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Posts posted by gggbills

  1. I saw this on KFFL.com....hope it was not posted yet.



    Saints | Shopping the No. 2 pick

    Tue, 14 Mar 2006 11:09:11 -0800


    Jay Glazer, of FOXSports.com, reports the New Orleans Saints are now trying to trade the No. 2 pick in the NFL Draft because they no longer are in need of selecting a quarterback.

  2. perhaps he did, but then he'd be just like every other pending free agent in the league (in fact, it'd be gross dereliction of duty by an agent if he neglected shopping his client's services beforehand - they all do it now). 


    i do think that the bills don't want him going to the pats, and that could be playing a role in all of this. that said, the pats are smart, and know that the bills will eventually have to cut him. if they bide their time, they'll have their chance. as for a trade, that's a no go for everyone involved - the accelerated bonuses etc. preclude that.



    But that is the point, we do not have to cut him. We are under the cap right now with him. I would not cut him unless we are sure we have a replacement for him. I would do what is in the best interest of the Bills...period. And if that means it is in our best interest to keep him at his current salary...so be it. If that means that it is in our best interest to wait for a good trade or a replacement for him...regardless of how long it takes...so be it. The team comes first

  3. Yeah, that was good. BTW, does Aretha Franklin not have a fashion consultant? Who told her it was OK to squeeze 200 lbs. of ass into 100 lbs. of pants on national TV??? God help us all if she'd have had a "wardrobe malfunction".  :doh:




    I missed it, who sang it?

  4. I know the topic has been beaten to death, but I don't care, I must speak.


    Last nite the Seahawks were up by 28 points late in the 2nd. They had first and goal, I think at around the 6 yard line. Instead of being cute and throwing the ball, (which they could have done, cause the Eagles were sucking wind), they did what a good team does when they are up by a bunch and looking to put the nail in the coffin. They gave the ball to their 1st string RB who put it into the end zone. Had he not made it, they could have given it to him two more times, and if he still did not get in, a FG would have made it 31-0, pretty much ending the game either way.


    What they did not do is throw the ball vs a team that was clearly beatin, thus not giving that team any hope of a INT and a Phin like comeback. The reason they did not do this, is becuase their coach has a brain in his head. This is not the first time MM has been accused of getting to cute. Fun time is over, MM must go

  5. About another 10 minutes of game time and then I'm all for Mularkey coaching against the score. With 20 minutes left that's just too early in the game to be score watching, imo. Too damned many things can happen and maintaining an agressive posture is important to maintain your dominant position in the game.

    I'd have probably called up a sprint/option right, maybe off playaction as the phish seemed to be agressively attacking the middle of our offense. If JP gets the edge, he would likely have no problem pushing it in behind Josh Reed. Of course that's easy to say when I'm sitting here, eh?-) It's a whole 'nother world down there on the field with the shlt flying and having to have the call made within 10 seconds of the end of the last play.

    Horseshlt. Losts of good coaches/teams call play action in shortyardge goalline situations and have plenty of success with it. Have you watched the Packers at any time during the last 10-15 years? Favre's only thrown about 50 TD's from inside the 5. :blink:



    Not lately he hasn't !!!!

  6. Well, if you read my previous post, you already know my view on this play.


    Any dispute on this point?...The object of the game is to win - plain and simple. Doesn't matter if it's by one point or 45 points. It all counts the same come playoff time.


    The best chance to secure the win in yesterday's game, with 19 minutes and a 20 point lead, was to score at least 3 points. This would have put the Dolphins in a position where they would have needed 24 unanswered points to take the lead. The likelihood of them getting 3 TDs all accompanied by 2 pt conversions was remote.


    Keeping this in mind, the Bills should have played a very conservative series. Yes, it might have been a boring 1,2,3, Willis for no gain series, but it would have almost surely gotten them the 3 points to lock up the game, making the score 26-3. Furthermore, it could have taken the wind out of the Dolphins sails. Instead, the turnover produced the total opposite effect, giving them hope. On the other hand, they may have gotten the TD with Willis running. That would have been the cue for the fat lady to start singing.


    Let's look at it this way:

    Say you're Batman and the Joker has your balls clamped to the table of an approaching logging buzzsaw. All you need for the Joker hit the stop button is for the Bills to get 3 points and you get to keep your nuts. Do you want to see the young JP throw the ball in a short field or do you want to see the Bills play it safe so they can kick the 3 pointer ( or possibly get 6)?


    If I'm making the call, I want Willis to get the ball (the one with Tagliabue stamped on it), hold it tight, and run like hell towards the endzone.



    LOL....yes, what he said...I want to keep my nuts!! RUN THE BALL DAMM YOU!!!!

  7. look around the league -- good teams with good offenses regularly call play action passes on first and goal. it's a very safe play at least in theory, and 1st down is the time to do it.  the point of the game is to score as many points as possible, which is what the bills were trying to do. it's not a "trick" play and isn't unsound. 


    moreover, if the play had succeeded, would anyone here have complained about it as bad playcalling? not likely. i had certain problems with the actual pass play called, but part of that was a function of the lack of a capable tight end on the roster.  you can't blame mularkey for that.  but in any event, the receiver was open and it should have been a td. all the complainers also seem to be forgetting the problems the bills have had moving the ball on the ground inside the 20 because of the crappy run blocking. 


    geez - i feel like this board is haunted by the ghost of woody hayes, who said this immortal line many moons ago: "only three things can happen with the forward pass, and two of them are bad."



    You may be right, good teams with good offenses. You know what I am going to say next, so here it is.....We are not a good team, we do not have a good offense. And, we have a bad OL. JP had already fumbled the ball once in the red zone, and a call like that could have easily turned into a 10 holding flag on anyone of our great OLinemen. 3 runs and FG would have put that game way. I do not understand why a coach would call a run on 3rd and 10 from the 50 yardline with 2:16 remaining in the 4th (with our 2nd string RB no less), when you MUST get a 1st down to end the game, but that same coach cannot run the ball on 1st and goal from the 3.


    It was a bad call to go with the other bad calls MM has made. Sometimes just plain old 3 yards and a cloud of smoke works better than having someone who broke their wrist take a direct snap from center and throw the ball. It is almost as if MM cannot have success unless it is done in some tricky way, otherwise he does not enjoy it. I liked MM when he got here, but I am sick of him now.....time for him to go

  8. Yeah and he is grinnig ear to ear while saying it.  Maybe he should look like he gives a damn about the football game he just played in.



    I'm sure he cares, maybe he's smiling becasue he simple does not know what to say about the crapping playing. So instead of throwing a fit, he just smiles and moves on. If there is a brain in his head, I am very sure he is wonder why on 1st and goal from the 3 yard line, this "power running team", decides to pass instead of run. I think you know what happened next

  9. The perfect WNY Saturday before a bIlls game...Arrive at Pure Platinum at around 10:00 - enjoy the finest in Canadien beuty while paying $15 or so for a pitcher.  At 1:00 or so, retreat to the Barrel House until 4:00...The the Twon Restaurant for some breakfast...Get to hotel at 5:00, sleep until 9:00 and go to the game...



    Not sure about some of those places, but I have been to the Barrel House. When I fly in from So. Cal., that is where I spend most of my time. Great place, right in the middle of the downtown nitelife

  10. I'm going with Losman.  Yea yea, holcomb is efficient, and can "manage" an offense, but he's still good for some bonehead plays, and we need more of a risk taker under center.  He's not the guy I want running my 2 minute offense in the 4th quarter down by 6 pts.



    I think MM will decide after the Pats/Indy game. If the Pats lose, they will be 4-4 and we will be one game out of first with the Pats coming to town in Dec. I think as long as MM still thinks we can take the division, he will play KH

  11. All the Pats fans in my office have been giving me a pretty wide berth today.  I'll let you know what they thought of it tomorrow when I'll tone down the "I will kill you if you come near me" 'tude I'm eminating today.  :angry:




    LOL...that's funny, they are treating me the same way. Not becuase of the Tedy coverage....altough it was WAAAAAAY overboard. I think it is because of a few REALLY BAD calls in the 4qtr. You all know what I mean

  12. !@#$ no it wasn't a catch! even some blind folk could see that sh--! !@#$ it!



    Thank you, I was drinking so I thought I might have been wrong. I am SOO tired of the Pats getting those kind of calls. What would the papers in the morning have been writing if we had beaten them? Bills beat Pats and Tedy....instead, they can now write their made for TV movie story.


    We got Fuc@, again, by a ref, in Pats land. It is hard for me to even respect a team like that when we get so clearly screwed that way. I know Pats Trolls will think I am whinning, but I really do not care. In a game that close where the Pats are having trouble moving the ball, you simple can not F-up a call that is SOOOOO clear to anyone that can see out of half of one eye. Sad, very sad day for the Bills.


    Many people thought that we would be killed tonite. It is so sad to actually put up a great fight only to have some moron of a ref give the game to the Pats. I cannot tell you how bad I feel about this game tonite.

  13. You all know what I am talking about, was that a catch by the Pats on that second TD drive....you know, the one that the refs so-called reviewed. I was in a bar that was half filled with Pats fans, and even they did not think the guy caught the ball. What's say you all.....catch or not?

  14. So it's been nearly 30 years since net points in a conference game has been a tiebreaker...  I'm pretty sure the tiebreakers have changed since then, to make it even more difficult to get down that far.


    As I stated in my last post, the '98 season was division points.


    Here's the new tiebreaker rules (changed in '02, when they changed to 4 divisions per conference):



    Points in non-divisional games are way down on the list now.





    Ya, and we all know the Raiders are playoff bound, so they better score as many points as possible.... :w00t:

  15. I agree. The game is 60 minutes long. Not 59 minutes.  I prefer when they play hard all the way to the end - hate the kneel downs - reminds me of intentional walks in baseball.  I know it's a strategy thingie - I just don't like it.



    I'm sure if one of the Raiders actually got hurt on that last meaningless play, their coach would be taking BIG TIME HEAT for running it!!

  16. Personally I was surprised by it.......thought it was somewhat classless but what else would you expect from the Raiders?




    I have to agree. There were a few times last year when we were winning all those games in a row that we took a knee in the end. Even when we were close to the goalline. It did not bother me that the Raiders did it, but I did think it was somewhat classless to do. Most teams (I think), would have taken a knee in that situation. Of course "class" and Raider Football does not always belong in the same sentence. Kinda reminded me of something Spuirer (spelling) would have done, and we all know how he was treated in the NFL after running up the score in college and NFL preseason.


    On the other hand, perhaps the Raiders thought that they would not be scoring many more points this year, so why not!!

  17. Spoke with him on the phone about 15 minutes ago.  Big thanks to Eric for coordinating all of this!



    I responded to his thread already, bought two tickets through him and you bet I want to go to the AlamoDome. Do you think he can exchange the tickets? I'd hate to have to buy two more tickets

  18. As I was thumbing through the sports section and pre-season standings this morning I saw a stat that really jumped out at me.....33 points given up in 3 games .....fewest in the NFL of all teams that have played 3 games....not counting points scored by the D and spec. teams......I think J.P. and Co. can muster up an average of 12 points in a good majority of games this year.



    Even better, I wonder how much of those 33 points were given up the 1st defense?

  19. I see Williams making the team and Gates on the Practice Squad. My guess is that Lee makes it and Burns is released. April wil fight this though - he loves Burns on ST.


    At WR - I think Wilson go PS but the question is Reed or Haddad? Does anyone think BOTH will make it?


    At DE it is still too close to call (Gause or Ritzmann).



    Question about the Practice Squad? Can we just put Gates on the Pratice Squad or do we have to expose him to the possibility of being picked up by another team first, and then if he clears waivers put him on the practice squad?

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