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Everything posted by Merovingian

  1. So pastajoe you agree that it is acceptable for the Iranians to take hostages at thier pleasure? I take it then that you also agree that the Iranian leaders saw the oppertunity to bully the weak UK and they took advantage of that as well. Whats next, explode a nuke over Isreal and ask the rest of the world just accept it? Just curious.
  2. Has the United States Congress ever set a date certain for surrender before? Or is this a first? When you break this down it really is simple. The democrats know that they have to do nothing more then continue to demonize the war on terror and keep all of the attention there. It is like the classic shell game. They know that the war is unpopular, hell all wars are unpopular, this is nothing new. What is somewhat new is the brazen willingness to ignore our overall security in their blind effort to win more power. They all know that pulling out will be a disaster, they just figure that will always be able to be blamed on the ones who got us in there and they can just deal with whatever buildings are blown up, or cities for that matter when it happens. At least they will have their power. What I find most disturbing is that somewhere in a cave buried deep in the mountains of Pakistan, OBL is laughing his ass off at what is transpiring. Could this possibly have turned out any better for them? Soon we will announce the date of surrender in Iraq and then the democrats will find a way to force us into withdrawing from Afghanistan. Well one thing is for sure, Okinawa is going to be very crowded with all the troops redeploying there in order to better keep an eye on things.
  3. It's plain to see why Iran invaded soveriegn Iraqi territory and took 15 British navy personal hostage. It is because they knew that the Brit's Will had already been broken. This is a classic move that a bully makes after they slapped you around a little and you tucked your tail between your legs, gave him the milk money and went on about your business. Iran is further testing the Will of the Brit's and they have to be feeling very good about themselves. I imagine that this situation could not have gone any better for them then it has so far. Consider that the once proud country has all but begged the USA and others to stay out of the situation because they are hoping to make nice with the terroists in Iran in hopes that they will release maybe one hostage per month for the next 15 months. All the while the insurgancy grows inside the UK right under the noses of the impotant leadership. What Blair should have done the day that the hostages were taken was make it perfectly clear (in a public manner) that this act of war and aggression would not be tolerated and that if the hostages were not released by noon that day then military action would be taken. It was Iran who started this totally unprovoked in any way shape or form. It should not have taken any more then 12 hours to formulate an overwhelming response to this act of war. Obviously they want it, otherwise they would not have asked for it. Of course there are those who will say "but that is what they are after, thye want us to respond that way" Well in that case they need double the response that they expected. Maybe that would keep them from invading thier neighbors territory and taking hostages. If this had happened (or does happen) to any US military personel I would expect nothing less then an overwhelming response from our country and our allies. Not some nonsense like asking the UN to tell them that they are being bad boys and asking them to please play nice.
  4. This may be THE biggest none story of the year so far. The Radical left's thirst for a drop of blood from Rove is comical to watch. If America would fight the war on terror with the same vigor and ruthlessness that the extremeists in both parties do, it would have ended on Sept 15th 2001.
  5. Just imagine if a white person wrote this. Hard to believe some of the comparisons in this piece. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-oe-...-opinion-center Is it just me or does David Ehrenstein think that any and every black man who became successful did so only as a result of "white guilt"? This is really disgusting.
  6. There will be no reply form algore or any of his friends for one important reason. They do not have to answer to the facts. They make a living (and a dam good one at that) running all over the globe in private jets preaching this rhetoric. At the same time they are promoting the purchase of "carbon credits" as a way to make you feel better about your right to drive a car or heat your home. Has anyone mentioned that algore has stock in these carbon credits companies? Well like I said, it a good living. As long as you do not mind living that way.
  7. Who says that there will be any less beach? It may be in a different location, but I think that the overall shoreline should be the same.
  8. I think that it is a good thing that they are talking. Whatever it takes to keep them from supporting and providing homicide bombers (even if it is just for a few days) is a good thing. At least a few innocent Iraqi's will be able to buy fruit and vegatables in the markets for a few days and maybe even be able to go back and forth to worship without becomng someones ticket to 72 virgins. There may be some hope yet.
  9. If there is such a thing as Global warming (which is doubtful) I think it is way more positive then negative. Less clothes to wear, no snow to shovel and more babes running around in bikinis. Where exactly is the downside to this?
  10. I wondered how long it would take before Hillary played the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" card. Well wonder no longer. I wonder if JFK felt like there was a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. After all she feels that she is the next JFK. Hillary Article
  11. Good work. I could not be happier then to be rid of willis. now he is in in baltimore with the rest of his Miami U buddies.
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