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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. Rex lovers could do the same with the cut and paste option. We all know Rex is a media player...last year the bragging circus atmosphere...tough team, over powering etc...this year his embarrassment over the failure has lead to " more business like camp". His voice rings hollow with the fans and his players...he has a lot to prove. Early failure will lead to small crowds for the later games of the year... you do not have to be a hater to see that, just a realist, as most people on this board are.
  2. So why is it professional writers have to create words like "presser"....laziness, don't know the English language...trying to be creative...Kanye followers ????
  3. Sullivan can be an idiot, but he is right about Woods, we have been waiting for him to make a difference, and it is not going to happen on this team JS often takes the neg side and it is rare he sees the positive side. On the other hand he does not hide on this board using a fake name like certain other writers/bloggers do
  4. I am a little pizzed about this. You are only blessing us for this weekend.....what about next week and the week after.
  5. if it says so in the USA Today it must be true and accurate
  6. let me understand this.....L.A. is famous because of Magic J and he has aids.....so by extension if he did not have aids nobody would know anything about L.A. and it would be no more famous than Souix Falls or Spokane?????
  7. Does any remember the city that developed the cure for malaria with the tzi tzi fly, or the cure for polio? get some sleep. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEESE
  8. I double that choice.....just need to watch Comeback game and you know he is a special teammate.
  9. that's like having Charley Sheen tutor my son
  10. Dallas is a rich area...so is Washington with more government money than they know what to do with. Ticket prices are higher. Buffalo cannot support the highest ticket prices in the league. You could put the new Dallas stadium in Buffalo or Orchard Park and it would not succeed as it does in Dallas....it also would not make it in GB. The Bills have made 95% of the revenue by kickoff each year...I don't think that is correct as much of the revenue comes from away games...but even if I accept that premise you miss the fact that jersey sales, national sponsorships, advertising sales, and road crowds depend on winning. GB is a better draw and receives more national sponsorship in stadium money than Buffalo. Why...because they are on TV during the year often and in the playoffs with millions of more viewers than the Bills. That way the Bills replace Bert's Bikes ads with national ads and thus more revenue. The teams gets General Motors sponsorship rather than the local Chevy dealer. Sponsors on the Jumbo Tron would have 50,000,000 viewers not 500,000. That is $$$$$$$
  11. I am not upset. Just commentary on this ridiculous Goodell statement again. By the way there is absolutely a direct correlation between winning and income. Do you not think that the Bills income would jump by 16 to 20 % if they were in the playoffs each year. That would match GB. GB has nothing on Buffalo except the ability to win. As a business man I DO NOT LOSE SIGHT of the business aspect. K Mart didn't lose out to Walmart because of the quality of the building they were in or the location of those buildings. The NFL is not about location it is about winning and product and then marketing. ( consider that LA has failed a number of times and GB has succeeded). The Bills do a great job of marketing poor product. A better product would make them as good as GB and Goodell would shut his mouth.
  12. Are you kidding? This is a dam charity event. Goodell needs to shut up with this stuff once in a while and the press need to give this a rest. By the way GB value as a team does not reflect the income only. If they were losers like the Bills they would be at the bottom of the league. The difference between Buffalo and Green Bay is winning. GB stadium is not better than Rich/The Ralph. If the Bills go to the SB or make the playoffs 3 years in a row the talk all stops. Jersey sales go up nationally, the owners are happy....
  13. nobody can coach Byrd. He has no desire to play this game with a hangnail. From day one I always thought he was too cautious (I won`t say cowardly) and soft. He was a baseball center firlder playing football. Bryd is the new Lavar Arrington.....mouth is 10 times bigger than the actions. Take the money and run type.
  14. The people and the city of Buffalo are special to me and most everybody who has ever spent time there. I do not live in the city but live close enough to enjoy the special places and events of Buffalo. The only rancid smell from Buffalo over the past 50 years has been the politicians and unions who have held back the advancment of the city as they maintain power and control. As an observer the present administration is less prone to this type of scenario. The best example of the rancid politics is the 15 years of fighting and court battles to finally get to the point they may expand the Peace Bridge. How can a city move forward with this type of in fighting. I love Buffalo and I love the Bills
  15. # QBs for sure are necessary for development. 5 receivers is likely as we have speed at running back to that can play a type of flanker in the spread so that helps with one less receiver. # 4-8 receivers are intercangeable when you have a strong running back position. I think the 2 kicker issue may come down to the health of the o-line. If we are healthy on the line then a rookie on practice squad is good back up, if not then we carry more o line and only 1 kicker.
  16. Flutie is totally over ranked, what did he ever do???? RJ was at least his equal....
  17. Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuce!!!!!!!! nothing else needs to be said.
  18. Great Back??????? really!!!!!! This guy was finished a year ago and failed to tell the Seahawks. Levy did more for the Bills than this ego nut job did, Levy is man with integrity, something Lynch cannot even spell.
  19. Tweeners have to be exceptional to make an impact....We always had hope for Coy Wire and Damien Covington, who were undersized and eventually we learned that they couldn't be special.
  20. and you felt it was necessary to tell us about this because???????
  21. It does not matter what defence we run it will be so complicated that Shaq will not be useful for 2 years. If Hughes and Williams and the LB's had trouble and they are experienced then why would anyone suggest Shaq will be OK. If you say that RR will only use Shaq in situations then why not do the same last year. If we dumb down the D then why did we not do it last year. It sis not as if RR has not been around the league ofrr a while. Hell, we could have expected Maroone to make that mistake but not a coach who has experience Either way RR will find a way to screw it up. After all he is a players coach...
  22. perfect....Stick boy toy can resist sticking it to someone,
  23. is there a reason why you are a Bills fan other than B word and whine and point fingers. You are one tasty piece of work. You call bull>>>> because it is the easy way out, whine B word, complain, and blame. Life is far deeper and more involved than your simplistic look. Whether Hull was a player or not he had great qualities and weaknesses, and you are not capable of determining why those weaknesses exist. We all have them,,,like you have never driven drunk and were lucky not to kill someone...so that makes you capable of judging others. I don't ignore the obvious either but do see the half full side of the glass.
  24. I am ashamed of your reaction to Thurman. You are likely one of the people who thinks Talley scammed us, and Jimbo uses Bills fan only for his charities. I am ashamed of Bills fans who see the half empty glass. I am proud to be a Bills fan and proud to be a fan of Thurman, Darryl and Jim and others.
  25. Thurman is one the loyalist Bills of all time, choosing the live in Buffalo and stay friends with Buffalo people. He has a great family and has tried to do what is right for the city, the team and his teammates. People who knock him should be ashamed of themselves. I have met him, my son has met him, he was very kind.
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