To me a sack is not as bad as a turnover. I know JP also had those, but his for the most part were like punts, where Trent's are much closer to the line of scrimmage. Many for pick 6's. The thing about JP for me is even when the Bills were behind, I had faith JP could bring the team back. I was begining to see that in Trent but he has regressed badly. I think both may be better than average QB's in the long run, only time will tell. I think the Bills should continue to play Trent this year. One of three things happen. 1) Trent picks it up & plays like he did at the begining of the season, the Bills make the playoffs. 2) Trent slowly improves, the Bills miss the playoffs, but Trent gains experience for next year. 3) Trent continues to suck, the Bills will need to look for a QB in the offseason.