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Everything posted by Juice_32

  1. I really hope not. We need the run D to get better, not worse.
  2. Interesting they marched him out there for a PC yesterday. Oh well, he ruined our D, after claiming that they "underachieved" under the Schwartz. Bye bye blow hard.
  3. There is much more to it than players play and coaches coach. Obviously Rex can't get out there and do it for them. But as stated above, it is his responsibility to set the tone and outline the culture for what kind of team he wants. Why do the Seahawks tackle so well? It comes from the top. PC makes it a priority and the team responds. Maybe Rex should have spent "victory Monday's" working on tackling fundamentals. It may not be totally fair, but when you are the HEAD coach (with 25+ assistants) it's on you.
  4. I'm glad you asked. I'm going to have a little get together with a nice charcuterie plate and a few well balanced reds (all recommended by Russ of course). It should be a nice time.
  5. April fools is not in December. Put down the egg nog there hoss.
  6. At this point the only thing I'm really hoping for is a decent Jimmy Spags thread.
  7. Have you watched the defense play? He IS the d coordinator. You already know what you're going to get, no thanks.
  8. Don't get me wrong. I'll take the monkey off our back however we can get it. But, watching this defense in the playoffs might have killed a few of us.
  9. What a game. Makes the fish loss hurt that much more. Anyone but the *pats time.
  10. Merry Christmas all!
  11. I almost forgot about 14. What a horrible challenge that was.
  12. Tyrod has got to learn to tackle better. It's disgusting.
  13. Hell, I'd settle for Dave Wanstache at this point.
  14. Is this thing on? Cause it's about to be on!
  15. This game was a microcosm of Bills fandom. Missed kicks, brutal officiating, awful special teams, poor coaching and the punch in the gut feeling of defeat snatched from the jaws of victory in the most painful of ways. Yes, this one was extra Billsy. But, like the rest of you..I'll be back for more next year! Merry Christmas everyone!
  16. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. They remembered they were the Bills.
  17. What a catch what a route. Wow.
  18. What a nasty freaking route.
  20. The 2 no call PIs... !@#$!
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