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Everything posted by NWPABillsfan

  1. I'm 49 and live just about 30 miles south of Erie pa. I was a Dallas fan until I graduation from High school in 1978 I than decided I was going to start following a "Local" team so the next football season I watched Pitts. and Cleveland and Buffalo. I than decided that "THE BILLS" were the team for me. So since than I have made it too aleast 2 games a year. I am not very hopeful about next year but I will be there supporting my team until they move to another city or what ever happens too them. I believe as some have said here that it might just take a few more good draftpicks and a few more good free agents and we can be in the play-off again.Maybe a bit more optimistic than some others on here but I guess I just was always been told to stick with things until they come out the way you want them too.I guess I'm a top notch never give up guy. So until they move or I move on to that football field in the sky I will always be there rooting my team on. Go Bills
  2. I believe DJ is just trying to reassure himself with all the team will be all right remarks. Just go out and play the game as we know they can do and they will not have to reasure us of if they can do the job or not. If they were playing as we know they can they would n't have to keep telling us they can still do the job. The players keep telling us they are doing a good job.Why not just play better and than we as fans will now they are doing the job. The win lost record maybe doesn't totally show us how it is but it sure is a open sign how they are doing in the eyes of us fans.
  3. I would like to run the Defense. I would have so many Blitz packages that the other team would think we had 13 or 14 players out there on every play. oops I gave my plan alway.
  4. I tee- off at 7:30 shoot 18 holes and than my golf leagues steak dinner and will be back in front of my TV too watch our BILLS beat the hawks.Can't wait until kick-off.
  5. Boy I'm ready for the season to start.I can hardly work today just thinking about Sunday. Bills 32 Hawks 10. GO BILLS
  6. OK here we go the real game now.
  7. Well I've been just hanging around and reading this forum for years now. But I have too tell you that I coached 4th-6th graders in football for 12 years and I had a standing thing with my teams we always said "We do our talking on the field" Now I would like my Bills to do the same thing and stop all this guarantees. I might add in my 12 years of coaching we won 6 championships and 4 2nd place and 2 third place trophies. We also weren't aloud to brag about what we did. So again I say just show them how good we are on the field and quit the guarantees.
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