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Posts posted by gggbills

  1. I can't believe the national media is not making a big deal out of this. That shove was completely uncalled for. The guy had his back to Bill and he just shoved him out of the way.


    Actually they did show this on NFL Live, in the "what were they thinking" segment. The announcers did not agree with BB actions. I am not sure why he did that, it was not a huge deal, but it was noticeable.

  2. I never said it wasn't possible for the Bills to win.  I said there is no way the Bills catch the Pats off guard.  New England will be roaring to go.  If Buffalo wins this game it won't be because they caught the Pats off guard or looking past the Bills.


    That being said I don't believe the Bills will win.  They'll lose by roughly a TD.



    Oh I know, the chances of us winning are slim. And you are right, a team that is that well coached will not be caught on guard. If we win this game, it will be because we simple out played them

  3. I don't think it's possible to catch a team off guard on opening day.  Every player has been looking forward to this day for months.  There's no way the Pats aren't ready to play.



    Correct me if I am wrong, but were we not up by 9 points in the 4qtr last year, in Foxboro?? And did we not kinda suck last year and still gave them a run for thier money on national TV?....was that last year??


    If we play well, we can win...not saying we are gonig to win mind you..but if we play well, we can. These Pats are good, but they are not the Seahawks, the Bengels, the Pathers or even the Colts...I think those teams are very good teams. The Pats are good, but not very good, and we can beat them if we just play smart football

  4. The cost may well be that it is unfair to the Bills to take away any opportunities for our very likely starting QB to refine his game and gain chemistry with the other starters against the best an opponent can offer in exchange for trying to be nice to Nall who simply missed totally Game 1 and some good quality time in Game 2 due to injury.


    Nall is not getting a "fair" chance not because the Bills would not give him one, but because the reality of injury took his early chances away.


    JP is not gonna suddenly become a stud QB because he gets some reps against the lowly Cleveland starters, but there are real gains that MIGHT possibly be obtained from us dealing with the reality of Nall being hurt, Holcomb sucking and JP showing both good signs (the TD to Evans in Game 2, a good reception percentage to finish his work in Game 1) and the bad signs he has shown (3 straight misses to start Game 1, the turnovers in Game 2).


    I think there are somethings which MIGHT be possible for JP to achieve in a Game 3 start which would be sacrificed if this time was used to tryout Nall against another team's starters.


    These are:


    1. JP is our very likely starter at QB given his up and down performance so far, KH's horrendous performances and Nall's good work against opposing scrubs last night but injury which cost him valuable time in the limited pre-season.  Historically, Game 3 is used by most teams as a dress rehearsal for the season opener and JP's inconsistency has shown enough good signs and enough bad signs that he actually has a reasonable chance at home against a likely awful Cleveland team to produce results which emphasize the good and de-emphasize the bad.


    He is not gonna become a stud over the next week, but the Bills should try to help him and should not sacrifice the opportunity for him to quickly get back on the horse after some bad turnover mistakes against the Bengals and attempt to achieve positive results against Cleveland.


    It would benefit the Bills alot in the building toward our season opener against NE to show some confidence in the good things that JP does and not to build a habit that he  and the team need to operate on the pins and needles of last year and any mistake he makes may well mean he goes to the bench.


    In essence a decision to sit JP as starter and to give Nall a "tryout" against Cleveland's starters would be following the TD model of last year that the upcoming year is about 2007 rather than about 2006.  It is not fair to the team and to the town to devote our efforts primarily to taking chances for the distant future in the hope Nall would work out when the commitment is to the more immediate future.


    Nall's injury costing him a game totally and relegating him to playing against (and beating. the Bengals scrubs is what has cost him a shot at starting this year not some unfair plot.  Investing the limited time we have now in trying to sort things out with Nall would be unfair to the team and JP (UNLESS NALL SHOWS SOMETHING REALLY SPECIAL THIS WEEK IN PRACTICE AND JP SUCKS IN PRACTICE.


    2. JP is not gonna become a stud QB merely because he gets to practice against CLE starters, but in addition to the importance of us not following the herky-jerky TD QB path there are some things he can potentially improve significantly by getting the most PT he can this pre-season.


    A.  He will need to learn to yes thrown passes like the TD to Evans, but no dump it off on plays like the INTs.  It is very doubtful he will relearn habits gained running for his life behind the Tulane line in one week, but every week helps and anything which adds marginal value to our likely starter at this point is huge.

    B. As Tasker pointed out Friday there are a couple of negatives JP has shown which generally have been easier problems to solve.  While changing habits may well take a season to refine his game (and it is refine rather than remake totally as his problem was not that he was always bad but that he was inconsistent), there are problems like him seeming to get excited when he has an open receiver and throwing the ball into the dirt because me may be gripping it to tight are probably doable improvements.


    JP simply needs to get more comfortable playing and starting and simply getting more PT seems like a reasonable move to accomplish this.  In fact, showing a lack of confidence in him and benching him would probably hurt and cost us.


    I think Nall did lose a fair chanceat competing and developing into the starter, but he lost this due to injury and not due to some conspiracy.  In fact, what would be unfair unless we see some huge negatives in JP his week in practice, accompanied by huge positives from Nall, I think it would be unfair to the players and fans to simply use 2006 as a tryout rather than to take risks to win with JP who is inconsistent but did not lost time to injury.



    Yes. Yes....what he said.....I concur 100%!!!!

  5. But AD, otoh, there is absolutely nothing wrong with giving Nall a long and serious look. C'mon, Holcomb is NOT the answer, and the only thing that JP has never shown is consistency. This is NOT to say that he will not turn out to be a fine qb. As you may recall, I likened his set of skills to those of a young Joe Theisman, who quarterbacked a superbowl football team.


    Nall is just a kid who never had a chance behind Favre, and I can understand that. Now, he is behind JP Losman, and there is quite a difference. If you can think of anything to be lost by letting this kid prove himself (or try to) on the football field, please let me in on it. I simply cannot come up with any reason whatsoever to not give this kid a fair chance, unless you are positive that JP is THE answer to the quarterback situation of the Buffalo Bills.



    Ya know, I can think of a reason. The fact is the 3rd game is the one where most of the teams play their starters for about 2 1/2 qtrs. This issue has gone on long enough, the Bills must make a decision now and act on it now. They must give this starter, (whoever it is), a fair chance of getting ready and prepared for what really counts....the Pats. And in order to do that, this person must have the majority of the reps with the #1 offense.


    I know JP has been a bit up and down in the preseason games, but he is young and it is to be expected. Fact is had it not been for 2 fumbles, this would already be a none issue, regardless of what Nall did on Friday nite. DJ, must make a decision NOW and stick with it...if he pulls a MM with JP or Nall, we are back where we started. Based on everything, the games, the films the OTAs, training camp...does one more preseason game really matter at this point. Name the starter based on everything you have seen thus far, and get on with it.

  6. Called to complain yesterday but I missed the office hours.  Then got the email last night and the tickets arrived today in Dallas.  Pre-season tix are now heading back to Buffalo for use.


    Still, the Bills are pushing the limit for no apparent reason.



    I got my email last night, they are supposed to be delivered today. They better be there when I get home!!!!!

  7. What you have said is basically my point.  The way things are going, JP has been too erratic to be considered starting material.  After about 2 weeks of Holcomb, I think Dick & Marv will feel 1) We can't win now with Holcomb 2) We'll never win with JP. 3) Let's give the ball to the one QB that we (Dick & Marv) brought in & see if it's even possible to win now.  If not, "win now" is not possible, suck it up, we won't get fired going 2-14 and rebuild within a year or 2.

    Just because you want to win now, doesn't make it possible if you don't have a NFL caliber starting QB.  I have no idea on Nall, but Dick & Marv thought enough of him to give him a chance to compete for the starter's job.  I think at some point they'll turn to him as the starter, my guess, and it is a guess, is that time will be after the first 2 games with the record 0-2.



    So what your saying is when we lose the first to games, (which by the way well will be underdogs in regardless of who the QB is...JP,Nail,KH)....they will then put in Nails to win the next to games, (which by the way we will be favored to win regardless of who the QB is....Jp,Nail,KH). I seem to remember this same movie being played out last year....did not work too well then either. Regardless of who our QB is, it is going to be very difficult to win these first two games. I hope the coach does not simple put the lost on the starting qb, (assuming we lose), and put another QB in just to play the sorry Jets in a game we would most likely win with me starting a QB. I do not want to see a merry-go-round a QB like I saw last year. And thus far, Nails has not done anything to make me think that the true saviour at that position just happnes to be hurt right now

  8. Wow, are you always this much of an arrogant ass?


    I for one don't think this scrub is the answer to our OL woes, but that's just me. They didn't even try to pick up a pro bowl center. Wells? Give me a fuggen break. Take a look at the moves Miami's made. There's a team serius about winning.



    Do you always call people names when you do not like their post. The fact that you have to do such things pretty much tells me all I need to know about you. How do you know they did not try to pick up a pro bowl center? the fact that they did not pick up one does not mean they did not try. Or perhaps you have some inside information you would like to share with the rest of us. Perhaps you work at OBD and and have first hand knowledge of what the Bills tried and did not try to do.


    Take note of this post. I do not argree with what you wrote, but I did not call you any foul names. I have found that people with an avg. I.Q. or above can refrain from such behavior. However, if you find that you can not control yourself, try this......attack the post, not the poster.

  9. Exactly.  Apparently Marv can do nothing right. 


    If he goes after released players, then he's signing scrubs.  If he goes after RFAs then he's wasting his time because his offer will just be matched.  So what should he do? Double the contracts he's offering to get these guys to sign? 


    It's called business.  You win some, you lose some.  But you have a plan, you implement that plan, you modify that plan, you move forward.  But you certainly don't quit playying just because someone out bid you.



    Thank you...I am getting so sick of some of these so-called fans whinning about every single move Marv makes. I am convinced that there are some so-called fans on this board that will not be happy regardless of the move Marv makes.


    According to these so-called fans, we either pay to much for a player, or we lose them and thus did not pay enough. We either sign a scrub or we let a good person visit and then walk. Everytime another teams signs a player, (regardless of how much they pay him)....that means that "Marv has let another one get away"


    Wells is a perfect example of what I am talking about. If AZ matches, these so-called fans will say that Wells was great and we should have paid more for him. If AZ does not match, these so-called fans will say that AZ knows something we don't about Wells, and we clearly paid to much.


    For these so-called fans, there are no moves that will make them happy. They live to B word and whin. I have a suggestion for these so-called fans... at least play it smart and wait until the product hits the field before you start to whin. Your whinning may actually have some merit at that time. Go Bills

  10. Still not near enough, just my opinion though.



    Wow, your kidding? I really do not want to see us give up any of this years first day picks. Perhaps instead of a 4th rounder, our 2nd next year. I would not mind seeing us move up, but I do not want to give away the farm to do it.

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