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    corry pa.

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  1. WOW Edmunds talks more than I was thinking he did. Nice leader of our "D". I have a new respect for him now. Go BIlls
  2. I have always told my wife if Olivia Newton John ever came up to me and ask me to run away with her I would have to say bye to my wife. I would watch Grease over and over again just to see her. https://www.google.com/search?q=Olivia+Newton-John+pics&rlz=1C1VFKB_enUS634US644&biw=994&bih=429&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=Q2LBuEoaXW6UrM%2CJG0K_75Q7NR9FM%2C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kT4k0O3-IKCGY8nds3btvOmgAlAjw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjk4vDx1O_xAhWFKs0KHbEXAaUQ9QF6BAgMEAE#imgrc=Q2LBuEoaXW6UrM
  3. Preseason just means we are that much closer to the regular season. Plus this year Friday the 13th is also my last day of work before I retire. GO BILLS
  4. I like reading all these responses. But I am ready for the draft to start. Lets put Jacksonville on the clock and get going. This day has been going so slow at work today.
  5. I raised my sons correct. My middle son got married in Georgia at Jekyll Island. The next week we had a reception up here. His bride and him came into the reception to the shout song while wearing Bills jerseys. Plus their 2 girls also had Bills jerseys on.All 4 of them are big Bills fans now. Along with my wife and I. Plus my youngest son and his 6 kids complete family. We watch the BIlls every game,unless the TV in Erie doesn't show it. But then they gets a letter from me just about every time. But I alway have the radio on listening to the game or streaming it to my phone or computer
  6. Sorry for your lost. I know what you are saying. My Mom passed away on February 3th of this year. So I totally understand. Prayers for you.
  7. I always Liked Steve Young. I still do but when he was announcing the Monday Night Game against the Cowgirls. They were in the endzone it seemed like at every break he would turn his chair around and face the field instead of sitting there and interacting with the fans, a bit disappointed with the way he acted but I still like him as a football player. GO BILLS
  8. In junior high I played Football and wrestled. Starting center and nose tackle and started on the wrestling team. Varsity Football for my freshmen year and just focused on wrestling for the rest of my high school years. Coach kept asking me to come back out, but didn't want to get hurt for wrestling season. Varsity Wrestling for my 4 year high school years. I never had a losing record in all 4 years of wrestling. Now i wish I had play varsity football also. But I guess there is nothing I can do now after 43 years. I coached kids football for 14 years also.
  9. Back in 1981 between Christmas and New Years I went to a party and got totally smashed my wife was 6 month prego and they had to help me to the truck across the ice and snow. My wife was on her own to get to the truck. The next morning I got up and said I put my wife and baby in jeopardy so I said I am drinking any more. So I have not had any since 1981. I do not miss it at all. I don't hold it against anyone that does drink it just isn't for me anymore.
  10. Back in 1972-73 I entered 7th grade. I decided the Cowboys was my team. I than followed the cowboys until 1981. I than decided I wanted to follow a local team, that I could go see sometimes. So because of where I live just south of Erie Pa. The browns and the Steelers and the BILLS are all about 2 hour drive. So without telling anyone what I was thinking I sort of just watch the 3 for the 1981 season. There is a lot of Steeler fans around there. The Browns are well the Browns. So starting with the 1982 season I was a Bills fan for life. I have been ever since. My wife says if I ever change teams I would have to get a totally new wardrobe. I make it to 2 or 3 games a year. GO BILLS
  11. Well here we go again. Not showed in Eire. I guess do I want to watch the Steelers blow the Bengels out. No maybe not watch football this Sunday. Listen to the game on Radio. GO BILLS en
  12. I agree 100% with this. But this the reason I hate Brady so much. Because he is so good and so hard to confuse and all. I still think we can stay with the Cheatriots and hopefully pull it out in the end.( AKA Eagles last night.)
  13. 1 XXL 1 XL Shipped
  14. Drafted in the 2nd round of the 1976 Draft. Drafted as a guard but than played OT for most of his career. Played the last year as a jet. I believe he started 148 games in his career.
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