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Everything posted by Flbillsfan#1

  1. Is it much bigger than the QB's? Look at the GOOD teams you named. EVERY ONE of them has an ELITE QB except Bal & Flacco is the best QB they have had since Dilfer. Now look at the BAD teams you named. NONE of them have even a DECENT QB.
  2. If you want to root for a good team & YOU DON'T CARE what City they REPRESENT go root for the Colts, Saints or Pats* The Pats* have MANY bandwagon fans, they will welcome you. This is a BUFFALO Bills board, no matter how good or bad they are.
  3. Well too bad for you, it won't happen.
  4. I hope they let you know if you had the job or not at the time. I would be ready for a beer or two after that.
  5. I didn't know that. It sounds like JP has a three week interview with the Raiders.
  6. I don't understand the hate for Brandon. He is a marketing & business man, a very good one I might add. If the Bills can get someone as good to run the football side, the team will be on the road to recovery. I also am happy that Buddy Nix is back with the Bills, so I don't want to see him fired either.
  7. I totally agree about a rookie cap. The players are going to have to give this to the owners in the next CBA & should be happy to do so. It is in the Vets best interest to limit the money rookies get as it will leave more in the pot for the vets. The Raiders are my favorite team in the AFC West with KC being a close 2nd. I hope JP does well because he is a good guy but I only root for two teams, the Bills & the Bucs.
  8. I wouldn't mind having a dirty cheapshot artist on offense to counter the dirty cheapshot artist on the Pats* defense.
  9. If you read through this thread, I already said that I only said "end of discussion" in response to Mr.Wonderfuls post that I replied to in which he said "end of discussion."
  10. On Mike & Mike they said Russells bonus has already been paid out & he is due $9 Million next year, if he doesn't start he will likely be cut. It looks like JP will get the chance to compete for the starters job in camp next year. I guess we will have to wait & see how it plays out.
  11. Well, he fixed the Bucs offense enough to win the Super Bowl. Granted it was a short term fix, but that was all that could be done because of the salary cap & lack of high draft picks over a LONG period of time that were given up to acquire Keyshawn Johnson & Gruden. Due to the cap & the age of the team, the Bucs had a limited window of opportunity to get to the Super Bowl & win it & Gruden & Allen were able to pull it off.
  12. Why do you think 90 year old Ralph Wilson is more qualified to judge potential GM's than Russ Brandon? The new GM will be the "football person" while Brandon handles the business side. Many teams are set up this way, & Brandon is VERY GOOD at what he does.
  13. The Skins could be a GOOD TEAM QUICKLY with Allen & Gruden. The Skins already have a good defense, with Gruden to fix the offense, the Giants Eagles & Cowboys better watch out.
  14. You are one of the bigger idiots on this board. I already said the experts are divided on Tebow, BUT there is NOT a clear consensus that he can't be a starting QB in the NFL. In fact Kirk Herbstreet was on Mike & Mike yesterday & they told him about the conversation they had the day before with Bob Griese & said they were surprised about Grieses answer to them. Herbstreet replied Tebows detractors have not watched him over a long period of time like Griese & he have & they don't know him. He said Tebow will get with a QB guru & WORK on what he needs to before the combine. He thinks Tebow will be drafted late in rnd #1 or early in rnd #2 as a QB. It is one thing to have a different opinion, the HATERS like YOU however can't have a discussion of differing opinion without name calling. If you go through the threads about Tebow, you will see a whole lot of childish namecalling by his detractors. That is the reason I call you HATERS.
  15. I expect the College HOF to do that.
  17. The fact that I REFUSE to let you BULLY me is not proof that I lied. FOR THE LAST TIME, PROVIDE PROOF THAT I LIED & STOP LIBELING ME OR I WILL COMPLAIN ABOUT YOUR BEHAVIOR TO THE MODS. If there were any proof that I lied you would have already provided it BUT YOU HAVEN'T Thus far, you have NEVER shown that I lied about you.
  18. I think you replied to the wrong post. I only said "end of discussion" in reply to Mr. Wonderful who said "end of discussion" in the post I replied to.
  19. Zorn? How about Jauron? This can't REALLY be Mikes thinking.
  20. You haven't lost it crayonz. While undergoing Chemo & Radiation, your posts were ALWAYS good for a laugh & helped keep my spirits up, THANKS.
  21. He had no choice, the Bills claimed him on wavers, can't blame that on him.
  22. Because NO GM has been disingenuous about his true thoughts about a player about to be drafted before.
  23. I agree he is a perfect fit. As long as the Bills are being so penalized anyway, why not inflict some damage on the other team?
  24. As I said, I will take Grieses opinion over yours. End of discussion.
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