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Everything posted by buffalopdc

  1. Vick was in Jail for two years, he was not suspended. He could not play if he wanted to (or Godell allowed it) BECAUSE HE WAS IN FEDERAL PRISON. Saying that he has been suspended for two years is stupid. If you can't show up to work and you want to, you are suspended. If you can't show up to work becuase it is impossible to do so, thats on you, it is not punishment by the league.
  2. No but Trump's body guard does.
  3. Kill someone with your car while driving drunk...less than 30 days. Shoot yourself in the leg...years. Seems fair. The justice system in this contry is a joke.
  4. 7-12% in aditional profit is huge when you are looking at their margins of scale. For every 10 million in products sold, that is 1.2 million dollars additional profit for the same product. Who would not want a 7% to 12% raise for doing the same thing.
  5. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/sport...t_12162006.html Attached is link to a list of player arrested in 2006 from the Washington Post. Still looking for 07-08. Point is that what Vick did is not any worse (as far as a criminal act goes) from what these other guys did any in my opinion what some of them did was worse than what Vick did. I think dogfighting is wrong and a horrible act but so are these other crimes and these players (with the exception of a few) remain in the NFL. Vick served his time and I beleive has the potential to use the lessons he learned the hard way to teach people (especially kids) that the crime and "thug" lifestyle are overrated and dangerous and to be a positive influence on them. The goal of our correction system is to rehabilitate and if it has worked let him be a teacher to others. With all that said, I still do not want him in Buffalo (but not becuase of his personal history). I personally beleive he was the most overated QB ever. It is a passing position and he has, I beleive, the lowest completion percentage ever of a starting QB in the league. We have running backs we do not need a QB as another RB.
  6. The length of the suspension is absurd anyway. 3 games for a traffic infraction and a minor misdemeanor is too much. I hope that it is lowered to one game as that is what it should have been in the first place. The NFL's handing out of suspensions is totally arbitrary it is almost as bad as hockey. I would much rather them start some form of mentoring program for players or self improvement classes.
  7. I agree as well, that is why I am glad the Bill's refuse to pay CB's the mega salary they all seek and continually draft cornerbacks (although maybe a little carried away in this draft, assuming that none of them make the switch to safety).
  8. In my opinion conrnerback is one of the few positions that buffalo had magaged properly. I am gla dwe are not dealing with a potential cornerback holdout like the Vikings.
  9. He really threw the coaches under the bus. Try reading the whole article before commenting.
  10. Maybe he can borrow Mark Kelso's "Happy Helmet" and be good to go.
  11. If owner's (old or new) of the Bills in Buffalo want to get top dollar for seats then a retractable dome should be strongly considered. Personally, in my opinion, it needs to be in downtown or by the Lake Erie and should be surronded by other amenities that draw people from the suburbs into the city as that is key to revitalizing the city. The new stadium the Colts built would look great in Buffalo. Die hard fans are going to the games no matter what. However, if the team wants (or needs) to increase ticket prices and stay competetive, there must be agreater draw for more families and corporate dollars. Outdoor stadiums do not have the same allure for these fans. Most, and I said most, people will not bring their entire family to a bills game in nov and dec. in bad elements. For those to disagree, look which games have been the hardest to sell out in recent years (they are not in Sept. and Oct.). I have been to many December games at the Ralph and they are much more fun to watch on TV than to be at. Furthermore, we are not the same cold weather juggernaut we once were. Most of our skill players have struggled in the weather. Teams beat teams with better players and coaches. The elemets are less of a factor than most people think as far as the product on the field goes.
  12. I have a piece of astroturf from the bills staduim from the 1990-91 season when they first went to the superbowl.
  13. Nino's or Capelli's I reccomend. They are close to the stadium and good. If you go to Nino's get some cury fries, they make them themselves. Also Nino's is the cleanest restaurant I have ever been in (it is spotless)
  14. 2nd Amendment does not give you the de facto right to own a gun. It is actually being discussed before the Supreme Court right now.
  15. I beleive OJ was found "Not Guilty" Why shouldn't he still be supported? He was a great buffalo bill.
  16. Back about 15-20 years ago he gave the sermon at my church. From what I can remember he was a very good speaker. Of courese it could have been that he was a Buffalo Bill and anything he said was going to sound good to me.
  17. Obviously we play our games outdoors, the issue is whether or not it is a decisive advantage.
  18. Good point I had not considered that.
  19. Agreed, point is that it is a whole lot easier to execute at game time in similiar conditions.
  20. We already have a bubble to practice in that is heated in cooled, it is our multi-million dollar field house. The team rarely practices outside in inclemant weather.
  21. There has been alot of talk about the Bills playing a December game against Miami indoors and how that is huge disadvantage (and unfair to fans), however, I do not think the Bills are the cold weather force we think they are. In cold weather games last year we played no better (or worse) than our opponents. If you look at our December schedule of 2007: 12/2 at Washington - the weather was pleasant for football and we won thanks largly to Gibbs not knowing the rules, 12/16 at Clevland- the weather was VERY unforgiving and we could not even muster a point, 12/23 New York at home - we looked cold and lost (however they were the better team), and our last game of the season at Philli - our cold weather skills were no advantage. Additionally, our quarterback (and back-up quarterback) and running back are from the west coast and have not looked comfortable in winter weather and the entire team practices in a temp. controlled field house (for the most part). As I see it from a competition standpoint we have little advantage playing outdoors. I would actually argue the opposite. Playing outdoors in winter more than other teams increases the risks of injury to our players and increases fatigue to our players over the long haul. We have beat the dolphins that last couple of years becuase we have been the BETTER TEAM, not becuase of the weather. That said, I beleive that the Bills are good enough that even if they played both games this year in Miami they would still handidly beat the Dolphins twice. The more I think about it, the more it makes sense for Buffalo to build a new dome stadium (maybe in the city) and maybe, just maybe, it will keep y favorite football team where they belong. It definatly would make December games much easier to sell out than they have been in recent years past. As a lifelong fan, I have been to many, many December games and as fun as it is to talk about the elements of the game and how tough I was as a fan, I was cold and miserable (even whern in a heated seat) at many of those games and would have much perferred a tempature controlled staduim. I welcome your comments.
  22. When you look at the amount of revenue going to the players it is not as profitable as you might think. The only thing that has kept the Bills afloat in Buffalo, NY, is the fact that the team has about zero debt service. I guarantee that if prices for a professional football game at the Rallp were on par with the rest of the league Buffalo could not and would not financially support the team. If I recall correctly there were tons of complaints when they raised parking last year. I can only imagine the outrage from posters like you if the Bills raised tickets to $100+ per game as they probably should. Also, Footbal is a business, if Mr. Wilson were the CEO of a corporation shareholders would be irate if he did not try to maximize revenue. He should make money it is a business and the numbers to date prove that the Bills in Toronto (as much as I hate to admit it) is a smart business decision.
  23. I think he was a bust considering he got worse last season and he was never a team player. The character of the team has just drastically improved. WM would have been a cancer in the locker room this year. His agent is good at making his player a distraction that brings the team down, think TO. Also his heart was never in Buffalo. In my opinion Baltimore got a back who I believe was tackled behind the line of scrimmage more times than any other back. A back that occasionally blocks really well (only when he wants), cannot catch the ball out of the backfield, gets run down by opposing defenders in open field, seldom knows what down it is or how to pick up a fourth down. Billick "knows the kind of preparation" that backs for Miami are known for. I hope he doesn't talk to Fairchild who admitted that WM had no idea what the play was during the early games of the year. Additionally, all the preparation cannot account for his lack of brains. Furthemore, they are looking forward to his toughness. Yes he played hurt but how many games did he go to the lockeroom in the middle of game for x-ray, sandwitches, et
  24. Good bye and Good riddens! The character of the team has just drastically improved. WM would have been a cancer in the locker room this year. His agent is good at making his player a distraction that brings the team down, think TO. Also his heart was never in Buffalo. Baltimore seems pleased, boy did we fool them. They got a back who I believe was tackled behind the line of scrimmage more times than any other back. A back that occasionally blocks really well (only when he wants), cannot catch the ball out of the backfield, gets run down by opposing defenders in open field, seldom knows what down it is or how to pick up a fourth down. Billick "knows the kind of preparation" that backs for Miami are known for. I hope he doesn't talk to Fairchild who admitted that WM had no idea what the play was during the early games of the year. Additionally, all the preparation cannot account for his lack of brains. Furthemore, they are looking forward to his toughness. Yes he played hurt but how many games did he go to the lockeroom in the middle of game for x-ray, sandwitches, etc? Just my two cents on the topic. I am looking forward to a back that cares about the players he plays with and appreciates the city who supports the entire team and pays his paycheck. Chemistry is what has made the Sabres so successful and I know it will work for the Bills.
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