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Posts posted by gggbills

  1. This doesn't make any kind of sense REASONS..


    #1- the Bills are Trading out of the #3 pick...but no farther than #10.

    (Nix already said he really doesn't know how to move down so he won't)

    #2- if a Franchise QB is there, they will take him.

    (if they move down to #10 there will be no franchise QB left Gabbert or Newton will be gone by 10)

    #3- i think Von Miller is the most likely pick.

    (HE WILL DEFIANTLY BE GONE BY 10, so he will be our 3rd pick but you say we will move to 10?)

    #4- Patrick Peterson is viewed as a "nickel" back, so i don't think they take him.


    #5- Gailey said "most" picks will be defensive.

    (There will be 1 or 2 offensive players so this makes sense)


    With that said... In Cam We Trust!


    Regarding moving down and comment #2. They could actually move down to say 10 and still draft a Franchise QB. Most folks feel that it is either Cam or Gabbert, but the Bills may feel that is is Ponder or Ryan M., and thus could take either at 10, wait until the 2nd round to take one or use their extra pick(s) to move back into the first round to take one of them. Thus they would get a pretty good defensive player at 10 plus a Franchise QB (at least in their eyes). Not saying they should or will do this, just a thought

  2. What exactly, did the guy do to deserve to get fired? And what grounds does the boss have for firing him? There's absolutely nothing wrong with the guy's professional attire he wore to work.


    I would have to say that at a minimun the guy shows very poor judgement. He has all year to wear that tie, but to wear it the day after the Bears get beat...I simple do not understand why someone would do that.


    Can he do it, YES...Does he have right to do it..YES, but just becasue you can do a thing does not make it a good idea to do it. If sued his boss will say that he was concern about he potenial impact the tie might have on would-be customers. THe boss would say...it does not mean he could never wear the tie, just not so soon after a hard lost. And altough we know that people should not take sports so seriously, some do and we have to respect that, after all we are in sales"


    Should not have worn the tie

  3. I went. Throughly enjoyed myself yelling and rooting for the team. Great way to get together with others, eat too much drink. Even though they lost I'm going back. This is what being a fan is all about. You take the good with the bad. And when they suck, like they do now, you find ways to enjoy it. It was gorgeous on Sunday wasn't it? :)


    I live in So. Cal and I have been to the first 3 home games. But I do not think I will be coming out for another one this season. I do have fun, but it is a long flight back when the Bills play like crap.

  4. In the past when we have sucked badly....almost every freaking year...i would stop watching football till playoffs came around. (not the last 4 years btw)

    This time, taking a friends advice, i will be rooting for another team, insteand of nothing. Seattle Seahawks. Yes i like lynch that much.


    I will still watch the bills games. But will most likely use the fast forward A WHOLE LOT.


    I got a dog just last week and named him Bill. Love him. and its only been since thursday.


    Steve Tasker rocks. I cant believe people are "player hating" on him. If you dont know what that means...google it.


    Fitz is my current favorite bill. But he's not that good. It showed yesterday with his sloppy passes. He has heart. A big ass head. But he's not a real #1.


    Maybin is a bust! Spiller is not! Just for thinking spiller is a bust, i want to pimp slap somebody.


    We cannot continue losing our good players..... London Fletcher. Jabari. Takeo. Peters. Here's an idea. How about keeping some of them??????Extending some of them. Outbidding some of them.


    go bills. down pats, fins, and jets. and for the interim, go hawks!



    Never come back dude. You are not a Bills fan. A real Bills fan would NEVER cheer for another team. Take your midol and go


    i'll probably check replies one day and then go into hibernation.

  5. It gets tougher to estimate every year because people have been just "showing up" and since we don't get a large block of tix, well...


    I'm guessing 50-60, but you never know - it could be 40, it could be 80.


    We have a lot of chicken/ribs to share, but it is what it is. 1st come, 1st serve. The big grill will be there to share if you have something special. Side dishes are appreciated!


    As a note to everyone, please bring a dish to pass as it makes the tailgate experience much better when you can sample all different kinds of food!


    I am not coming to eat...I am coming to have one beer and meet Cablelady!! Not in that order

  6. Two Bills Drive Annual Home Opener Tailgate XI


    Come and meet some of the crazy nice people that make this site what it is.

    Thanks, now I have two invites to tailgate and an all out search for cablelady!!


    I'm sure you will find a party out there but you are welcome to join ours if you want. ECC lot 2 (i think) southern of the 2 lots there on Abbott. Along the center dividing road in the corner by the back road of the lot. Look for the guys with the 3 red seats attached to their bumper, that's where I will be.

    Thanks for the invite

  7. Since this is my 1,000th post, I figured I would start a thread. It's taken me a little over 7 years to reach 1000, which, it looks like some of you do that in a week.


    Anyway, lets see if we can get a head count from all of you as to who is going to the opener, where you are coming in from, where you are sitting and what you will be tailgating with.



    Flying in from Orlando on Friday with my wife and 2 friends. I think we might be heading to the Big Tree for lunch. (8 total in our group)


    Sitting in Section 335, row 15.


    Probably drinking Blue and Blue Light and the menu has yet to be determined. Suggestions would be helpful. I am limited with a cooking apparatus but have the ability to make something the night before.




    On a side note, former season ticket holder from '86-'96 and I haven't missed an opener since '83.


    Flying in from LA, will be there Friday morning. Staying downtown to party. Sitting in section 215 row 1. Coming by myself, not sure who I will be tailgating with....but I will find someone!!!

  8. Hey wass up everyone?? Im a newbie at this blogging stuff. But when I found this website, I was a very happy person knowing that I could vent anytime I wanted to fellow bills fans. I've been a fan since the first Scott nor'wide' super bowl. For the past two years, me and a buddy of mine (bills fan, of course) been traveling up to see Buffalo play @ home. I'm from central jersey and I drive around 250 miles to see them play. How far have u or willing to see them play?? I once found a guy after last years loss to cleveland, told me he came all the way up from tennessee. LETS GO BUFFALO!!!






    The OC, So. Cal

  9. Way to go Lori!!! and I have to believe 9 out of 10 fans at the Ralph games live closer than you do.


    Sounds like " real fans" in B-lo need a bigger bus to follow you in if they want a "home game"


    And I'm not buying into the ticket price /work day excuse. Start saving in the piggy,draw straws for the desig. driver and expect to work through a hangover( always easier after a primetime win).


    Go Bills


    I have mixed feelings about showing up in TO for a game. The game should be in Buffalo, all games should be in Buffalo.


    However, I refuse to let my team do battle in a so-called home game on primetime. vs a division rival without me there. Therefore, I will make a whole week of it stating with Phins game. Then I will hangout in Buffalo for a few days and go to the TO game. Already got my flight booked and payed for. I do not have a ticket to this game, but that should not be a problem. And just in case is is, I secured a room that overpriced hotel that is attached the the Rodger Center. The room actually overlooks the field.


    I am just going to assume that some travel agency will put together some kind of drinking bus ride up there for the game, then will take the fans back to downtown Buffalo after we beat them. I would prefer to do it that way

  10. TO is a QB killer! He has done it over and over again. He would eat Edwards alive and create chaos by Week 6. He is not the final piece to the puzzle and the risk is not worth the reward. This team is young and does not need the disruption that TO brings. If Jerry Jones can't find a way to make it work, no one can. Although, I would love to see Ralph and Dick scrambling all year trying to keep the ship afloat. Oh my god priceless!!!!!!


    Actually that would be pretty funny. Given an option, I would have rather gone after TJ or traded for A. Boldin. TJ is gone and I do not think AB is going anywhere now that they have resigned Kurt Warner. Yes, T.O. is bad on QBs, but McNabb and Romo are still breathing so Edwards can take it too. IF the risk is Edward's feelings, I will take that risk I am not totally sold on him yet anyway.


    I do understand where your coming from, trust me I do and maybe my wanting T.O. here is out of desperation given the current state of the team. But we have accomplished very little in 9 years and it is time to take a risk.

  11. Mariucci, Reid, Parcells, and Phillips>>>>>>>>>>>Jauron

    Young, Garcia, Mcnabb, and Romo>>>>>>>>>>>>Edwards

    Young TO, Veteran TO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Old TO

    49ers, Eagles, and Cowboys>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bills

    Selfish, Disruptive, and Cancer>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Excitement

    Drops, Bad Route Running, and Declining Explosiveness>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Boring/Tired TD Celebrations



    How could it fail? :lol:


    At least he gets to celebrate TDs. How many TD celebrations did our number 2 WR have last year??

  12. I've renewed, but am not happy either with the team's direction lately and just told the guy at OBD I was talking to in the ticket office that. No way they're anywhere near 54,000 this year. The bright side is I that I suspect that after 3 years of getting shut out on my request for better seats is that I might actually get them this year.


    I HAVE TO renew because I have a licence agreement for the club seat. But I must say that is the ONLY reason why I am paying money to this organizatioin this year. This is the last year of my agreement and I do not see renewing next year. In fact, unless they do something special soon this will be the first year that I do not buy a jersey or other Bills gear in about 10 years.

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