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Everything posted by Flbillsfan#1

  1. My point is you do not respect the opinion of other people, & if you disagree with it debate it in a logical way. ALL you can do is attack people on a personal level that you don't agree with. You NEED this board for that because if you interacted in person with others the way you interact with others on this board, you would have been SQUISHED like the BUG you are long ago. YOU are the **** my fellow Bills fan.
  2. I don't see ANY Trent lovers coming to your defense. There is a reason for that. You bring NOTHING of substance to this board. People should be able to come on this board & express their opinions without being personally attacked by an IDIOT that doesn't have the knowledge or wit to express his opinions on the subject being discussed. 99% of your posts are either you licking Trents balls, or your attacking others that don't care to partake in that activity.
  3. Keep posting, don't let the bug BUG you. He picked the perfect user name for himself. Every community has an Ahole or two.
  4. I just want to see Trent throw the ball past the line of scrimmage, especially on 3rd down. He had a good game last week, let's keep it going.
  5. The O-line & play calling couldn't have anything to do with that.
  6. WDAE streams live on the internet, if you want to hear him, he is on every Friday on Steve Dumig's show @ about 5PM. He is also on Steve's Fox network national college football show on Saturdays.
  7. Chris Landry, on WDAE 620 Tampa, tonight said he expects the Pats* to win 9-10 games. He feels because of the injuries the Pats*, Colts, & Chargers have had, the Steelers should be in the Super Bowl. He then went on to say..................................the team to beat in the AFC East is Buffalo. He expects the Bills to win the East.
  8. I agree what we need is a great QB ............A QB that can play well in BAD weather as well as good. I would not be concerned about Trent if he played bad a few plays, or even an entire game, but thus far he has been GOD AWFUL in EVERY Bad weather game he has played. That my fellow Bills fan is my concern.
  9. I'm not a big Jauron supporter, however the NEW GM destroyed that 13-3 team the same way TOMMY BOY destroyed the Bills team that was a game away from the Super Bowl.
  10. I have knowledge of QB play @ the Ralph. I had season tickets from the day it was built until I moved to Fla in 84, & always try to get to a game when I'm in Buffalo during the season. JP has played in the weather in Buffalo for four years, yet with all the criticism of him on this board, I can't remember 1 post calling him out for poor play in bad weather. Trents POOR play in bad weather should be a concern for all Bills fans weather you want to admit it or not.
  11. Trent has looked good when the weather is good or in a dome. Why can't you admit Trent looked like sh-- in the rain, & has NEVER YET looked even half way decent in poor weather? If you are not concerned about this you are a fool.
  12. I can't believe all you Trent appologists. Buffalo has MUCH BETTER receivers & O-line than Seattle did for this game. It would not supprise me if Evans makes the Pro Bowl
  13. I watched the game @ a friends house on his new HD TV. The place looked packed, but I didn't really hear all that much crowd noise on his TV. I'm curious, was it loud & his TV just didn't pick it up or was the crowd subdued? Great opening day by the way.
  14. Hasselbeck was injured, & didn't play at all in preseason. He also only had 1 receiver worth a damn, & a depleated O-line. Past performance does not guarantee future results.
  15. 11]I'd like to add some love for Denny
  16. If the Bills wanted to give him away, Cleveland for one was interested. It never hurts to have competition at ALL positions.
  17. I would love to see this as well but it won't happen. Some team will offer JP a chance to compete for the starters job next year.
  18. Trent played a very good 2nd half, when the weather improved. He did not look solid in the rain in the 1st half.
  19. It will be fun to watch as the Pats* fans fall over each other jumping off the bandwagon.
  20. I fixed your post for you. There were some fans like myself who understood he was a young project with potential when drafted & needed a chance to develop. I hope all the people that wanted to trade him for next to nothing will learn from this.
  21. I'm sure he had an MRI before the game was even over.
  22. Great WIN for the Bills. My only concern is Trent. In the rain & poor weather, his play was POOR. His play suddenly improved as the weather improved. He still needs to learn to play in the elements.
  23. I don't understand why the Jax game should be condsidered a loss. I have read on this board SO MANY TIMES, JP called himself out in the JAX game & that is why the Bills should be done with him. I don't believe he called himself out, I believe he was told if the Bills don't win that game they are going to start Trent period. This year with Trent @ QB, & HOPEFULLY a much better game plan, the Bills should have no trouble winning.
  24. The only other City nearby is Orlando, & the fans there root for Miami or Tampa.
  25. The ONLY way a stadium gets built in LA is if that TOOL pays for it himself, which I doubt he wants to do.
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