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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. It appears that the Bills will provide 50,000 white pom poms for the game as we will dress in our whites unis. This leads to just a few questions....why do we wear our away unis and allow KC to wear their home red? What happens to the other 20,000 fans who do not get a pom pom, are we too cheap to supply this $.10 product to all fans. Will we be embarrassed by 20,000 chiefs' fans all dressed in red sitting among the crowd that will be dressed in white at the Bills request. They travel well (especially when winning) and the game is sold out. Just sayin'!
  2. Ask Eugene Parker....he is the one in control. Byrd has not got the stones to make a decision alone.
  3. Oh now we have Wingate...Belicheat actually plans only to win in the last moment...great game planning wow
  4. play him on special teams only...
  5. none of this matters...Eugene Parker has made this about money only....all other issues are not important...he has a history or money and Byrd has bought into it. He knows as long as the Bills care about their team Byrd will win....I say the he?? with him and flip him the byrd
  6. He is not injured...Parker playing games to reduce trade value to make it easier.
  7. this is not about Byrd, this is Eugene Parker. Parker will never take a step back and if you did not see this coming you have had your eyes closed. Parker is about one thing...MONEY. He has sucked Byrd into this thinking (easy). Team, career, health, HOF,and evening playing has little to do with Parkers thinking. The ONLY solution for the Bills is to NOT trade Byrd and make Byrd realize that Parker is hurting his career. Failing that capitulate. If they do capitulate then every player who wants out will hire Parker. We have had a number in the past...especially on the left side of the O line.
  8. Ralph Wilson was the loser...he interfered in every matter, stopped the organization from moving ahead with his tight policies and stupid hirings. His organizational structure with Littman and Overdorf put barriers and issues into everyday business. Langston Walker was cut without head coach Jauron even knowing.Ralph is the loser, but I wish him no harm, just facing reality.
  9. the issue is that you have no idea whether he is joking, angry, or telling the truth. You accept tweets as fact... Ok so I am older than you and I do not need minute by minute treatment for ADHD, we can agree to that, but I do not have any interest in Stevie's (or others) opinion, thoughts, jokes or satire. I want him to play football not be a comedian. I set little value in the over-inflated ego. If he is in a bar in downtown Podunc Ala. I really could care less.
  10. Any player who has the time to waste being on twitter is not worth following as a player. It shows arrogance and an inflated self value...who cares what they think or are doing...just play and win.
  11. yeh replaced by mindless tweets by people who cannot write or spell or remember a thought for more than 12 seconds.Read a good paper and you may learn something or actually have to engage your brain. Jerry Sullivan may be an idiot, but not all writers and are at least responsible enough to have their name attached to their articles, unlike the mindless tweets. Thank goodness reporters exposing (sic) tweeters like Anthony Weiner. Thank you RR, you have Managed to finally shut up the 11000 posts by Jboyst 62. congratulations. Intelligence prevails
  12. When did the word presser come into being. Why would journalists who are suppose to be protectors of the language get so lazy the press conference is no longer acceptable. No issue with you using it Jose but this word is not in the dictionary.
  13. What insight......my 5 year old could have come up with this
  14. just posting to move the training camp thread to the top of the page...mods like posts that have 60 pages for us to read through..no duplicates...
  15. As reported by Bills Daily and WGR, Mario in pads was at practice but was the last person on the field and went to the stationary bike. He left with the staff 30 minutes later. IMHO this guy has a head issue...maybe bi polar...maybe spoiled, maybe still whining about his flippin ring (what a wuss). Whatever it is I would put money on it that this is not physical. Would you not think that being first on the field would be a more appropriate statement for a guy who says he wants to be a leader. I hope I get to eat my words but this guy is a cancer.
  16. We have a Bills song...haven't you heard
  17. He stepped on the ring...
  18. Where do you get the idea he is our best pass rusher. I think we will see he is not the sac leader this year and he will use the excuse he is double teamed etc. Bruce was doubled every play..and he was the leader each year...he was a leader.
  19. Bruce was a competitor and showed up every game...Mario is a wuss
  20. The trouble is last year when the bullets were live he didn't show up
  21. No, but the fight between Flutie and Johnson was never settled. I think they should both enter the squared circle on the 50 yard line and with "Mean Gene Okerland" as referee, should have a cage match until there is a clear winner. RJ can use wet noodles as a weapon and Flutie could use Flutie Flakes. The curse would then be removed.
  22. Personally I think it was a fifth rate writer on a second rate paper about a 4th rate coach on a first rate team. I.ve got a head ache just reading this.
  23. I bet he can't watch you either
  24. This entire thread is somewhat off balance. This whole case and result is a commentary on society ills, economic and educational in particular. Most of the B&W issue is based on these problems in 2013. This is the same reaction to "if the glove doesn't fit you must acquit". I recall the exact reaction when OJ beat the "man". If this verdict comes out in January there are no protests.
  25. Good post until you get to the point the Bills offer is sub-market. That only is true if you think Byrd fits in that order in the market. I for one have always believe that Byrd is soft and he is the typical Parker client. Focus on $$$$ and nothing on team. I can accept any player who is 75% money and 25% team...family comes first...but 100% money usually comes from players who lack real fortitude for the game.
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