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Everything posted by gggbills

  1. That was funny, I would not try it again...but it was funny!!
  2. My guess is the Cowboys choose the Ravens becuase (I think), the Ravens are the only team in the NFL that had never played at Texas Stadium. Why the NFL gave them the choice at all....that I cannot explain
  3. 0 yards....I don't think he plays today
  4. LOL...exactly. I'm sorry but I think if I was bent over, I would certainly know if someone had two hands up my a$$. How do you not know if the QB is directly behind you or not?? Only Buffalo could pull that crap.
  5. Ya that's right I said it.....
  6. I feel like posting something but I do not know what to say. This is what I think I know I know that I would never throw anything at a player I know I feel like throwing something at our so-called head coach I know that I don't give a rat's a$$ if Jason Peters has his feelings hurts I know that we have enough talent on this team to at least beat the Browns and San Fran at home I know we lost to the Browns and San Fran at home I know we have the worse in-game HC of all time I know our HC makes decisions during the game that cost us the games I know Lynch had a career day yesterday I know our HC has no clue when and how to use Lynch I know that our HC (based on his own words) "WISHED" that Lynch got more than 16 carries vs. San Fran I know that the any HC from Pee Wee and above could have made sure that Lynch got more than 16 carries I know Lynch did not get more than 16 carries yesterday I know I have been a season ticket holder for 10+ years I know that the licence on my season tickets have one year remaining I know that I am very tired of flying 3000 miles to watch this product lose the way they do. year after year after year I know that if DICK continues to be our head coach, then my reign as a ticket season holder is about to come to an end I know I love my Bills, always have, always will. Will cheer for them wheter I am at the game or not I know I will not continue to support a FO that hires one loser coach after another I know we need a change....RIGHT NOW I Know I have never met Cablelady!!! I know I should stop typing now
  7. OK Rich, I called you and left a message on your cell. I WILL see you Monday Night Cablelady!!!
  8. Section 215 row 1...count me in!!!!
  9. Then I will try and find you ONE MORE TIME!!!
  10. !. I heard it snowed there this week, is there still snow on the ground? 2. Once again I will be flying in from LA to attend the game. I will be at big tailgate party early, but if you are partying in Lot 1 I will make my way over there to meet you.....FINALLY!!! You going to the game??
  11. If they are looking pass this game, (and I do not think they are), they should take a look at last night's USC score.
  12. Yes, there is a bus that leaves from downtown to the Ralph. It leaves about 2 hours before the game. It leaves the Ralph about 30-45 min. after the game. I think the price is about $7.00 round trip
  13. Me too, Section 215 Row 1 Seat 23!!
  14. LOL...that is great!!!
  15. There is a whole bunch of bars downtown. Hampton Inn, Hyatt or Adams Mark. Stay at one of those places and you will be close to a lot of bars!!
  16. If I'm playing the Jets, I bring the heat and make Brett make a fast decision with the ball. This is a brand new offense for him, it is going to take awhile for him to know where to go with the ball in a split second.
  17. Thank you....I concur 100% I am all in favor of re-doing his contract, BUT he must get his butt into camp first.
  18. This is a very good point, How can Brett go to a 2008 Super Bowl Contender when most if not all contenders do not need a QB. If they needed one they would not be clear contenders for the Super Bowl. Brett is going to have to go to a team that is on the edge. A team that looks like they may be a playoff team that he can make better. And I believe that team will have to be in the AFC, becuase the Packers are not going to make any NFC team better just to have that move bite them in the butt come playoff time.
  19. I have a very special Bills belt buckle. On the back it says that "This exlclusive limited edition buckle has been issued to commemorate the Buffalo Bills football team. This buckle is dedicated to the loyal Buffalo Bills Fans." There were 10,000 of these buckles made, I have #8293. BUT what makes it really special is that it use to belong to Elijah Pitts. It was given to me by his window.
  20. Got mine today...can't wait for the opener!!!
  21. There is a bus that leaves from downtown Buffalo that goes right ot the games on Sunday. It has been in operation for at least the last 12 years. Does this mean that is going to be stopped as well?? I have taken this bus before and it is always full of bills fans. The bus is part of the local bus system in Buffalo, can't remember the exact name of the local public transportation system there.
  22. Dude, I can't believe I was standing right next to her and did not know it
  23. I will be there!! This time for sure
  24. What do you say Cablelady...this year is the year we meet up for sure right???
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