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Everything posted by buffalopdc

  1. Regarding the post above, are not all free agents technically cast offs. They said on nfl network that when teams get down to 53 roster there will be some high end talent available. Therefore why blow you budget in the first week of FA as it bootstraps the team.
  2. Eagles line looks worse than ours and Vick was running for his life. Ried is still moving players around yet they are super bowl contenders and the bills are a joke. What is the difference? Bills continue to bring in free agents, sign our own, and demand competition from most positions. I am not sure the sky is really falling. We are doing what good teams do, we are just not use to it as bills fans so we expect the worst. We are doing what 31 other teams are doing.
  3. Have a good group of about 20 in the mud lot in front of the fieldhouse. We will be along the fenceline to the stadium lot a. 20 foot flagpole with bills and american flag will be flying. You would be welcome to our tailgate as would anyone else. We will have food, beer, cornhole, bills highlights on a bigscreen and tunes. If you or anyone else wants to hang out email or pm me. Bring some beer and meet some good guys. We range in age from 30 to 65 so we are a pretty mellow group.
  4. It appears that 13 teams are run the same way. Football is business and the objective of any good business is to maximize profits. As a fan it ticks me off, but as a business owner I understand completely.
  5. True, but you also probably will never have the caliber of players like O.J Simpson (the Player), Jim Kelly, Bruce Smith, or Eric Wood available in those later rounds.
  6. I agree with the comments made, and I must say this is best post and replies I have read in a while. The biggest weakness I saw watching the first half (and the second as well) was special teams. My thought (pronouced hope) is they told Moorman and Lindell not to kick it out of the back of the endzone so they could review coverage assignments. That being said, it did appear that the special teams players lost containment several times and the tackling was weak. I hope this is a result of having a bunch of undrafted players and late round rookies on ST, but looking back to last year I cannot help but think that ST has taken a step back with Dehaven and the new rule changes. One of our stenghts now seems to be becoming a weakness. Note: I did not pay too much attention to our returns as I know that returns will be better with out actual starting return men.
  7. He also is one of the largest donors to Hospice of Buffalo and was one of the primary donors of the hospice house which bears his name. I spent some time there with my dying father and I very glad that it was there. Regardless of what you think of him as an owner he is a very giving person and has done more a lot of good for erie county. The personal attacks on him for trying to run a businsss (yes the Bills are a bunsiness) are absurd.
  8. Unfortunatley all True.
  9. I read a forward last year that talked of the Flutie Curse. The only way to have it lifted was to sprinkle Flutie Flakes on the field. So in good spirits some friends of mine sacrificed a old box of Flutie Flakes and went down and sprinkled them on the field before a Bill's game at the Ralph. THE RESULT...the Brown's beat the Bills in horrible fashion and one of the guys in our party fell 20 feet down stairs at the stadium. The curse has not been lifted.
  10. Sorry for the typo. They said they have no interest in shutting down any tailgate unless it involves illegal activity.
  11. When the message was posted about new policies at the Ralph including the shutting down of certain tailgates, I contacted the Bills by e-mail with clarification on the matters expressed and much to my surprise I received a call to discuss them today. Highlights of the call: 1. He confirmed that a NFL representative was present at the game on Sunday to insure that the NFL fan code of conduct was not being violated. 2. I was assured that in event to the Bills plan on shutting down anyone's tailgate (and certainly not the Pinto Party) unless it involves illegal activities that require removal from the property; 3. They are seeking "responsible" tailgating and the NFL rep felt that the bowling shots falls outside the the code of conduct. They want it toned down but not to stop. I think they are trying to limit the drunks. Problem is that the "NFL Code of Conduct" speaks in vague esoteric terms and, like most, codes of conduct (a/k/a law) are subject to interpretation.
  12. All, I just wanted to say thank you for keeping this topic on task and with inteligent responses. It reminds me of the board when I started several years ago. I do not post that often but when I do I very much enjoy getting repsonses such as those in this thread.
  13. I agree 100%, I guess the question is can he be taught enough to be a above average QB in the NFL or do you have to genuinly have "it" to be a QB?
  14. That has nothing to do with being a leader. A leader says that and that we will get better. He did not do that. I agree, see my orignial post, that it is a team sport and the team played porrly, but the point of the post was he needs to step up and be a leader.
  15. That is much different than saying there are going to be days ike this in the NFL and it is hard to win in the NFL. Sanchez comments are about getting it together as team, Edwards comments are not the same.
  16. I thought that as well. I will say leadership can be taught to a certain extent. Maybe he should take a class.
  17. "There's going to be days like that when we don't get it going. We're three-and-out or we're shooting ourselves in the foot. That's going to happen, that's the NFL." -Trent Edwards Let me first say that I do not like the personal attacks on players as football is a team sport. Most comments about Edwards do not offer any constructive critizism and, in truth, show the level of immaturity of some of the posters. He is a tough, smart guy as are all guys that play at the level that he is playing. I am sure he devotes alot of time and effort into improving as most do in their jobs; however, this quote was unacceptable to me and it does not portray leadership which is most needed at the QB position. We need a "Field General" as a QB and the mentality that it is "hard to win in the NFL" is not going to cut it. The comment show a total lack of confidence in the team, the plan, and himself as a leader of the team. The C on his jersey means something and he needs to start showing it. If an attorney gave you that type of comment after losing a court case you would want to ripp his head off, the same for a doctor, or any other professional. See Sanchez's numbers from last night? About the same as Edwards but his comments were a little different. He may suffer from the same "check-down" fever but he appears to have more leadership potential. I really think he problem is his coach.
  18. Yes only thing seperating the two are a gaurd rail
  19. I am sure the NFL paid him for all the clips of his tailgate they use in thier NFL Films videos on how wonderful the NFL experience is...NOT. The NFL is getting a little to big for itself and just might do itself in if this keeps up. Keep improving the TV product and hurting the fans and pretty soon no one shows up.
  20. Please send me a note where the tailgate is being moved to for the Jags game. I look forward to that bowling ball. My reccomendation is to move it to a private lot that can remove the guy for trespassing. The one next to the where pinto kenny ron is (in front of the field house) is a great lot. Not sure if it has a name.
  21. What did they shut down? I come to one game a year from out of town and always enjoy his tailgate. I was lookig forward to it in a few weeks as the product on the field does not seem to match the entainment value of his tailgate.
  22. My point exactly, 1/2 of the teams this week will lose.
  23. Your are quitting football after week one? My guess is you are probably divorced as well? Just a guess
  24. Did you watch the games last year...Cleveland/Buffalo??
  25. It is week one and I am about finished watching Sunday Night Football and saw a ton of crappy play. The teams above played on par with the Bills and put up similiar points. I admit a little more entertaining but they struggled. They are all still contenders according to the talking heads, Dallas is Super Bowl bound and Washing has the wonderful Shanahan. Point is we were not going 16-0 and everyone knew that. I look for improvement and believe I saw that as the game went on. Second half asjustments were better and our coach at least coached. Also, say what you will about Trent today, he sucked mightily, but I did see an improvment in his leadership on the field and on the sideline. Also we played diciplined football for the most part. I cannot remember our team taking so few penalties. I think he will continue to improve and the year will get better. The more we see the 3-4 or the "thirtyfour" as Collinsworth calls it, the better we should get at it. Plus we are finally letting our offense see it in practice. Other thoughts on the week in review?
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