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Everything posted by Flbillsfan#1

  1. Pharmaceutical companies are WELL PAID for the Drugs they develop & manufacture.
  2. It would not surprise me if I was.
  3. I ask again what does JP's lack of success against the Pats* have to do with playing an entire game minus the first series being called mop up duty? I do not understand your reply to that post. I do not have a lot of faith that Trent will stay healthy & play well next year, but I hope he does because I'm a Bills fan. The whole Trent/ JP thing in this thread started because one of your fellow HATERS started it when it was posted JP threw a great pass.
  4. This could be one ironic season. I can see it now, JP plays the majority of the season for an injured Edwards, helping the team get in the playoffs, then Trent plays the playoff game & loses & JP is gone the next year. Deja vu all over again.
  5. The truly SAD thing is the 08 Bills will be the 1st decent team with a shot at the playoffs since the Flutie/RJ team.
  6. What the HELL does that have to do with the fact Trent played the entire game except the first series, being called mop up duty? ALL YOU JP HATERS put all JP's losses & everything else on him, like the rest of the team or coaching staff had no part in it. Next year I KNOW when Trent loses it will be the receivers fault for dropping a key pass or the lines fault for allowing a sack or the Offensive Coordinators fault for calling bad plays, there will be all kinds of EXCUSES for Trent, but in HATERS eyes JP is to blame for the CRAP of a team he has had to endure his entire time in Buffalo thus far.
  7. Mop up duty? He played the ENTIRE Pats* game except the FIRST SERIES.
  8. JP has the ability to win games. I was thinking of the Jets game last year when Trent was sucking, got injured & JP came in & won the game. The KC game a few years ago the same thing. JP's niche may be as a back up rather than starter. I am happy he is still on the Bills as back up to Trent.
  9. If Trent is healthy and plays all 16 games this year, he will have played almost as many games as JP has, while on a MUCH BETTER TEAM & more consistent coaching (Turk is keeping the same terminology) than JP had, plus we all know he is more intelligent than JP, so I would expect his learning curve to be shorter.
  10. Flutie played on a MUCH BETTER TEAM than JP. If JP had a decent team around him & a competent offensive coordinator I believe his record would have been much better.
  11. Time will tell. What is the over/under on the week Trent is injured?
  12. Do you realize Trent was injured his entire college career & his first as a pro? I like Trent but I really can't stand his little fan club. I have heard "Poise" & "A lot of promise" about a guy who did not show me yet he is a winner, a guy who had worse stats than JP who you hate. The ONLY game Trent showed ANYTHING was the Skins game. I can think of six games where he flat out SUCKED. We shall see next year if Trent can stay healthy & just how well that "poise & promise" translates in his second year.
  13. I cringed, especially late in the game when games are won & lost. The Cowboys & Giants are two games that come to mind, not to mention how BAD he looked at the end of the year. As you said WE ALL hope he does well,but I don't see a lot of promise as some others do yet however.
  14. If you think our health care system is second to none you are CRAZY. It is the WORST of all developed countries. A five year old girl in my church fell off a swing & broke her arm. It was not set properly, & they had to REBREAK it & set it again. Doesn't sound any better than Costa Rica to me.
  15. Even if the wait is months, people with NO INSURANCE in this country would gladly wait months & get treated eventually than get no treatment at all. The healthcare system in this country is SO Broken. INSURANCE COMPANIES, & CORPORATIONS who own hospitals & other medical facilities are Making $$$$ while people who work in Health care (including Doctors) are way underpaid & the people in this country are underinsured or have no insurance.
  16. See I'm afraid Trent is RJ ( they're both injury prone)& JP is Flutie (athletic ability & able to pull out wins). I remember ALL the RJ supporters PILING on Flutie the way Trents fans pile on JP. At the end of next season we will see.
  17. They have universal health care in Canada, so don't blame the prices on that.
  18. Per Pro Football Talk; Plan B, The 49'ers are looking for someone to play Tackle when Jonas Jennings gets INJURED. He has only played 21 games in his three years with the 49'ers. Great signing by the 49'ers.
  19. MMMMMMMMM Mighty Taco, I miss you most of all.
  20. I think the BIG question on the Jags is Gregg Williams @ D-coordinator. There are already reports out of Jacksonville about what a hard ass he is. He lost the Skins team for that reason, & it is only a matter of time until the players revolt in Jville.
  21. Your statement the Bills would be TWICE as valuable if they played ANYWHERE ELSE than WNY is FLAWED. Name me five cities that don't have a team that the Bills would be TWICE as valuable in. I can only think of one...... Toronto. I don't think they would be TWICE as valuable in LA. OK name me 3 more cities. In the future if the Bills cultivate the Toronto corporate market they could see that money in Buffalo, if as you say they can't do a full relocation to Toronto.
  22. It really wouldn't matter if they could drill in those places, it wouldn't affect the price of oil. Oil companies are making BILLIONS in profit every year. The only thing that will bring the price of gas down is government INTERVENTION on what the oil companies charge.
  23. I'm off by a year, he will be 34 by next season. He is still DAMN OLD -unless he goes to the Pats* & their HGH program.
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