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Everything posted by gggbills

  1. I saw that, that was classy, but I assure you that was the sign of a guy who already knows he is making this team. The battel is between Gates and Lee...not sure who is going to win this one.
  2. I have never been to Duff, but I thought the Anchor Bar wings were "OK". I too like the wings from LaNova, I order some every time I come into town for the games.
  3. Perfect, very good post. Given all what you mentioned above, he did just fine. And we are not asking JP to be Kelly or Manning out of the gate. Given the makeup of our entire team, if he could be a Trent Delfur (spelling), or Delhumme (spelling), I would be pleased. Manage the game, don't take un-needed risk, take care of the football, run if you have too. The man can throw for 210 yards a game, run for 40, and as long as he does not pull a Drew and turn the ball over at just the wrong time, the Bills will be more than fine this year.
  4. Not all analysts are saying he looked bad, and no one gives a sh$$ about what the packer or jets fans think. I watched last night he looked fine. Not bad, not great just fine. Had a few good passes, had a few bad ones. Made the right decision most of the time, except that one in the red zone. He did this with about a week or so of camp, and in front of 62,000 fans, most of which were against him. And unlike our other QBs he was playing agaist the 1st string defense of a team that made it to the playoffs last year. Is holcomb better than JP at this point?...HE BETTER BE, he's a vet. If he is not, then TD really screwed up by signing KH. But JP will be better than Holcomb in time. Remember, this is the same JP that a lot people said looked great last year in preseason!! What he do, get worst? Lighten up people, JP will be fine. The more playing time he gets, the better he will become. And when he starts on opening day, (and he will be starting), it will be with a full training camp and preseason under his belt, a gameplan tailored made for the defense he is facing, and the backing of any Bills fan with a brain in his or her head. The man will be fine....RELAX
  5. Yes, it is...which means he has already gotten to last's year Drew level. Now improve from there
  6. Lets see, Gates open at 5:00, practice starts and 7:00 pm. Not much else in the letter. Does not say anything about parking
  7. No problem, glad to see you are going and report back please. If anyone else needs tickets, contact me.
  8. I have 4, I'm in So. Cal. and will not be able to make it out for the practice. Talk to me....or email me at gggbills@aol.com
  9. No, even Pats trolls want no part of this game. They know what happen. The thing that really makes this game stand out, is that it was more than one unbelieveable bad call that cost the Bills the game. It is rare when you have two calls at the end of a game, each (had they not been called), would have ended the game. This is different from the tuck rule game or the phantom head in the end-zone Jets game. The refs had to make two mistakes just to make the first bad call, (his feet were inbounds AND he had enough yards for the 1st down). Add to that a PI call on a Hail Mary that I have never seen called before or after that game. I must say I will have to take a shot of Jack D. just to get this thread out of my mind tonight. I remember being in total shock after watching this game. And since then, I have never seen a string of events (or bad calls if you will), that come close to matching what happen in that game. OK, now where's that Jack!!
  10. I was good my first time!! She said I was damit....she told me so!!!!
  11. And if he looked great, someone wound be moaning about the defense!!! Oh my, a second year QB, (really a rookie), is beating the crap out of our defense...oh where oh where is Pat W. we're doooomed!! Relax boys and girls or you'll never make it to preseason...
  12. Good, that is one less RB the Jags can go after assuming Taylor does not recover fully from his injuries....next up...E. James
  13. Really? It's kinda far from Orange County, but I would love some right about now. Drinking yet another 24oz Miller Lite as I type this post.
  14. 24oz can of Miller Lite...hard to Labatts in So. Cal!
  15. He better be!!!
  16. I concur, TH was hurting his own trade value with all that whinning he did in Buffalo, so his agent told him to act nice. If he wants to sign a long term deal with TN or any other team, TH not only has to perform well on the field, but also has to learn to control his mouth.
  17. Where did you hear this from? I read a story that said a league source, (whatever that means), said the Jax wanted TH so bad that they "might" have given up a 2nd for him. I do not know who the source was, but I do know what the word "might" means. If the Jax wanted to give up a 2nd for TH, they would have done it. As another poster said, I too belive this is more of a "safe face" comment coming out of thier org.
  18. Thank you, great point.
  19. I have caught the cab from downtown a few times, cost about 30 bucks or so each way. I seem to remember there being a bus that leaves downtown about 90 min. before game time. Actually a number of buses that do that. I think it cost about 8 bucks round trip, but I am not sure they still do that. I did take it once, was not to bad.
  20. The only away game I have been to is when the Bills played the Chargers a few years ago. The fans in San Diego are really nice. A few comments here and there, but other thant that, they are really cool. I have seen fights at RWS, but never in my section (Jim K. Club, section 215). It really is the luck of the draw. You can go to any game, anywhere in the USA and have a good time or a bad time depending on who is sitting near you. This year I will attend then Charger and Saints games. I will be attending both of the with a lot of Bills fans, so everything should be pretty cool.
  21. LOL, this is the first time, but I'll be drinking this weekend so it might happen again!
  22. Oops!! Should have checked my mail before I sent the above post. I got mine today!!!!
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