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Everything posted by Flbillsfan#1

  1. I read an interesting article in the paper over the weekend regarding the Cuttler trade. The article said Mike Shannahan praised Cuttler for NOT throwing short dump off passes to PAD his stats, but rather throwing downfield even in coverage, trusting his receivers to make the play. He went on to say that ability will make Cuttler a GREAT QB someday.
  2. What team would trade for someone facing JAILTIME?
  3. FUNNIEST thing you've ever posted.
  4. I have seen a NUMBER of people on this board that wanted to trade Peters (NOT ME) & sign Pace. You may FEEL like I am Bashing Edwards because of YOUR LOVE for him, but in the posts I discuss Trent, I am just calling a spade a spade. YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH.
  5. Marv was neither the Best Coach in Bills History (Lou Saban) Nor the worst GM...........there have been a few over the years that did worse than Marv.
  6. The Bears have STARTED adding the pieces.........they have signed Orlando Pace.
  7. Things CHANGE year to year. Receivers can be found MUCH EASIER than QB's. I would put my money on the Bears that they got the BETTER of this deal.
  8. I ENJOYED it. It was like watching Bruce again.
  9. Agreed about the Bears offense, BUT........when they add the pieces & they will............ Cutler will be Cutler. If he & the Bears struggle in 2010.......... GROWING PAINS...............if I were a Bears fan I would be CELEBRATING tonight.
  10. I also hope Trent steps up his game, but I am NOT optimistic about it.
  11. You are right about him being on a short leash, & rightly so. This is just like the Bills & Gregg Williams. The Bills had a VERY Good defense, but needed an improvement in offense when Greggo was hired. Williams not only did not improve the offense, he made the defense WORSE because he wanted to change it to HIS SYSTEM.
  12. I just do not understand the LOVE for Edwards by a FEW on this board. The ONLY thing he he shown is the fact he can not stay healthy. He may become a Good QB, but what good is that if he can't stay on the field?
  13. You can bet the Farm Toronto will get TWO regular season games in 11 & 12. It is being reported that an 18 game season is a DONE DEAL starting in 11 ( I heard it on NFL Network so no link).
  14. ANY Bucs fan will tell you Dungy would NEVER have gotten the Bucs to the Super Bowl, & Keyshawn was traded for while Dungy was HC. I always thought the Bucs OVERPAID for Johnson, BUT he was on the Bucs Super Bowl team. Gruden brought in an OFFENSE which the Bucs NEVER had under Dungy to go with the GREAT Defense plus a few missing pieces McKardel, Pittman, Jurivicious. Dungy was only successful in Indy because he was told he had NO SAY in the offense. My point is if a team OVERPAYS for Cuttler but they win a Super Bowl with him are they really over paying? Think back, if I were to tell you the Bills would WIN at least one of those Super Bowls they lost if they gave up four #1 picks & two #2's BUT would suck for years afterwards would you go for it? I WOULD.
  15. The Bucs gave up four #1picks + 2 #2 picks for Keyshawn Johnson & Jon Gruden. Did they over pay? HELL YEAH, & it hurt the team in the long run, BUT they did win a SUPER BOWL. Was it worth it? I think it was.
  16. Let me explain it to you. Your wife who you have LOVED with all your heart and will ALWAYS LOVE until the day you die, decides to DIVORCE you & marry some jerk. Do you want her & him living across the street from you or across the country? It is MUCH easier to put that PAIN behind you when it is not staring you in the face everyday. If the Bills were to move totally to Toronto they would no longer be the Buffalo Bills. They would not be Buffalo's team anymore than the Pittsburg Steelers, Jets, Giants, or Browns are. To add insult to injury if moved to Toronto, the new TORONTO TEAM would most likely have ALL their games televised in Buffalo, if moved to LA, that would not happen.
  17. My understanding is that he was not so much upset at the attempted trade as the fact he was lied to. Nobody likes a phony except another phony.
  18. If I were the Bills GM, I would say to JP; Look you hurt yourself & the team by holding out last year. We will give you this amount of money & you can make this much more money in incentives. Option #2 is play this year under your current contract. If you play WELL, we will try to negotiate a new contract with you before you become a free agent.
  19. I live south of Tampa, Tampa is my market according to Direct TV. My brother in law lives in Orlando, & my wifes aunt lives in West Palm Beach (North of Miami). Because of construction that was done before the economy went in the CRAPPER, there is MORE than enough available housing in all three areas for a LONG TIME to come. NOBODY will move from those three Cities to Jax & from what I have been reading, people are not moving to Fla in great numbers anymore. The Jags have VERY Few fans. The people in Fla outside of Jax are Fins or Bucs fans, & the people from Ga are Falcons fans. I would be much more concerned about the Jags moving if I were you than the Bills.
  20. Some guys have NO self discipline, they will show up to training camp FAT & OUT of SHAPE (see Mike Williams) without the structure of "voluntary" workouts. TO is not one of those guys.
  21. SNL was GOOD but Young Frankenstein is GREAT.
  22. The Peter Principal in action.
  23. Just because a couple of IDIOT Coaches benched him in favor of Holcomb & Edwards does not mean he was outplayed by them.
  24. That is where you are WRONG. I would enjoy nothing better than watching Trent lead the Bills to the Super Bowl. I am NOT an IDIOT like you! Trent has shown glimpses of hope he may become a good QB, I just don't get people like you that just "KNOW" he will be GREAT based on what he has shown thus far.
  25. I moved to Fla in 84. There were no sports bars or sat TV. I got to watch the Bills 2 times a year against the Fins. I had the choice of becoming a Fins fan or a Bucs fan. I chose the Bucs even though they were MUCH worse than the Fins because I could NEVER be a Fish fan. I was rewarded in 02. The Bills have ALWAYS been my #1 team & ALWAYS will be, but the Bucs are #2 on my list. I root for TEAMS not players, while I wish JP well, he is no longer a Bill.
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