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Everything posted by Flbillsfan#1

  1. I blame McNabb more than anyone for the TO sideshow. I think TO was right about McNabb & McNabb TANKED it in the Super Bowl.
  2. I don't know if anyone heard Rome the other day............................but you can add him to BAD as well.
  3. I agree, I say the first Drunk that sees him at a Bills game................................THROW UP ON "Metzelaars Lives".
  4. I would take an 0-16 Season, followed by a GREAT Draft & winning seasons to come over endless 7-9 Seasons ANY DAY.
  5. I voted. I put the Pats down near the bottom, but I had to put the Jags last................................because they are.
  6. No it doesn't. How about filling us in.
  7. You should have heard Steve Dumeg "the Big Dog" go off on Gruden on his show on WDAE Tampa today. He said just as his word to his players was no good, he also went back on his word to NFL Network. He said Gruden may have burned the wrong bridge because NFL Network is owned by the NFL.
  8. I didn't see ESPN, but on NFL Network last night, Rich Eison had this smirk on his face while talking about TO at OTA's. You could just tell he wanted to ridicule TO & Buffalo & he asked Solomen Wilcots & Warren Sapp what their thoughts were. They both replied it was good for TO to be there for him & Trent to get used to each other. They both thought TO will help Buffalo win games this year. The look on Eison's face at this was too funny, he looked like the pretty boy just turned down for a dance by the hot chick so she could dance with the nice guy.
  9. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  10. Well for every person like you that doesn't want it, there are probably at least two that do. I would bet at least one of the two are subsidizing channels you like that they don't.
  11. Well you could always just go OTA then you don't have to pay anything. If you like SOME channels on Cable or Sat, you also have to pay for others you don't & everyone is in the same boat.
  12. It is easy to sell out when you tarp over half of the stadium. If the NFL allowed LA to lose TWO teams why do you think they will not allow the Jags to move? Their Large following or their rich history?
  13. The entire State of Fla follow either Miami or Tampa. NOBODY outside of Jax follows the Jags. This will make Fins fans living in Orlando very happy..........................they won't have to worry about Jax being shown instead of Miami.
  14. Mine was also. I get FIOS next week, can't wait.
  15. +1 Let's hope he chokes on a cheese steak.
  16. It's not that he can't, it is just the fact that last year, he REFUSED to do so. It will be nice to have TO get in his face if he pulls that crap again this year.
  17. Actually, many of his former players have called him a two faced phony. That is the reason he was fired in Tampa.................he lost the locker room. Still, it should be interesting to watch him on Mondays. His former players all did say he knew how to coach & knew Football.
  18. I'm sure there are PLENTY of channels that charge for carrage, that some people have no interest in watching, that are on basic cable.
  19. Yet you feel the need visit a board of a meaningless franchise...............................why is that? Could it be as another poster said we are true football fans on this board, which you can't find on a Pats* board.
  20. I agree that's why I took the over.
  21. 10: the number of STUPID threads about JP that IDIOTS will start between now & the start of the season. I will take the over.
  22. Yeah the Bills may SUCK, & as fans we have to take our excitement where we can get it, but.................................................at least we are not rooting for scumbag CHEATERS*, & trying to convince the world everyone does it. I will take the Bills 4 Super Bowl losses over the TAINTED Pats* wins anyday.
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