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Everything posted by Flbillsfan#1

  1. Having watched him his entire NFL career, I can tell you he was not himself last year. I don't know if he was injured & it wasn't talked about or what, but he was SLOW last year. That said he would be a GREAT addition to any locker room because he is a great leader, a true professional & just a great character guy. On the field, I'm not so sure anymore.
  2. Name me one impressive coach from the Belichick tree.
  3. He is a HOF CHEATER no doubt. No one has even mentiond how he brings in players to training camp to pick their brains then cuts them. Bill Walsh is only behind Belicheat when it comes to cheating. The 49ers spent on players OVER the salery cap every year & were not punished for it until Eddie D was forced to leave the team & league. People give Walsh much more credit than he deserves. Neither Belicheat or Walsh would have won a single Superbowl without cheating.
  4. What do you not understand about that? A players talent level is his ability to play the game at a certain level. MANY times players do not play up to their talent level, especially players that are not motivated. Sometimes they play better than their talent level, like when they are MOTIVATED, in a contract year for example. If you watch football at all Mr. WEO I am sure you have seen players have GREAT years in their contract year when they sucked the previous 2 or 3 years because they were not motivated. Peters was not in a contract year & was not motivated last year. That does not take away from his talent level however, & Philly is betting when motivated with a new contract, he will play well again.
  5. They have also lost other coaches besides Dungy. I know they lost their Offensive Coordinator, & I think they lost a couple position coaches. Losing the OC is about as big as losing Dungy as he had TOTAL control of the offensive side of the ball. A number of people on NFL Network have predicted the Colts will miss the playoffs this year.
  6. I agree GOOD post Magox. The thing is people are talking about Tebow as if he was already drafted & going to start the NFL in 09. He has ANOTHER year to develop. If he shows as much improvement next year as he has the past three, I could see him being a top 15 pick. I know one thing for sure, I am going to ENJOY my Saturdays again this fall, watching Tebow lead the Gators to another run at a title. Here is a question.........................how many QB's have been on THREE National Championship teams?
  7. Looking at the schedule I predict 7-9
  8. We all know Skooby has a high motor.
  9. When people said Peters was the best O-lineman last year, I think they were referring to his talent level, NOT his play last year.
  10. Isn't that the guy that got his head stomped on by Haynsworth?
  11. Even though you Root for a Girls school on Saturdays, it looks like you do watch REAL Football on Sundays.
  12. Happy to oblige Pot. We ALL know about your mancrush on Trent & you do a GREAT job defending him.........sincerely; Kettle.
  13. Well lets see a LINK of what NFL scouts say about Tebow, NAME SOME NAMES. If you don't think Tebow goes before round 5, why are you too CHICKEN to bet that he won't?
  14. Actually if you bother to read other peoples posts in this thread & the Trent thread, a NUMBER of people have said Tebow is a good QB & can throw the ball. But as I said what would you know, being the fan of a GIRLS School.
  15. Maybe because he is YOUNG & STILL DEVELOPING.................you know, like the Bills THIRD Year QB. By the time of the draft next year Tebow will be a VALUED Pick at QB, I would bet on it.
  16. Great post, but you can't argue with an IDIOT. Fingon for some reason seems to have a JP like HATRED for Tebow & even though he has probably only seen him on TV a couple times, & saw him throw a few bad passes, he IGNORES all of the posts by various posters that have seen Tebow play much more often than he has that say Tebow is actually an accurate passer.
  17. Tebow is as smart as people say he is. The PROOF of that is the fact he STAYED in school for his senior year. He knows he still needs to develop & has ONE MORE YEAR in College to do so. It is just STUPID to try to evaluate Tebow at this point in time. How many on this board say Trent is young & needs time to develop? Well Tebow is YOUNG & HAS time to develop before the draft next year.
  18. I'm through with you. I doubt you have even seen him play. You spout off crap yet can't provide links or name names of the so called scouts & experts you claim to have read. You think he will not be drafted until the midrounds but refuse to wager on it because you KNOW you are WRONG.
  19. Well so much for Trent.
  20. Put up a link with EVEN ONE scout that thinks Tebow is a midround pick NEXT Year.
  21. What would you know? You are used to watching a GIRLS School play football.................& not VERY WELL at that for a number of years now. I have watched MUCH more of Tebow than you I would wager, His passing has IMPROVED every year & he has one more year to go before the Draft. You are saying he is not big enough to play QB in the NFL...........................but he is big enough to be a TE or H-back? That is just CRAZY.
  22. You have to be KIDDING. EXACTLY what physical & mechanical skills is Tebow lacking? He is a BIG STRONG kid & TOUGH as NAILS. While he didn't go to that football powerhouse Stanford, you just have to see him & hear him speak to know Tebow also is intelligent. As you said it remains to be seen how good Tebow will be in the NFL, BUT he does possess ALL the Qualities necessary to be a VERY GOOD NFL QB.
  23. It would be nice if you could turn off your mancrush of Trent & view him OBJECTIVELY as I & others do. I root for the Bills & Trent as much as I rooted when JP was the QB. I don't know WHY you felt the NEED to discuss JP, he is NO LONGER A BILL. I have been discussing Trent & Tim NOT JP.
  24. I don't know when you started watching football, but in the 60's a DB could POUND on a receiver from the time the ball was snapped until the whistle blew. QB's were hit HARD & OFTEN, there was no in the grasp rule & ANY part of their body was fair game. If defenses weren't as complicated & fast as today neither were the offenses. Speed negates speed.
  25. It is HARD to take your posts seriously because of your OBVIOUS bias FOR Trent.
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