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Everything posted by Flbillsfan#1

  1. Yeah, we knew that. Nice of you to confirm it.
  2. Let me go on record with you.
  3. Yeah you are right, it is much better to have no leadership skills in the NFL like Tony Romo.
  4. Just as you have tried to make people think you are a Bills fan when it it OBVIOUS you are a Pats* fan, the league would like people to think the Pats wins are legitimate. That looks better for the league than stripping the wins. How would they even do that it would be opening a can of worms. Just as it is obvious you are a Pats* fan NOT a Bills fan, it is obvious the Pats owe MUCH of their success to CHEATING.
  5. As you said Thomas had a GOOD year last year. It is CRAZY to think the Jags would cut him. I'm sure they gave him a NICE signing bonus.
  6. We are smart enough to KNOW a PHONY when we see one "Mr. Bills fan" go back to the board of the CHEATERS along with the rest of the bandwagon fans.
  7. I'm sure he calls his mother once a week also. It remains to be seen just how good Trent can be, lets hope you are correct & he is a Championship Caliber QB
  8. Does anyone that follows the NFL think Roger Goodell is STUPID? I certainly don't. I think he is VERY intelligent, which begs the question...........why did he DESTROY the EVIDENCE of the Pats CHEATING? If it were minor & inconsequential as the league would like us to believe, the NFL would have been better served letting the WORLD see that. In my mind Goodell destroyed the evidence for one reason, a VERY GOOD reason...................for the GOOD of the NFL, to preserve the integrity of the league. It is much better for the NFL that people THINK the Pats* wins are due to their CHEATING than for everyone to KNOW for a fact that is the case.
  9. I am not including them. I just think they are being misled. They are being fed the company line by "insiders" & buying it. As for me, I'm not buying what they are selling.
  10. Yeah I agree. Nothing to see here move along. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. As much as the Pats* & the league would like this all to be forgotten, they KNOW that will NEVER happen. The next best thing...............try to persuade people it was no big deal. The league may not like it but MOST people will view the Pats* Super Bowl wins as TAINTED* & time WILL NOT diminish the fact that they CHEATED.
  11. That is EXACTLY what Goodell & the league want you to think. True or not.
  12. Actually it was a recorder. it could record TV chanels & a camera was available that could be hooked up to it. Many people used them for just as you said Weddings & such. My point about the SIZE is you can much more easily tell where it is pointed with a LARGE camera.
  13. So in your opinion time diminishes CHEATING? If that were the case there are some GREAT baseball players that played for the Sox that should be in the HOF.
  14. I'm not saying video cameras did not exist in 1983, but they were HUGE & cumbersome. I bought my 1st VCR sometime between 1984 & 87. It was a Sony Betamax (MUCH BETTER picture than VHS) & the remote control was attached to it with a CORD. So my point is it would not be an easy thing to hide if you were filming. If anything Tim the article in question just points out the VALUE of filming your opponent which tells us WHY Belicheat CONTINUED with the practice when he was TOLD not to. I still have not heard of ANY other team that did this other than the Pats* including the article you linked.
  15. Hearsay from a Pats* site. Very credible or not, but definatly one of the two. Even that article does not say ANY team other than the Pats* did it AFTER they were TOLD not to, & I seriously doubt the technology was there 20 years ago to do it.
  16. EXACTLY. You will not provide that link because you CAN'T! Because it does NOT EXIST. Because NO other team did it EXCEPT the Pats*
  17. Pats* fans say other teams did it. Why has no other team ever been singled out? Provide a LINK to ALL these other teams that did it.
  18. The point is we don't know exactly how MUCH the Pats* CHEATED because the EVIDENCE was DESTROYED. To me that means it was SO BAD Goodell did not want the PUBLIC to see it for fear of how much it would tarnish the league.
  19. I heard a Pats* reporter the other day bragging about their receivers, " I don't know what the BILLS are going to do, they will need about 10 corners"
  20. To quote Kid Rock: Nobody wants you around here.
  21. Here's a BETTER idea YOU go back to your Pats* board.
  22. I love Lynch, but you have to be kidding about Favre. He has been called REDNECK much more than Lynch has been called thug.
  23. This will be my final post on Namath. As I said before, you can't judge Namath by his stats, you had to see him play. I will grant you he did not have longetivity due to his knees, but he was the best QB of his generation & the vast majority of people that saw him play will agree with me. My original post was to dispute the contention that Namath is overrated which I believe I have done. The only people that think he is overrated are the people that NEVER saw him play & therefore don't know what they are talking about.
  24. The HGH should be kicked in real good by Oct.
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