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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. Seems to me 4 years ago we wanted roadgraders, then we wanted guards who could run but big, now we are going back to graders???
  2. its thoughts like this the Bills execs have which is why we are out of the playoffs...still Ask CJ if he agrees??? hope you enjoy next years games No OL No QB no LB
  3. True...but we had a strength and now we do not
  4. I have no problem with the philosophy except we have soooooo many other spots we are doing that with...ie LB and QB... Brandon and crew are the new Ralph.....The 2 most consistent lineman players on either side of the ball on this team have been Levitre..??????Kelsey??Williams?? (he was hurt)....Wood...opps he was hurt to....Pears....no he was hurt...Mario...ops limp wrist... Who else do you pay it to
  5. Your points have little merit. We keep making decisions on Clements etc and end up out of the playoffs. $7M for a gurd 5 years ago was a lot, but the cap is $133 million not $88 M. Can you name one strength OL..not now DL..should have been but is not LB...we have non QB...we have none DB's we just signed McKelvin to 4 year dear for $5M per and he could not even start...but nobody complained receivers...we have 1 TE...????? got hurt the last game of the year RB....awe we finally find a strength specialist...a questionable punter and a licker most of this board wants to change (I like him) So, why not pay Levitre and keep a strength ???
  6. who are we going to pay the money to Merriman again????? or Mario??? So Now we have another spot to fill. Do we have 1 strength now?????
  7. When we lost 2 left tackles, Peters and the guy who could decide how to spell his name (so why should I look up the spelling), everyone was going crazy. We all said Peters was the best left tackle since Ballard. (that was crappola) Neither of those guys could stay on the field, but Levitre since day one walk on the field into position and stayed there. We have significantly weakened our team because of Brandon's budget. We do not have a cap issue, only a Ralph spending issue. Now not only do we need to fill our LB positions, and QB now we begin the tearing down of the Oline. We have a poor D line to start thanks to money man Mario deciding not to play with his limp wrist. How can a team get better when it tears itself apart every year. We should all be irate about Levitre. I cannot find one strength for this team...except the fans.
  8. Ralph has been trying to buy one for 4 years (out of 50). Littman should get this one and give it to Ralph....he would never know.
  9. This is starting to sound more like Greggo defense...we'll do it with numbers Having Scott on the field more than your MLB in a season only says 1 thing. Your front office has NO idea how to draft a good player ( Shepperd) or sign good FA's (Merriman) Scott is not a player, he is a special teamer and part time coach (not being critical).
  10. What is not clear is why do we want to create another weak area on a team that has too many now. Levitre is a strength this team cannot afford to loose.
  11. Bad career destroyed by steroids you mean
  12. So you think he should be in control of player selection in the draft. If he participates in the interviews that means he will be involved in selection...that is bad for the Bills Exactly...he cannot be Ralph 2 or the Bills will be the same organization and we get another Maybin
  13. his job is not to talk to agents...he has people for that include Jim D and Nix and Whaley. He is the Top guy for all the organization...he is not a Jerry Jones... His people do the job within parameters and then report ... no it is not...this is the scout and GM days..interviews and evaluations...not party time...
  14. I have never heard more whimy positions on this board before. Is RB your man? Remember all the years of Ralph approving the first round draft choice, remember guys getting cut because of Ralph;s input Remember Polian and John Butler quitting because of Ralphs interference in football matters. Now Brandon, a marketing guy is involved in selection of players...and you no concerns...there is not elbows to rub here, only football people. Having to be there to learn is scary, he is suppose to learn on the way up not once you reach the top. leave football decisions to football people
  15. This concerns me a lot. He wouldn't know the difference between a football player to his secretary if it wasn't for the dress. (assuming no cross dressing). He should not been involved in player decisions or selections. If he does then he becomes Ralph 2 and here we go again. I am sure that Buddy, Doug and the coaching staff do not get involved in the picking commercials or business partners so Brandon should keep out of player decisions. IMHO.
  16. Agreed. Can you imagine how bad this organization is at evaluating players. No playoffs in 13 years, which means we do not have enough talented players, yet we have over paid for those on the team. The NFL Players Association must love us.
  17. Happy Birthday Jim. All the best to you and your family. From a Bill's fan and resident of this area.
  18. Is it not time for you to change your name? Chan hasn't even got a job so he cannot be fired...
  19. OK , Chan says it is time for the subject to change...it is Cj's turn
  20. Because Ginn ius a selfess bum, always has been in college and even in the NFL..He is also afraid and unwilling to give himself up for the team, he wanted to go down on that play so fast so he didn't get hurt. He is a waste of a uniform.
  21. Like I said, you are either 13 years old or dumber than a brick.
  22. You obviously are either 13 years old or dumb as a brick to put Kelly in the same list as the Edwards, Fitz etc.
  23. Absolutely...Mario is a cancer...his effort is harmful to the team. I would trade him for a bag of balls to get out of the contract. Huge mistake. and to think you publicly said youy would keep him...shamful. You obviously pick players by news reputation, stats often lie.
  24. Can we find other USC QB's that have also been in this position and succeeded? The answer is no. Easy to look good at USC and get lots of props
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