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Everything posted by Flbillsfan#1

  1. Yes that is what I said. I was stating facts. Trent was asked "How do you like New York State". He replied he went somewhere with Butler in NYC & liked it there. He had an opportunity to say something like "while WNY is different than Cal I like the area, the fans etc..." He instead replied he liked NYC. He did later compare WNY to Cal (the differences) but NEVER said he liked WNY. Take it for what it is worth. There is a difference between leaving an area & NOT LIKING an area, so I don't feel I live in the same glass house as Trent.
  2. That is what killed the season.
  3. Really wasn't much of an interview, she was pretty bad at it. most of the clip is her talking about the interview with the guys on the show. Trent told her where in Cal he lived & he went with Butler to some places in NYC he enjoyed. She asked him if he liked strip clubs & he said he went when he was younger but not anymore.
  4. I'm just saying if Trent becomes what you think he is, it will take a lot of $$$ to keep him in Buffalo, & he may want to leave like Clements anyway.
  5. I don't know why the Bills can't evaluate O-Line players worth a DAMN. The Bucs have a VERY good O-line & seem to find good linemen in later rounds.
  6. True but MOST of us left for economic reasons.
  7. Can you say Dan Snyder?
  8. She died of cancer. That is when he came back to Tampa. He has an 8 year old son Matt. Larry the Cable guy also got his start on that show & at Bennington's club. One of the funniest things I ever heard was Ron & Ron called Don Johnson who was trashed, slurring his words really bad but he was still funny as hell. "Which one am I talking to Ron or Moron?"
  9. An interesting thing about the interview was when asked how he liked NY State he replied he liked NY City. He did not mention WNY. He never embraced the Area as JP did & I predict he will leave it as soon as he can.
  10. Come on how can you not start Jerry (The Condo) Croft on that line?
  11. Ron & Fez were part of the Ron & Ron show on WYNF in Tampa for years. THAT was a GREAT show. When their contract was up they had a noncompete clause & had to leave the Tampa market. They went to Miami, after a few years for personal reasons Ron Diaz the 1st Ron in Ron & Ron returned to Tampa. He now has a morning show with Ian Beckles (The Ron & Ian show) on WDAE in Tampa. (Sports talk station) It's a great show if anyone is interested they stream live on the internet.
  12. I agree with you Juaron is the flavor or the WEAK.
  13. I must be CRAZY. I thought you were a VET in your 2nd year especially if you got substantial playing time your ROOKIE year.
  14. This season reminds me of Sam Wyches last year in Tampa. After many years of BAD football (much like Buffalo) Wyche had the Bucs @ 5-1. At a PC Sam said 5 DASH 1, the Bucs fell apart right after that & Sam was fired for Tony Dungy the next year. The Bucs went on to play good football under Dungy with many players drafted while Wyche was there (Sapp & Brooks) I don't know if Wyche would have turned it around the next year if not fired but I doubt it.
  15. GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. JP has has had his carreer messed up by multiple coaches but unlike Trent,I have seen no evidence that he lost his confidence. He is still slinging the ball around when given the chance. Trents confidence has been shaken by throwing MULTIPLE INT's.
  17. I was telling you that in all sincerity. It is obvious you are a young kid, I was trying to pass on some good advice, when your older you will know what I mean. You have shown yourself to be a smart azz little punk whom I shall ignore from now on.
  18. Yeah sure you are. how old are you 12 or 13
  19. Flutie was an EXPERIENCED QB when he came to the Bills. Wait until JP has more experience. Flutie did not have a weak arm. You obviously did not see the Boston Miami game Flutie won as a Senior. JP was FORCED to stay in the pocket by the IDIOT coaching staff he had. I think he would have been much more effective running the offense that Flutie ran in Buffalo.
  20. I believe as others have posted, that teams have enough film on Trent to defend against him, not because of the concussion. The question over the rest of the season will be can Trent adjust his game to counter the defenses thrown at him. If he can GREAT otherwise the Bills are back to square one.
  21. You are obviously very young. I will tell you what my father told me when I was a boy: Keep your eyes & ears open & your mouth shut & you may learn something. I think you would do yourself a favor by reading more & posting less.
  22. What is the purpose of this thread then? Enlighten us.
  23. I was going to ask him what the point of this thread is , but I think you nailed it.
  24. This is what I mean about general football knowledge. Anyone that knows about football will tell you multiple coaches are a detriment to a young player, especially a QB, & one that requires more than average development at that. JP would have faired much better going to a team like Seattle where Holmgren would have tutored him properly.
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