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Everything posted by FloridaSnow

  1. Where, exactly, did I say all morality is relative and right and wrong are just constructs? The argument behind my post was premised on the existence of some sort of a priori moral framework. The notion of forgiveness, in the Judeo-Christian sense, cannot exist in a paradigm in which morality is inherently relative.
  2. Endzone, I know the second comment was directed at someone else but I'm going to respond to both. I believe that filth can be cleansed. It may be an idealistic perspective from your point of view and I admit that it sometimes is from mine as well. However, when we deny someone the ability to try and make up for their past mistakes, we cater to the lowest common denominator and ensure that the "filth" will continue to be just that. In fact, we will only have ourselves to blame because it will have been us, from atop our moral pedestal, who told them that is what they were and always will be. I can only hope that you and I are not ultimately held to the same standards.
  3. No offense Red, but it's pretty funny to read this quote from someone whose moniker is also a slang term for a communist . You might even be protesting a bit too much... [glances suspiciously at Red].
  4. It must be difficult keeping your balance way up on that horse.
  5. I heard Shanahan and Lynch insulted Thurman Thomas before the game
  6. It seems like you are correct and all game-worn jerseys are stitched. http://www.nflshop.com/info/index.jsp?cate...p;infoType=info
  7. Dick Jauron would still be the coach and the team would have gotten pounded today.
  8. Agreed, the team should grab whoever is there in the 3rd round or even trade back into the late 2nd round if they believe the price is right. The QB class is simply too deep this year for the team to spend either of their first two picks on one. Anyway, Brohm really brings many of the same things to the table (in terms of having a developmental QB with upside).
  9. Wow, so much for the Ralph is cheap talk.
  10. Bills win: 28-20 The Jags tend to play down to their opponent's level and the Bills might get a temporary spark from the coaching switch.
  11. I want him gone as much as anyone, but are you saying that you would leave all the money on the table if you were in his position? It's the owners fault for giving him the extension. Besides, if he walks away, I'm sure just as many people jump on him for being a quitter in addition to be being a loser and apply the "total fraud as a man" argument. I know this is very frustrating, but Wilson needs to pull the trigger, though I'm not sure I like any of the possible interim replacement options much either.
  12. No, 7-9 is very reachable. We will probably win the next two games (just to get everyone's hopes up again) and then get blown out but still manage to pick up one more random game later in the year. It's how this team runs under DJ.
  13. Bills finally win a close, good game 27- 26. The Titans drop their game to Jacksonville, though Vince Young makes it close.
  14. Given the the effective performance of our special teams since we switched to Fred Jackson as the KR/PR, they probably want to use him on kick/punt returns so we can get back to doing what we do best when games are on the line.
  15. Edwards has zero value and Parrish has driven his into the ground. Why so eager to trade Whitner for a draft pick? Wouldn't we gain the most by keeping him around and letting them all compete for the job? Then, when the injury bug strikes us hard again next year (as it has for most of the decade), we'll have some good depth.
  16. I think we stick with Fitz for right now. It's nice to not see check downs on almost every play. Fitz has less skill than TE, but he seems to make quicker reads and has more willingness to actually throw the ball to different parts of the field.
  17. Out of curiosity, why do you say that? Isn't the pound one of the more stable currencies around (which, as I understand it, is why the Brits never fully converted to the Euro)?
  18. ? Freudian slip? Seriously though, I completely agree with you. If Fitz doesn't pan out, we should probably give Gibran a shot before we give the reigns back to Edwards. Our QB situation looks dark indeed.
  19. I think Garcia is available.
  20. "The one obvious play i remember well was Trent rolling left out of the pocket, T.O. was coming back to the ball, slammed on the brakes and went long, he had about 3 yards on the defender and Trent under threw him and the ball was intercepted" This play was replayed a few times on the television broadcast. If Edwards makes a decent throw, the entire game changes. It is reminiscent of the overthrow he made to TO during the Saints game. If Edwards makes either pass, I think everyone would be relatively happy with him. Unfortunately, he simply does not appear to be a clutch player. Like Jauron, he does just enough to lose a game.
  21. lol, Jauron has made his money. I don't think he cares anymore.
  22. Lol, thread hijacked in 3,2,1... 1492 Columbus sailed the Ocean Blue 1493 Columbus stole all he could see Also, the existence of the Americas was not only a lucky break but perhaps one of the luckiest in history (outside of the Tyree catch saving me and [probably] you a lifetime of hearing New England Patriot fans brag about their undefeated team). The other Europeans didn't attempt the trip because they thought the Earth was flat but because they adhered to a relatively accurate estimation of the world's circumference. As such, they realized the trip was essentially impossible (you'd starve to death before you hit Asia. They simply didn't build ships big enough to house enough food). Columbus, however, used an inaccurate calculation and thought everyone else was wrong. The Americas showed up about where he though Asia would be. Without the New World, Columbus and his crew starve and die because of his poor math skills. Instead, he hits the new world and we have to make up the stupid legend about him asserting the world is round so he doesn't appear as stupid as he actually was. Unfortunately for him, his lack of intelligence revealed itself when he tried to actually govern what he found. It does go to show how significant luck is though. We should probably have Amerigo Vespuci day rather than Columbus day since he's the one who figured out that he was on a new continent (hence the name America rather than Columbia). Sorry for the lecture. It's a nice distraction from talking about the game today.
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