Coming from a former TW customer in Rochester who just moved to the area, this latest fiasco made the decision to go to DirecTV much easier.
I was a loyal customer for many years and had nothing but terrible customer service. The most recent example was the rudeness on the phone when I recently cancelled my service in Rochester because I was moving into temporary housing that had free cable so there was no need to transfer the service. At that time, I planned on renewing the all-in-one package once I moved into my new house.
In Rochester, there was a dispute with the local FOX station a couple years back in that TW would not carry the FOXHD broadcast for quite sometime. No need to rehash the NFL network debacle. It was nice last year when TW finally added MSGHD in time for the last couple Sabres games that were both on the road so weren't broadcast in HD anyways. The common link to all of these "negotiations" is TW. Unless I am wrong, I have not heard of any disputes on DISH/DirecTV with any broadcasting companies.
Also annoyed at the ridiculous promotions that they trot out continuously offering greatly discounted rates to new subscribers when as a loyal customer, I was paying much more. Also, why can't I go on TW's website and get a price for anything?
This is a national entity that has lost touch with it's customer base.
By the way, it is great to be back in Buffalo!!