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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. NO NO NO NO NO He has been the definition of LOSER his entire career.
  2. Maybin is a usless piece of sh?? and if it makes you feel better you are stupid. Just trying to help.
  3. I do not see this as an injury bug, it is the residual effect of roids...we all know that, it is common with all athletes who over did it in the roid era.
  4. Switch that, I can't believe they are so stupid to do what they do for a few hundred dollars. They hit pretty hard because they have been hit pretty hard tooooooooo many times....duh
  5. This free agent season is the last time Jackson will be famous. He is soooooo over rated, and winer and never plays hard. He may about to get rich, but many other like him have disappeared too...any one remember a certain guard named Derrick...Jackson is in the same boat. IMHO
  6. Wire was a sucky kind of guy when he was here....into meditation etc. Remember when Williams told the press that we would get to the QB by using numbers....we never suspected it was dollars not players hahaha
  7. 3 yeras ago I dropped my seasons tickets after 17 years dueto Jauron and the organizations inability to actually make decent decisions. Now as I put away my Bills tree ornaments, Bills Nutcraker statue, the minature Bills football that has hung from our tree for many years the stuffed Bills doll that has sat under the tree since the kids were small, I now know these symbols of our relationship with the Bills have lost their luster and passion. Next year I fear that I will not even want to put them on the tree and around the house. The door knocker on our front door may have to go as well. Hard to be passionate about players and an organization who do not care. I actually believe that many of us fans put more passion and love into the Bills than Ralph. Time for me to move farther away from the team. Good Luck
  8. He is lucky he hit 1004 yds and not 999 before being a jerk again. I think he and his agent pulled this off so the Bills would not resign him or fanchise him. They have become famous for dumping people for non football reasons. Ndext to go is Drayton Florence for being upset at Gaily for the benching....typical blame the coach for a players bad performance.
  9. he retired 3 years ago, he just failed to mention it as long as people were prepared to pay him.
  10. In watching Fitz this season, we all know that in the early part of the season he could make all the throws.. Now he seems to struggle with anything more than 10 yards, no zip, thrown hails all the time. I think he has Flutieitis. Doug could do it for 1 or 2 games but the rigors of taking 80% of the snaps each week in practice was wearing on his arm and his performance then dropped. Fitz may have the same strength problems. Jimbo late in his career also had them The only cure is rest.
  11. the only good thing about Maybin is his agent. He stole money for a client that has no NFL ability. All I have ever heard from Maybin are excuses...
  12. What would have happened to Dick and his team....Wolfolk would have started an argument and fight with an o lineman and the time would have run out as the refs broke it up.... oh that really happened as you may recall.... this time our team is thinking...as one... are are learning that winning is more important than the small battles.
  13. My sympathy to Lori and her family and friends.\ We miss her and the knowledge she brings to our family. Lori has been a good friend for many years and we have never met face to face. GB
  14. But players who come off the roids always have a breakdown...look at A Rod... and many of the BB players....Muscles are too big for their body and start to come apart. He did Roids and whether it took a year to happen or not the Chargers knew what was happening to his body...IMHO But I hope he holds it together.
  15. I was not the injury bug but a reaction to coming off the roids...happens to many in that position...the body breaks down after stopping
  16. Overjerk has no business making any football related decisions. His job should be to negotiate what he is told. He is the best example of what is wrong with this team...non football people making football decisions. Proof that Ralph has no desirre to win. Only the strong personality of Jim K, Thurman, Polian and few others forced Ralph to win in the 88 to 95 period. Do you recall cutting Langston Walker shocking the team. Not that Walker should have been kept but their was no replacement signed and thus the shock was he did not get beat out...just money from overdorfs position Overdorf should be fired.
  17. not surprised you do not know Karen Carpenter....you are not old enough to know the english language almost as discusting as as Maybinn ability
  18. The KEY word in his statement is "POWER". He is new in this game with the NFL and this whole situation is about his power. Not money, not players, not the owners share, only his power. Smith wants power to wield, in a business he does not own or have any investment in. He is not negotiating for the players or the union. In fact he is refusing to negotiate and stalling with his tactics of deceertification, because he has nothing to bargain for, they already have on the table an offer that is 95% of the goal. Soon the players will turn on him. June 10....put your money on it. A week after the court decision.
  19. We don't need the drama. He is over the hill. Lets give our young receivers the chance to shine and be on the field.
  20. As opposed to Maybin in which he is described as quick, and does a good cha cha
  21. Can you believe it. the Dolfins have said they have no information because they cannot talk to a player locked out. What a line of Cr@p. I suppose if he dies they could go to the funeral because technically they couldn't speak to him. What a sorry excuse for human beings.
  22. Spidy Spidy Spidy The only drum to beat here is Smith. He is the issue. What the players are beginning to realize is that the issue is not about money...it is about power and Smith wants power. Money is something the owners know how to deal with. The one thing they will not give up is their power.
  23. Why should they not just pass us buy and ignore the Bills. RaLPH has done that for years. Next to Oakland this has been the most unprofessional organization since John Butler left. The recors speaks for itself. Did you actually go to any the games in the last decade. Did you see Jauron? Did you get called an idiot fan by Donahoe. Did you see us pauy a first and fouth for Rob Johnson. did you sit through the Johnson/flutie mess. We should be ignored.
  24. IMHO as a professional in this field, Smith is not bargaining about money, or rules or retirees benefits and pensions, he is bargaining for power. This dispute will not be settled until some players begin to break ranks and Smith is either told to change the strategy or he changes because he is about to be fired by the players. Smith is the new card in the deck. The owners are appeazing him at this point and that must stop. Can you imagine a union that decertifies and then demands they have a seat at the table even though they do not exist. I understand the suits by Brady/Manning et al but the issue here is Smiths inability to gain power. IMHO
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