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Everything posted by FloridaSnow

  1. You my friend are in stage one: denial. 1) Denial (this isn't happening to me!) 2) Anger (why is this happening to me?) 3) Bargaining (I promise I'll be a better person if...) 4) Depression (I don't care anymore) 5) Acceptance (I'm ready for whatever comes) I hope everything works out for you during what must be a very difficult time. Good luck to all of us.
  2. Luke McCown or Sage Rosenfels anyone?
  3. Radio Link: http://channelsurfing.net/listen-bills.html
  4. The article says that the clock will reset: "the clock will reset to the time reflected before the "do over." (And that makes sense; otherwise, a team with the lead could have told its punter to slam the ball into the video board over and over again.)"
  5. What is this maney you speak of? Furthermore, how can we go about getting it?
  6. I don't think they will be able to run the ball better than us this year. Without Favre and Coles, teams will be more willing to play the run.
  7. Not to turn this into a QB debate, but the full name they came up with was Trentative Checkwards.
  8. The Jets look like crap and are lucky to not be down by more right now. Their offense makes ours look productive and tough.
  9. Just when you thought we would be spared a QB controversy for at least one season... REMIX!
  10. Our sack rate would improve considerably at least.
  11. I completely agree; I can't believe how quickly Simm's was ousted from starting QB consideration in Tampa. He's going to be starting for Denver before too long, so I doubt we have a shot at picking him up. Fitz didn't look too bad last week anyway.
  12. I agree with your argument about trying sell the extra games but trading two preseason games for regular season games should solve the issue. In fact, it would actually increase the fans' investment because then they are stuck paying full price to watch players practice one less time.
  13. Good God, reading that is painful.
  14. I wouldn't be shocked if Chris Simms was the starter at some point. The kid has some talent and was doing moderately well for Tampa before he got hurt. Either way, I think they'll definitely miss Cutler. He didn't play defense but he at least kept them in games and gave them an opportunity to win. Their D was horrible against Buffalo, but Cutler gave them multiple chances to win.
  15. The Edwards rating doesn't seem too far off. Once we drop the homer glasses, I think it's rather obvious that trent was a very average QB last year (above average during the 5-1 stretch and below average for the rest of the year). Is there a potential rating that governs how rapidly a player progresses? Trent's potential should be up, but I don't think he necessarily warrants a high current rating. The Stafford rating definitely seems too high, but Madden has a penchant for overrating rookies.
  16. What if the great thinkers in history could have tweeted? http://www.phdcomics.com/comics.php
  17. Why does everything have to come down to race?
  18. Anyone know what networks (if any) plan on carrying the league?
  19. Are they really trying to set themselves up in this way? Their website seems to indicate that they want to compete as an independent entity without the affiliation (or more importantly) the support of the NFL. The other minor league systems you cited are kept viable by their affiliation with the parent organizations. I'm not sure how eager an NFL team will be to let a player under contract play (and risk getting hurt) for a UFL team. I do see your point about the league ending early so that players can then move to the NFL while the season is still in full swing, which would give players incentive to participate in the league over others, but I'm not sure about the rest of it. I'm rather new to the whole UFL thing, so I could be wrong here and would prefer your answer to be correct as it would make for a more interesting system. Do you have a link to the info?
  20. "The UFL will play in the fall, during traditional football season, to establish the league as a viable entity and will offer real, 11-on-11, outdoor professional football in NFL quality stadiums/venues. The UFL will play its regular season games on Thursday and Friday evenings in the fall, with the first regular season game kicking off in October and the Championship Game scheduled for Thanksgiving weekend" IMO, trying to go head to head with the NFL and college football is a huge mistake. Why not play games in the Spring when there is no competition? I know they're probably anticipating having some crossover viewership from people already in the football mode, but most people who have an NFL team and a college team will not have time to add on a UFL team.
  21. You make that assumption under what premise? Because she owned a cat and is enraged that it was killed? The crime seems pretty heartless. I hope he gets the severest penalty possible. Hell, I'd be fine with letting the dead cats' owners publicly stone the little bastard to death.
  22. Well, it worked for Shakespeare...
  23. Below is an excerpt from the article: Marshall is not out of the woods yet, however. He is scheduled to stand trial in Atlanta next week for two counts of misdemeanor battery, charges that stem from a March 2008 domestic incident involving Watley. "The pending case will be subject to review when appropriate," Aiello told ESPN on Tuesday. "The notification [Marshall] received from our office applied only to the March 1st incident." Unless I'm reading this wrong, it seems like the other charges, if they stick, may result in a suspension.
  24. Good point, there were many games in the middle of the season where we outplayed the opponent but couldn't score 7 when we got in the red zone or turned the ball over too often (the first games against Miami and New York and the Monday night game come to mind). This would indicate that our offense's ability to move the ball was better but that we suffered breakdowns in other areas that more than compensated for the improvement.
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