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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. This thread has gone on for 53 1/2 months, lets discuss the chicken parm at Elio DePaulo's Restaurant.
  2. Listen up...really , very Pius of you. This guy is not your trained expert, he is an accident waiting to happen. No sane person would endanger himself or others playing with fireworks. What a lesson to the kids, blow your hand off. See the blood kiddies. If your friend decided to play football at 165 lbs and never played before and was paralyzed on the first play I suppose you would defend him as well. Whether he was college educated or not JPP was stupid to put himself and others in that position. Take a look in your mirror, maybe someone is lurking. ps Manziel is collage educated.....so is Josh Gordon, etc etc
  3. We are using bandwidth to discuss Josh " the druggie" Gordon !!! wow
  4. should anyone really care about a guy who is so dumb as to lose part of his hand being an idiot.\ This is not an interesting article, only Mark Twain could write such a stupid story and make it interesting.
  5. Retirement can be a great time to just enjoy...hope the pension SDS provides is a good one (haha) Thanks for all the enjoyable reading...strangely I almost always agreed with 100% of what you said...must be an age thing.
  6. If the Bills could actually be a team on the field this talk would never exist. GreenBay has not got a new modern stadium but they are relevant to the league. The Bills are nothing more than potential money to visiting teams...we have no national appeal for TV because our executives and coaches have been so bad in the last 20 years. ​If we had a record like the Packers, Patriots or even the Giants no one would ever make these type of statements. Win on the field and all this type of talk stops.
  7. Ryan also said he wanted Harvin back . This guy is not a players coach, he is a flippin' phycologist...he never saw a stray ( down and out loser) he couldn't waste his time on when he should spend his time actually coaching. If he wants to solve the head issues of some of these guys he should get out of coaching and get a job as the team shrink.
  8. This guy will be helpful opps I mean loyal to our head coach to contribute to his legacy of being a players coach. His career has been so impressive the news article quoted his college stats from 5 years ago rather than say he had no positive effect on Cleveland Browns and was cut.
  9. John Blake = Rob Ryan Dunbar likely indicated RR was not welcome. Once again our head coach, (players coach of the highest order) demonstrates his skills at handling people. In the end they all love him because they owe him, This is another item to add to the list of signs we are in as much trouble as we were with Dick Jauron. The difference appears to be that Jauron was at least a gentleman.
  10. John John John What did you watch this year on the field. We didn't need a player to tell us what happened, this is just confirmation. What did show is this " great players coach" is what we thought he was...a fraud.
  11. According to WGR Sal Carpaccio the Bills are considering resigning Percy Harvin in an effort to support Sammy. WHAT? Harvin has disappointed every team he has ever played on. I am not knowledgeable enough to determine why Seattle cut his a?? in mid season, or why he failed to complete his Jets Season 2 years ago, or why the best special teams player in the NFC was sent packing but my guess would be more mental illness than physical. He has a history of failing teammates and teams at the most sensitive of times. That may be uncontrollable by PH, but when he is on your team it is always the shoe you are waiting to drop. IMHO his history speaks loudly and we should not be considering keeping this problem. We are not in the business of healing lost souls. If he had injured his leg and was not capable of making cuts to the left we would not be having this conversation. What say you?
  12. he is teaching acting...he showed he has Oscar potential in his performance of a football player at Penn State and then along with his agent Levar Arrington sold performance for the Oscar, captivating the film viewing audience in Buffalo and New York.
  13. This is proof that you can pull on Superman's ca[e. This Superman is a fraud. He didn;t go after the ball because he had already given up on the game and he thought it was not worth the risk. Iy was like spitting into the wind.
  14. he is such a self centered ego maniac that he had to tweet after the SB that he is leaving. Always has to steal the limelight...classless effective player that you tolerate when he is at the top of his game and when he slips he is not worth drama
  15. rumours to keep the cap number on our payroll....
  16. I detest Sullivan, hate is a little too strong, but in this column he makes real points for the first time in months. Rex mouth is far better than his coaching, history shows that. and as for his twin...never was never will be. They both live on Daddys rep He destroyed a highly motivated aggressive D last year, one that had few holes. Now we have to fill 2 or 3 spots (DE, 2 LB) and possible DT and SS (not his fault) Now we have players who no longer believe in what they are doing on D, perhaps the biggest challenge to overcome. I hope he enjoys his mai tai because I would not trust him to make draft selections the only problem is now he can blame Whaley is they miss on a pick. Rex is good at that.
  17. Stop the game and stop naming players as pro bowlers and that will fix it. The players association and agents will go crazy because they use it for bargaining and the players love to have their big egos with probowler written beside their name. (Like Brady...4 time SB champion and 14 times probowler.) It is a dumb game and was started to award the players with a vacation and money. They no longer value that so stop it. We all know that players named to the probowl has nothing to do with talent
  18. The curse was the firing of Polian and the treatment of John Butler. Until now there was no one capable of making a good decision on coaches, drafts and salary cap.
  19. Carolina by 22 points, 32 to 10. Broncos just had their Superbowl beating the Pats
  20. That would be incredible match, to repeat Max McGee, Ray Nitschke, Willie Lanier, Dawson, Herb Adderley, Willie Wood, The Hammer Williamson, Fuzzy Thurston, wow....what a hype that could be for the fans of KC and GB. Great thought D in Philly
  21. The only reason Jonny $$$$$$ should be in Buffalo is to spend time ay Brylin hospital. If even consideration was given to this stupidity by Rex he should be sent there with Jonny.
  22. There is no possible way that Rex would invite LeBeau to lead or help the defence. His ego would never accept that any other thoughts on D could be better/
  23. I know where...look at the Jets team he coached. We went into the season with a great Special Teams group and came out of it with nothing except penalties and a kicker who lost his confidence. We went into the season with a D that had a great pass rush and young LB like Brown with a huge future. We end up with almost no pass rush and Brown is lost and likely to be replaced.. On August 1st none of this would have been seen by you... or most people on this board. I began to comment on this happening when he decided to change the leadership on the team when Fredex was cut and Rex played dumb like he had nothing to do with it. that was gutless ​ This was bad coaching to kill the D and STeams. Sullivan (whom I dislike) may have a good point.
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