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Everything posted by Flbillsfan#1

  1. TRUST ME Bledsoe is a HELL OF A LOT BETTER than Cassell. Bledsoe has HOF numbers (not that he will get in) Cassell may be a legit starter in the NFL but he has NO NAME as Bledsoe did when the Bills traded for him, & very well may be a ONE YEAR WONDER as Derick Anderson was in 07.
  2. Did anyone posting in this thread watch the Pro Bowl? They had the Coaches miked up, put Lynch in on 4th Down with about a yard & a half for a 1st, Coach: " YOU BETTER MAKE THIS MARSHAWN". Tackled about 5 yards deep in the backfield, Marshawn MADE THE 1st DOWN! That is what makes Lynch so GREAT. I'm HAPPY he is a Bill.
  3. Where have you been? The Pats traded Bledsoe to the Bills & he was MUCH BETTER than Cassell
  4. Garcia would fit in nicely in Buffalo. He is an OLDER version of Trent Edwards. A smart QB with POISE that gets INJURED OFTEN & plays worse at the end of the season.
  5. Great post. Wilson as people on this board like to say "Called himself out" by admitting the Bills lack talent. We will find out SOON if Ralph retained Dick because he really believes in continuity or he was just being CHEAP, if he brings in talent through free agency & the draft or continues to let the team flounder in mediocrity. We will find out this offseason if Ralph still has a passion for football as he once did.
  6. That would be GREAT! The Bills need to SCRAP the playbook they used last year.
  7. What the Bills need is an upgrade at QB.
  8. Let me get this straight. You are saying Trent had a good season, playing only 2 BAD games? I don't think 11 TD's equates to a good season, in fact I think it SUCKS.
  9. I still think Bledsoe was worth a 1st. If nothing else he helped put fannys in the seats at the Ralph.
  10. Well we know he isn't stupid, he accepted even before he received the contract.
  11. We will find out soon. You can KEEP your poise & 11 TD's.
  12. JP has been in the league 5 years, however he has played in THREE DIFFERENT systems for THREE DIFFERENT Coaches and none of them took advantage of his strengths. He also has only played in about the same amount of games over 5 years as Trent Edwards has in 2. He was not put in position to show his true self. The people on this board that don't like JP may be right & he will never be any good, however if he gets in the right situation with the right team with GOOD Coaching he may yet be good, time will tell.
  13. After he won the Super Bowl, Trent Dilfer admitted his love of golf & the time he put into it impeded his developement as a QB. He said he should have been working on his Football Game rather than his Golf Game when he was in Tampa & he regretted that he hadn't. This was in an interview on WDAE.
  14. The report I heard at 3:30 didn't mention money. I heard another report at 5PM that said he would still be paid in full even if he walked.
  15. That is interesting if he is right, I'm sure there must be a number of 4th year players this would also affect.
  16. It was just reported on WDAE at 3:30 PM Parcells can leave the Dolphins if he wants to.
  17. I know what you are saying about the 6 years of service, but I don't think it is retroactive, I believe it only affects players that will be in their 4th year in 2010. In any event he would still have $14 + Million in the bank by signing the franchise tender. I do not think he would sign a contract unless he received a LARGE bonus with it.
  18. Why would Cassel sign a contract for 7-8 Million/Yr when he just has to sign the franchise contract & be guaranteed $14 + Million for one year & then he is a free agent again next year?
  19. A team can withdraw the franchise tag until it is signed. Once signed the team is on the hook to pay the franchise money.
  20. Tampa won't be using the cover 2 in 09.
  21. You have called myself & others that don't share your mancrush of Trent much more childish & insulting things than Turd.
  22. Why do you always have to be such a TURD, calling other people childish names because you don't agree with them?
  23. It depends on what point in time you are talking about. I KNEW JP was a weak link all along, HOWEVER I did see potential there in him with the way he played in 06. I was NOT HAPPY with his play in 07 & the couple games he played in 08 but I don't know how much of that is his fault & how much is the fault of the coaches. As you said yourself the Coaching on this team is AWFUL & that is why I don't see Trent developing & getting better in 09. In 2010 the Bills will most likely bring in a NEW coach & QB.
  24. My thoughts exactly, & people expecting Trent to develop & improve have MUCH more hope & faith in Trent & Dick & his staff than I do.
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