8. If you do not thinkwe are out coached I will give you concrete examples 1) last season, Pats at Bills, just before halftime...Pats create confusion which results in no time out by the Bills and no filed goal attempt and Jauron not even getting upset with the Refs... 2) Jauron is so intent on keeping this team on an even keel, even Jim Kelly says you cannot tell the difference on Mondays whether the team has won or lost on Sunday. That is not the attitude a good coach instills..
  9. Run....run far.....run very far
  10. Draft...good idea Mary...have Dick or Russ pour me a Bud draft...
  11. so 2009 People who we do not know who they are investigating people who they think they know who they are in a fantasy world of facebook. Sounds like the Bills Bills have been living in a fantasy world for many years
  12. good post but we will never see the passion at OBD until we have a passionate coach. I did not buy my season tickets this year, first since 1991 because I can no longer take the organizations lack of desire to win. Best example was Patriots game, at home last year with that play just before half when the ref did not stop the clock, or place the ball on the spot because Belicheck's boyes created that little disturbance. Jauron showed no anger, no passion, and the fans booed him, not the refs , not the Pats. Jauron does't get it. He is a .500 coach for a reason...that day I decided I cannot show more passion than the organization any longer. If jauron had thrown his clip board, if he had done anything to represent the anger and passion of the fans that day he could have held the balance of power. He did nothing. So, I told the Bills I will do nothing, I will show the same passion as Dick Jauron.
  13. I think Moulds also said he saw George Seffert at the airport to.
  14. Ageed If he can stop being a jerk and be a competitor he will force all the Bills to show up each week...something that many did not last year because Jauron is too soft. Thw biggest problem will be for the coaches...Phillips could not handle him so how can Jauron. At least other teams will have to game plan for hi, (although that is not too hard these days)
  15. What planet are you on...Oline will be fine? impossible...no matter who they bring in. What about all the claims that it takes trust and timing.
  16. Exactly we have needs at WR, LB, DB, DE and this super intelligent group cut and release 3 members of the oline creating a hole that did not need to be created today. At least what we had was serviceable and we have cap space to wait for these decisions to be made AFTER you solve other bigger problems. Now good offensive FA's will not come here to play for another crappy Oline. Taylor or Coles cannot spend the time watching this coaching staff waste another yr
  17. There can be no reason in all of football that a team who spent 2 or 3 years rebuilding an oline and then make the declaration that 3 of the players (Preston, Fowler & Dochery) are not capable, and that their declared best (Peters) is so unhappy that he doesn't play. Brandon the gutless leader has to fire either the coach who cannot get the best from the great players he was given or fire the people Modrak and Guy, that said these were the greatest players. These mistakes by definition cost the Bills 3 years of more losses, and will force the fans to sit through at least 1 more year of poor offensive play. Why would a good free agent running back like Taylor or receiver like Coles come to a team and waste at least 1 year of their last 2 or 3 before they can expect to see an offensive that will not have 5 or 6 penalties each game for movement and count jumping. I can see another year of excuses..."it takes time for an oline to gain the trust of each other etc etc etc". Crap, Crap Crap. More jail breaks. Fitzpatrick will start 8 games because our QB is injured again. Anyone want to buy my season tickets...this year is already a waste.
  18. I think # 3 could be very real. Silence by an ageent is so unusual in these circumstances, perhaps he does not want to lie publically, for his cred. Silence does not allow you to bargain a new agreement. If it was all money their would be a great deal more diloque with the agent. While I agree that a new contract is in line...the silence is not allowing that to happen and therefore the real issue is being hidden....must be substance, or pain killers or mental issues...it is not money IMHO
  19. Bring back the Tiny Tot of the Kilowatt...Arty baby
  20. only a mile from my house. Cablelady...do you need a place to stay???? :-)
  21. Loveable....ditch those terrible Donahoe uniforms and bring back the real colors and add the red endzones to the Ralph and then they will be loveable.
  22. Hey, Lonnie is going to have a break out game this year....
  23. Has anyone looked into tickets for HOF in august to see TT be inducted. I am looking for 4 tickets. go Bills
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