I have finally figured it out. There are some people on this board that LOVE Trent so much that they would rather see an inferior QB back him up than some one that is capable because after seeing Charlie Fry get replaced by Derick Anderson get replaced by Brady Quinn, JP get replaced by Trent..............get replaced by............. They are so AFRAID of this possibility because they don't want to have to admit Trent is not Montana after all & there is someone better out there. As I said before it is just STUPID to not want the best players on your team that you can possibly get & if Trent is as good as his fan club thinks, he will have NO WORRY about losing his job to a capable QB & the Bills will have a QB capable of WINNING WHEN Trent gets injured. Any QB that signs with the Bills will know the situation here & as long as the Bills have faith that Trent is their future, a QB coming to Buffalo will KNOW that & will be a good teammate.