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Everything posted by Juice_32

  1. I wonder how many generations it will take before our offspring finally put an end to the TT debate?
  2. It feels like we wore those uniforms a lifetime ago (thankfully) and yet right there in the middle of the play is KW. You've got to love #95.
  3. If I had to pick today I'd probably lean towards a trade back. You can't go wrong with either but we have so many holes it would be hard to pass up a plethora of good picks.
  4. I have a 6 year old little girl. I can not imagine the devastation her family must be feeling, God bless them all. Rest well precious little one.
  5. Raging? Haha. Nah man, that wasn't rage but thanks for the concern. As I said earlier up thread I wasn't aware. It makes sense.
  6. When Jeff Tuel won't pick up the phone, you've gotta do what you've gotta do.
  7. This struck me as very odd and probably tells you where his head was at. For Davis, that game-day morning felt no different from any of the others he had experienced in his nine previous NFL seasons. Waking up in a hotel, eating, reviewing notes, “I felt normal,” he said. Why the hell did he wake up in a hotel for the home opener? Unless this is just really poorly written that tells me he was already checked out (possibly literally).
  8. I really thought we were getting a player in KB. Man has this guy been disappointing. He has some of the worst body language on the field I've ever seen. I'm sure the bad hip is not going to help.
  9. Yep. People use the term "thrown to the wolves" as if it is always a bad thing. Everyone has situations in their life where they have been "thrown to the wolves". Sometimes you get eaten alive yes, but sometimes you step up like you did not know you were capable of. Most situations in my life where I have really grown as a human being were just such situations. This is exactly why you draft a prospect based upon more than just physical talent. This kid grew up on a farm, went to a tiny HS, didn't initially get a D1 offer and when he did he had to strap the team on his back every week to give them a chance. I have a hunch that Allen's got some wolf slayer in him.
  10. The Bills would crush them.
  11. Exactly. Crap like this takes away from the real issue and further divides. This is white noise clickbait.
  12. PS guy to run scout. For better or worse Nate is the backup and would be better served helping Allen prep for gamedays. This guy would be the the equivalent of a camp arm but for the regular season.
  13. Frazier is a class act. I thought he handled himself very well in a tough spot.
  14. It seems to me that Cousins is due to crash back down to earth.
  15. Very well said and I agree. It may have something to do with the fact that his situation here is not that different than it was at Wyoming. He almost carries himself in a way that says, yeah we suck but we're gonna give you hell anyway.
  16. I have to be honest, when watching it in real time, I was afraid for his life. That is a tough ass dude to even walk away from that hit. It would have been bad if even if he'd had his helmet on.
  17. A few of the short misses smelled of this too. He had one in particular to Ivory that looked like a bad throw at first glance, but it was just a miscommunication. Ivory squatted and JA expected him to keep moving into space. This happened at least one other time where he threw the ball exactly where he wanted but the receiver wasn't in the spot. Time and reps will cure misses like this.
  18. I agree he'll learn and he did make some good short throws. I do not think he's incapable of taking a little off. I'm just saying he looks most comfortable when he's ripping it. I think it is normal for a QB to play to their strengths, especially early in their career. It is why running QB's often take off and run before they should. They are reverting to what they are comfortable with. His greatest strength is his crazy arm. He will likely try to make more "wow" throws early on than he needs to. His natural mentality is that of a gunslinger. As he learns and progresses he will figure out that every throw does not have to be a rope and hopefully he'll be more comfortable with those types of throws. All in all I was very impressed with JA.
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