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Everything posted by Flbillsfan#1

  1. "FUM, SAFETY, FUM, INT- that's why you lose." That is correct, but that is not a fluke, the results of those last 4 possessions were do to POOR COACHING, POOR PLAYCALLING, & overall POOR PLAY. A fluke is when something happens that shouldn't. For example; if the Bills had won that game against the Fins, THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN A FLUKE.
  2. I wish I shared your optimism, but you are right, the Bills control their destiny. If they go 10-6, three of those games better be wins against Miami, NY, & the Pats* to make the playoffs.
  3. Turnovers have been a big problem, but to me the bigger problem is Trent not being able to lead the Bills to TD's. When you get into the red zone, you have to get 7 points more often than not.
  4. If you can take enjoyment out of losing more power to you. I still don't understand how you could call the Miami game a fluke. Anyone that has seen the Fins play this year, will have to say they have a good team, with good imaginitive coaching. Aside from the poor overall play by the Bills in that game, the offensive playcalling was terrible, & playing McGee without at least giving him help was a VERY POOR coaching decision. Where is the fluke in that?
  5. We will disagree about this. Even healthy Mcgee does not have TGJ's speed. The Bills coaching & overall play in that game SUCKED.
  6. I don't understand the deal with Ellis. Why don't they try him in obvious passing situations at least?
  7. Miami was no fluke. They are a good team with a better front office, & MUCH BETTER, more IMAGINATIVE coaching than Buffalo.
  8. I am not calling for JP to start. I am just saying all you people that think Trent's yardage matters are WRONG. The only thing that matters are points on the board. Trent this year has ONLY thrown for 7 TD's (along with 7 INT's) less than 1 TD per game is just PATHETIC.
  9. I saw in the paper yesterday, Herb Score died at age 75. He was a great pitcher for the Cleveland Indians in the late 50's, until he was hit by a line drive in the face. He was AFRAID to get hit like that again & changed his throwing motion. He was never any good after taking that shot to the face & was out of the game soon after.
  10. I would take Flacco over Warner- MUCH younger, more upside.
  11. It is only in your world that yards are important. In the real world POINTS on the board are the ONLY thing that matters.
  12. I get it, Trent is playing like crap because of the team around him this year. JP played like crap last year on a great team because he is JP.
  13. Statistics can be VERY misleading. Maybe Jimmy Johnson was 14-27 after 41 games but the majority of those losses came in his 1st year. His team unlike the Bills showed steady improvement.
  14. I'm with you. The sooner the better.
  15. Don't you know? Points don't matter, Trent throws for a lot of yardage.
  16. Trent should guide the Bills to 6 maybe even 9 of those 24 points.
  17. I agree there are NUMEROUS problems on the Bills. HORRIBLE coaching, injuries, poor play by the O-line...etc. but to say Edwards does not deserve blame is INSANE. You Trent lovers would have gone wild on this board, there would have been 100 threads about how JP cost the Bills those last 3 games & it's all J.P.'s fault the Bills season is in shambles.
  18. Didn't you know the weather last year was the WORST in the history of mankind. Trent will never see weather like that again. It will be a balmy December in Buffalo forevermore.
  19. "Great players make themselves better than the players around them" .......in other words Trent sucks.
  20. If this team had QUALIFIED coaching, they would have played to JP's strengths & have him roll out & throw now & again, he does that as well as anyone in the NFL. That would have really helped out the O-line.
  21. I would take one of JP's stalled drives over Trents pick 6's any day. It will be interesting to watch the media as they speculate which team JP signs with this offseason. He will have a number of options...... wait & see.
  22. Yeah because JP never led the Bills to come from behind wins. IDIOT.
  23. If the Bills beat the Browns, I think it will be the 12th Man responsible more than any other factor. Make some noise guys
  24. It was Gregg FRIGGEN Williams that blew up a very good Bills 3-4 defense to implement his own 4-3 defense, wasting valuable draft picks that could have been used to upgrade the offense.
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