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Everything posted by Flbillsfan#1

  1. Coaching & playcalling had NOTHING to do with Trent FAILING to throw to a WIDE OPEN Lee Evans the ENTIRE GAME. It sounds like he just threw his coaches under the bus along with Lindell. Funny how he isn't critisized for that while JP was persecuted for calling out Fairchild last year.
  2. He is the HEAD COACH not the D- Coordinator. He is supposed to have his TEAM prepared to WIN the game.
  3. You are correct this is not fantasy football. YARDAGE DOES NOT MATTER. You tell me how many times Trent threw it to the one yard line & it was taken in by the running back. I think there were also some rushing TD's when JP was QB that don't show up on his stats.
  4. Good post, I think you got it.
  5. The ONLY thing that should matter to Bills fans is POINTS. Score more points than the other team, you win. You can have 500 yards & lose because you only scored 15 points (all field goals).
  6. Basketball, go figure.
  7. YARDS DON'T MATTER. Trent is not responsable for those points. He has thrown for 8 TD's in TEN games.
  8. I don't mean to attack him. I'm just stating facts. Most people that follow the Bills from other areas of the country do so because they grew up in the area as Bills fans. If the Bills ever leave they could still be called the Bills (I doubt they would because it wouldn't make any sense)but they wouldn't be the BUFFALO Bills anymore than the Colts are the BALTIMORE Colts or the RAVENS are the CLEVLAND Browns. I doubt there would be many fans ANYWHERE in this Country rooting for the Toronto Whatevers.
  9. If the Bills ever move to Toronto, the Bills backer group you watch the games with would likely shrink to 2-3 people, you & one or two others that don't have a clue what it means to truely be a Bills fan.
  10. Actually the Braves moved to Boston & became the Celtics. The Celtics moved to Cal & became the Clippers.
  11. To me a sack is not as bad as a turnover. I know JP also had those, but his for the most part were like punts, where Trent's are much closer to the line of scrimmage. Many for pick 6's. The thing about JP for me is even when the Bills were behind, I had faith JP could bring the team back. I was begining to see that in Trent but he has regressed badly. I think both may be better than average QB's in the long run, only time will tell. I think the Bills should continue to play Trent this year. One of three things happen. 1) Trent picks it up & plays like he did at the begining of the season, the Bills make the playoffs. 2) Trent slowly improves, the Bills miss the playoffs, but Trent gains experience for next year. 3) Trent continues to suck, the Bills will need to look for a QB in the offseason.
  12. Check through the JP Trent threads his stats have been posted.
  13. Jp has not been consistant. He also had no consistency around him from either the team or coaching. When he leaves next year you may be right but the odds are just as great you will be wrong. Trent thus far has shown no more consistency than JP. Wait I take that back. In their careers JP has consistently improved while Trent has consistently gotten WORSE.
  14. Even if Lindell made that field goal & the Bills win, Trent played a TERRIBLE game.
  15. You obviously didn't watch the game. Edwards alone dropped about 4 passes.
  16. Mediocre players make a mediocre team...... & this team has a MEDIOCRE QB in Trent Edwards.
  17. How many balls were DROPPED by Browns receivers? Stats can LIE. Anyone that watched that game with clear eyes KNOWS Brady with much less experience than Trent, CLEARLY outplayed Trent last night & is a BETTER QB.
  18. Trent is NOT a ROOKIE. After playing MANY games his rookie year, He is now a TWO YEAR VET.
  19. So now Trent is a ROOKIE? If that was JP Playing like that, you Trent lovers would have been UP IN ARMS.
  20. Since coming to this board, I have yet to read a post by you that shows you have ANY KNOWLEDGE or insight of the game of football. You fit in well with most of the HATERS on this board. I think it is laughable that you chastise others for personal attacks & then proceed to do the same thing yourself.
  21. No he would not have 1 yard carries like Marshawn. I saw a lot of Sanders back in the day. The Bucs were in the same division as the Lions. It is amazing the yardage Barry put up because he was tackled BEHIND the line of scrimage a lot. He did not have the power to get that yard like Marshawn. Behind this Bills line Barry would have had negitive yardage.
  22. My mistake it was JP's 2nd year. I have seen people calling Trent a ROOKIE THIS YEAR however. Next time make sure you CORRECT them. Games are won by scoring POINTS, not by yardage. JP scored TWO TD's in that game. Trent so far has 7 TD's for the YEAR. Trent is not looking any more consistent or better than JP so far. By the way I have that KC game on DVD if anyone wants a copy PM me.
  23. Losman came off the bench his rookie year to beat a good KC team, in a game the Bills were behind in at the time. He has played VERY well at times. That said, there is no point in playing him over Trent because he will be gone next year. I think it is more important to get Trent more experience than to possibly win an extra game or two.
  24. I watched the 6 games Miami played before they played the Bills. They are a GOOD team with GOOD coaching, not only that, they are fun to watch because of the imagination of their coaching staff. I expected the Bills to win that game but thought it was going to be a close game. I posted those thoughts in a thread someone started saying the Bills were going to blow out the Fins.
  25. Can you read? I didn't say it was ALL coaching, I also said POOR PLAY. I ask again where is the FLUKE? You can't answer that because there was no fluke.
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