Has the United States Congress ever set a date certain for surrender before? Or is this a first?
When you break this down it really is simple. The democrats know that they have to do nothing more then continue to demonize the war on terror and keep all of the attention there. It is like the classic shell game. They know that the war is unpopular, hell all wars are unpopular, this is nothing new. What is somewhat new is the brazen willingness to ignore our overall security in their blind effort to win more power. They all know that pulling out will be a disaster, they just figure that will always be able to be blamed on the ones who got us in there and they can just deal with whatever buildings are blown up, or cities for that matter when it happens. At least they will have their power.
What I find most disturbing is that somewhere in a cave buried deep in the mountains of Pakistan, OBL is laughing his ass off at what is transpiring. Could this possibly have turned out any better for them? Soon we will announce the date of surrender in Iraq and then the democrats will find a way to force us into withdrawing from Afghanistan.
Well one thing is for sure, Okinawa is going to be very crowded with all the troops redeploying there in order to better keep an eye on things.