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Everything posted by gggbills

  1. Where are my tickets?? Perhaps it will take longer from me to get it because I am in So. Cal
  2. I have been to many Bills games, but this year I am bringing my brother and my best friend to the Jets game. This will be the first time my friend has ever been to Buffalo, and the first time in about 20 years that my brother has been back there. I have been trying to expplain to them the normal behavior that goes on in Buffalo from Friday to Sunday when the Bills are playing at the Ralph. I just emailed them both the above quote, cause I could not have said it any better than that!!!
  3. I got my email, but it was in my SPAM folder. Good thing I looked in there before I deleted the thing!!!
  4. I never, and I do mean never watch replays of those 4 Super Bowls. If I want to be depressed, I'll go to work!!
  5. LOL....Now here's a person who's got that "I want to live" thing nailed down!!!!
  6. He got what he deserved too. I think he deserved it, she deserved it, and all Phins, Jets and Pats deserve it too
  7. That is to bad, becuase you kinda have to see the whole thing to get the full story about what is going on there. And the other poster is correct, this person is going to sue if for no other reason than she can sue. And she will find a lawyer to take her case.
  8. For the record, I'm Black and Jessie Jackson can kiss my a$$ on this one. She was in the wrong, she got what she deserved. In fact, after viewing it again, she is very lucky they did not just shot her.
  9. Not being a cop, I would agree with you. I will never understand why people think it is a good idea to give a cop shi$....just do what they say and be quick about it. If I was a cop, I would not want to have to reach into a car and get someone out like that. The cop does not know if there is a REAL reason why this person does not want to get up and get out of the car. Perhaps they are sitting on a gun or a knife. I do not want to stick half my body in there to find out. That is why when they tell you to get out of the car....you MUST get out of the car without delay. Not only did she get what she deserved, the cop even was polite enough to tell her what was going to happen to her if she did not get out of the car. before he actually did it. Cops don't get much nicer than that.....at least not where I live. Hell, if that was the LAPD, they would just shot her!!!
  10. Actually, one of the reasons he has gotten so much hype is that he has spent so much time in the film room....smile. But I do understand where you are coming from with this post. If he does fall, (GOD FORBID), it will be an even harder fall based on all the hype. But, as we all know, that is not going to happen!!!
  11. Oh, now that's not good news. Does not sound like TD's or RW's kind of guy.
  12. Not sure if this has been posted yet: Browns | Verba to be Gone Soon? - from www.KFFL.com Sun, 5 Jun 2005 08:25:57 -0700 Roger Brown, of the Plain Dealer reports Cleveland Brown OT Ross Verba could be granted his request to be released soon. He has even put his house up for sale. Verba has been holding out and demanding more money. "If Verba was smart, he'd be in Berea [today] clearing out his stuff - instead of waiting for [the Browns] to pack it for him," said one source close to the situation. Does anyone know anything about this guy? Perhaps he is an upgarde from what we currently have.
  13. @San Diego...I live about 100 miles from there @Saints...No way I would miss this one!! All home games....Love the Jim K. Club!!!!
  14. So what did you find out at ticketmaster? I know I should look myself, but I am feeling kinda lazy today......smile
  15. LMAO.....great post!!!!
  16. Agreed, the Phins will alway be at the top of my list. Hmmm....how many times in a row did they beat us??
  17. Thank you for your voice of reason
  18. Sorry if this question has already been asked, I was just wondering.
  19. My very first game was the one when Brian Cox gave the fans the finger
  20. Was that in the story, did I miss something?
  21. That is the easiest question I've had all day. Hell NO, regardless of where they move. Even if they moved to So. Cal., (where I am), I would not root for them. In fact, I would likely root against them.
  22. OK, I'll take that as an official announcement. I am in So. Cal., that radio station does not have an internet feed does it?
  23. It is my understanding that all teams have to wait until March 2 to sign FA.
  24. Ya, that is kinda where I was coming from. Perhaps they have changed their respective minds...lol. Hey, I'm only joking...I'm sure he will be cut, don't want to stress anyone out here..lol
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