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Posts posted by gggbills

    1. publicly burn everything he owns connected with the Pats...jerseys, shirts, hats, other memorabilia
    2. publicly burn every Pats fan he knows
    3. publicly burn ever hair on his pubis
    4. walk backwards from their cheating home stadium to The Ralph - in the winter and in bare feet
    5. buy beer for everyone in The Ralph at the next three home openers


    I think everyone deserves a second chance. With that said I find your proposal fair and reasonable. He will be let back in when he is done with the above tasks!!! :wallbash:

  1. This year's annual Los Angeles Bill's Backers Draft Party, sponsored by a contingent of TSW alumni, takes place at 3110 Santa Monica Blvd. in Santa Monica. More details and directions on our wesbite-


    TSW West Draft Party


    You won't want to miss the action-


    Big Bob Lamb will once again be balancing the Hot Waitress Contest against his deft management of the Draft Board.


    You'll discover whether Kelly the Dog was actually raised by a feral pack of wolves.


    And we'll be holding the "Find The Lost Ramius Marbles" contest. The winner will recieve signed busts of Peter Warrick, Koren Robinson and Mike Williams.


    PM me with any questions-


    Thanks AKC, that was GREAT. Nice meeting all those Bills Fans. That is it for me tonight...you know why!! But I will be back for a Sunday game at the Bar. We had a good draft day, GO BILLS!!!

  2. I'd just like to refute some common misconceptions about this whole controversy, as they keep getting trotted out as fact by even the people who aren't defending the Asterisks.


    Based on what I've read about him, he's overstated his responsibility at times and definitely could've seen this as an opportunity to win points with the staff.


    Actually, all of this nonsense about Walsh being a person who embellishes his resume is stuff written by a Boston Globe flunky who's "investigative story" reads like a "What not to do" in writing an investigative news story. Furthermore, most of the Asterisk's spin stuff has been mindlessly regurgitated by a guy, Mike Reiss, who writes a blog for the Boston Globe, the only reporter for any media outlet who has had unfettered and exclusive access to the Asterisks. From Krafty Bob's mouth right to the internets. Don't for a second think that this guy is asking the tough questions, or even following up the softball questions.



    He sits on the tapes and comes forward to have his revenge when reporters start calling.


    Except he worked for the team for an entire calendar year after the fact, and hasn't made a peep about any of this for going on five years, and only when tracked down in Hawaii by reporters.


    Let me remind people, Matt Walsh is not the person in the wrong here. The P*ts cheated. Let's say that again because it's pretty relevent despite what the jock sniffers and toe suckers that hang around Krafty Bob's back door waiting for table scraps would have you believe. The P*ts cheated. Not only that, they were massively fined, lost a draft pick (the wrong one IMO) and the coach was massively fined. They also stood in the way for months now trying to squash what Matt Walsh has. One has to ask why they would go to those legal lengths, why they would plant erroneous stories about the guy, why they would shut out everyone in the media except for their trained parrot. I think we all know the answer to that. We also all know that just like the tapes from last fall that no one saw, anything Walsh has will be summarily destroyed by the league. What has the league got to lose in sweeping this under the rug? Sure, non-asterisks fans will shout and shake their fists. But as soon as training camps start up, no one but a handfull of us "jealous" types will care.


    Walsh most definately has the goods. But we most definately will never know what they are. The Asterisks and Belicheat have been massaging this story, planting PR spin as news, and sytematically setting up a plausable deniability defense for months. It all comes down to who has more money, who has the better lawyers, who's willing to be the bigger piece of scum, and who's willing to roll over and have their belly scratched. That's a good boy, Roger.


    LOL....Classic, and right on the money!!!

  3. This is exactly what they're setting up--see point 6 of my ealier thread on my quick read of the Agt. (I'm a corporate lawyer by day, sadly.) The Agt. spends a lot of time talking about whether and when Walsh will be presumed to have been acting at the Pats' request (such circumstances arguably do not include taping another team's walkthrough) and puts the burden of proof on him "by a preponderance of the evidence" in other non-listed situations to show he was acting at their request. Sounds to me like (a) the tape may well in fact exist if they're spending this much ink in the Agt. on it (but we'll see) and (b) the Pats and the NFL are setting up the argument that Walsh was a lone gunman on this one (which to me will be completely non-believable no matter how much they spin it--for ex., if he did tape it on his own, you mean to tell me he never, ever showed it to anyone else there? I mean, wouldn't that be the point of doing this, to impress your bosses with how devious you can be? Or was he just filming it for his personal collection? If he did show it to anyone else there, shouldn't they have brought this up during the investigation into all of this in the fall? I mean, the Pats can't have it both ways in such a case. At a bare minimum they would have lied to the Commish's office about this then.)


    I do not practice law, but I do have a law degree and you are 100% correct on your point 6. You can see this coming a mile away. I hope he has that Rams tape, I want to see the Pats throw that lame excuse out there.

  4. How unbelievable is that? This guy worked for the Pats* for six years! He was no f***-up like they tried to make out to be. If he was, he wouldn't have worked for them that long. That excuse is like firing a gun, then saying you never told the victim to stand in front of the bullet.





    Smile....I know, I know, but if Walsh has that tape this is EXACTLY what the Pats will say.

  5. Pats statement on Matt Walsh/NFL agreement

    Posted on April 23, 2008

    Filed Under Uncategorized


    This was jsust passed along by the Patriots:


    The New England Patriots are pleased to learn that Matt Walsh is finally willing to come forward to meet with the NFL. We are eagerly anticipating his honest disclosures to Commissioner Goodell next month and the return of all the materials he took during his time of employment. We fully expect this meeting to conclude the league’s investigation into a damaging and false allegation that was originally levied against the team on the day before this year’s Super Bowl.


    It is important to note that there has never been a confidentiality agreement restricting Matt Walsh and no legal protections were ever necessary for him to speak to the NFL, to media outlets or to anyone else regarding his employment with the Patriots. He demanded to be released from responsibility for his statements, and after a frustrating and lengthy negotiation period, a settlement has finally been reached. Walsh has been granted a significant number of privileges through this agreement, none of which the Patriots or the NFL were obligated to give.


    At all times, we cooperated fully with the league’s investigation and stand by our initial public statement from Saturday, Feb. 2, 2008: “The suggestion that the New England Patriots recorded the St. Louis Rams’ walkthrough on the day before Super Bowl XXXVI in 2002 is absolutely false.”


    The Patriots’ organizational focus at this time is on the NFL Draft and preparing




    There is no possible way Walsh has a tape of that walkthrough after reading this statement by the Patriots “The suggestion that the New England Patriots recorded the St. Louis Rams’ walkthrough on the day before Super Bowl XXXVI in 2002 is absolutely false.” Kraft would never have that statement released if there was even a slight chance he had the tape.





    I'm not saying that he has this Rams tape, but there is still a chance that he does, regardless of the released statement by the Pats And it goes something like this.....


    He has the tape and the Pats say "We did not authorize him to tape that walkthrough nor did we know the tape ever existed, nor did we ever use the tape to our advantage to stop the high powered Rams attack. Walsh did it on his own without our knowledge or direction'.

    See how easy that is???

  6. I've got your first-




    Look forward to meeting you. The Hotel is nothing more than a place to pass out- it's decked out like an Austin Powers movie- but it's truly a stumble across to/from the bar. There'll be a Bill's party Saturday night too- we'll probably get a shuttle and go to it in one vehicle.


    A Bill's party?? At the same place or somewhere else?

  7. This year's annual Los Angeles Bill's Backers Draft Party, sponsored by a contingent of TSW alumni, takes place at 3110 Santa Monica Blvd. in Santa Monica. More details and directions on our wesbite-


    TSW West Draft Party


    You won't want to miss the action-


    Big Bob Lamb will once again be balancing the Hot Waitress Contest against his deft management of the Draft Board.


    You'll discover whether Kelly the Dog was actually raised by a feral pack of wolves.


    And we'll be holding the "Find The Lost Ramius Marbles" contest. The winner will recieve signed busts of Peter Warrick, Koren Robinson and Mike Williams.


    PM me with any questions-


    Hey, are there any hotels near this place? I live in Orange County and I'm not sure I want to drive back after boozing it up in Santa Monica

  8. Does it matter if that player is exactly what you need and helps you win games? Tell me the last time they gave a Vince Lombardi trophy for draft score!




    No, it does not matter and thank you for asking. I am sure OBD has identified the WR that we want. A trade down only makes sense if (1) we have a partner and (2) we can still get the identified WR at that spot. If we have identified 2 or 3 WRs and either one will do, then fine trade down and grap who ever is left. Otherwise take your choosen WR at 11 and be done with it. The ONE thing we cannot do is come away from this draft without our preferred WR.

  9. Uh... folks... this just in...


    When you are a below .500 team you're on the 'bottom feeder' side of the line. So, every game is a tough one because more than 50% of the teams in the league have a better record than you.


    Conversely, if you're in the upper echelon (ala the Pats), 75% of the league is worse than you. Therefore the schedule seems a lot easier.


    So, please shut your yaps about the toughness of the schedule... Do you want to run with the big dogs or stay home and suck milk with the puppies? If you want to run with the big dogs, ya gotta play with em. If you want to get better you've got to be challenged.


    i understand everything your saying, but could someone please explain to me why...again....we play the Pats after thier bye week. In other words, the Pats once again...not that they need it....have two weeks to prepare for us

  10. Wait, you won't take her to the game? Hmmm I either have to admire your bravado or purchase 2 tickets :D


    On second thought my statement did not come out right did it?? OK cablelady, meet me at the Cat's Meow on Thurs nite, and we will go to the game on Friday, Aug 10

  11. Preseason. A Bills game in New Orleans. Oh, the memories. Anyone going?


    I'm going, actually had tickets and hotel reservations for the regular season game that was suppose to be held there before the big storm. Looking forward to going back there, I've been there a few times, great place to party!!!

  12. Since there is so much concern about people dropping their seasons, who has already sent in their renewal, or got seasons for the first time this year?


    I've renewed my two seats in the Van Miller Club.


    I live in LA, and I renewed my season tickets!! In fact, I am in the Jim K. club so I renewed them for 3 more years. I love the city of Buffalo, (my birth place)...and I love the Bills. I will NEVER give up on them!!!

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