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Everything posted by Flbillsfan#1

  1. You must not have worn it much. Mine is LONG GONE, worn out.
  2. Trent was on the Shredd & Ragan Show podcast. He said he was in Buffalo & couldn't wait to get to work with TO & Lee. He also said that they would be spending time off the field together going to dinner, getting to know each other. I have to say I am giving Trent a lot of credit for this. He is acting like a leader showing up in Buffalo in EARLY March. Does anyone remember when he showed up last year?
  3. Great point. As someone who has been in the paper a few times, I can tell you it is amazing how they don't get the facts right.
  4. Prior to the Draft, Pewter Report ( A GREAT Bucs mag & website ) listed Ellis as a likely Bucs pick because of his pass rush ability. Lets hope he gets on the field & CONTRIBUTES in 09.
  5. & they will now play each other twice a year. PAYBACKS can be a B word.
  6. The point is the ball in a swirling wind, a couple MPH can make a difference between a tight spiral & a wounded duck. People that complain Trent can't play in the cold are wrong. It is not the temp. that affects Trent, it is the WIND & RAIN. In the rain, aside from the ball being harder to grip it is also HEAVIER thus requiring greater arm strength to throw it properly. If Trent were playing in Fla, Cal, Zona...or a DOME his arm strength would be fine. Where he runs into problems is playing in the NORTH EAST after Oct.
  7. ANYTIME a new regime comes in they want to put their own stamp on the organization. I think the new Denver coach, a former Pats* OC wanted his boy. It is TOO FUNNY Belicheat leaked this really screwing over his old assistant.
  8. Vanderbilt is the STANFORD of the SEC. Cutler played MUCH better there than Trent did at Stanford & stayed healthy. I think the vast majority of OBJECTIVE fans would take Cutler over Trent ANY DAY.
  9. How can you say he was AVERAGE when he only beat 2 other NOBODYS? I wouldn't call that AVERAGE more like BELOW AVERAGE. People that think 2 or 3 MPH does not mean anything are CRAZY, we are talking about a football here NOT a car.
  10. A WR Screen is a designed play ( I wish the Bills would use it, they RARELY do), the check down is not the same thing and not nearly as effective. I agree a checkdown is better than a sack or int. All I'm saying is Trent NEEDS to throw the ball up for TO & Lee to make a play on it & TRUST that they will rather than check down as often as he did last year.
  11. If you wish to think Trent has an average arm, fine by me. I don't really care if it is average or below average as long as he gets the ball to TO & Evans this year for about 20 TD's
  12. I HATE that signing late in the year if Trent is injured we will have to depend on him to get get the ball to TO.
  13. He only beat out 2 guys that are not even in the NFL according to the stats in the original post. I would not call that average.
  14. That is why it is so GREAT we got TO. He should make a BIG difference for this offense.
  15. We are not talking about a car here. 2.1 MPH on a Football in the Winds of the Ralph can make a BIG difference.
  16. It means he throws a 3 Yd pass that the receiver runs with for another 6 Yds = 9 YPA That is the point. Nobody said Trent does not complete his checkdown passes, the point is he checks down TOO OFTEN.
  17. No it can't because his YPA INCLUDES YAC (Yards AFTER CATCH) MOST of Trents YPA are ALSO YAC.
  18. Trent may have an NFL arm, but it is a WEAK NFL arm.
  19. Yeah the fact that Trent had better ball speed than ONLY Paul Thompson & James Pinkey PROVES what a great arm Trent has.
  20. Brandon on Shredd & Ragan said "I will leave it up to those two (TO & Hardy) to negotiate that" Laughing while he said it.
  21. This did NOTHING to affirm Trent's arm strengh.
  22. Talk about LOSING CREDIBILITY.
  23. We will see, but if Trent can get the ball to them I think TO & Evans BOTH have a better year than Roy Williams.
  24. I agree IF Trent plays well enough to WIN, & put the Bills in the Playoffs the team should get a GOOD back up that can keep the ship on course if Trent is injured, NOT a QB like Ryan Fitzgerald. If Trent doesn't show something this year both he & Dick will be gone in 10.
  25. They had the President of VH1 on the Shredd & Ragan Show Podcast. He is from Buffalo, & is a HUGE Bills fan. The TO show will go on
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