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Everything posted by Flbillsfan#1

  1. Sure thing with the way the O-line played & the great play by the Defense. Do you even need to ask such a silly Question?
  2. I blame this Loss on JP. It is just like all the rest of his losses, the entire team plays GREAT but he still finds a way to lose.
  3. Yeah Trent really processed the info fast on the play he was knocked out of the game.
  4. Yeah with the great play of the O-Line & Defense, Trent would have won the game today.
  5. What correctional facility are you residing in at this time?
  6. NOPE not even half full. This makes Buffalo's attendence look all the more amazing. The Bills even with their awful teams over the last decade have drawn MUCH better than most of the NFL during that time.
  7. Again my appologies. It seems like a strange set up, only single lnb's on each dish = very old technology.
  8. Next Year? I think teams better watch out for them this year. WOW what a difference the Tuna made to this team in one year.
  9. I have NEVER heard of this & have been a DTV sub for a long time. If I'm wrong about this, MY APPOLOGIES, SORRY.
  10. You may have two dishes on your house pointing in different directions, but I doubt they are both from Direct TV. Lets have a show of hands. How many people on this board with Direct TV that do not get international channels have more than one working dish on their house? As I said, Direct TV uses only ONE dish for both local & national channels.
  11. I agree with The Dean & The Senator great post & great Avatar.
  12. I didn't mean he was a Troll in general just about this thread. He is a BS Artist, he states in a post in his link that he couldn't receive good signal on his "Nationals" Dish, but could on his "Locals" Dish. If he ever had Direct TV he would have known they only have ONE dish for both Nationals & Locals.
  13. I read your posts in the links. You sound like a BS artist TROLL to me. Direct TV has only ONE DISH for both locals & national. If you EVER had Direct TV you would have known that.
  14. EVERYTIME JP came off the bench to replace the starter, he WON the game. Trent & others have commented on how professionaly JP has handled the situation he is in.
  15. Are you talking DTV or Dish? I'm SURE you could get a much better deal than that if you choose to switch to either. Dish & FIOS both offer multiroom DVRs that can show different channels at the same time to different TV's. DTV does not offer this YET, but you can hook up more than 1 TV to the DVR you just have to watch this same thing on both TV's & as you said you don't have them on at the same time. If your sister is losing her picture, she should call her provider. It is the result of a bad install (they do happen). I live in SW Fla where we get a LOT of HEAVY rainfall & rarely lose my picture, if I do it is for only a couple mins. I lost service for much longer periods with Comcast Cable. As far as Verizon, I have them for my phone & DSL. I have been very happy with their service. They just ran fiberoptic cable down my street, they called me about switching to FIOS, were very polite, & explained EVERYTHING about their service including the cost. I will stay with DTV for now but if I leave it will be for FIOS.
  16. My mistake, I thought you meant Erie County NY (Buffalo). Erie Pa. should get locals soon if they don't already. DTV launched a new Sat & is making a push to get locals to 99% of the country soon. As far as blackouts on Sunday ticket, DTV states games televised OTA in your market will be blacked out. They will be shown on the Ticket in HD if they are not in HD local OTA.
  17. Huh? I lived in Mill City Ore. about 5 years ago. At the time I received the locals from Salem, I can't believe Salem has locals & Buffalo NY doesn't, & this is 5 years later. I'm pretty sure you don't pay extra if you can't get locals for East coast feed, you just need a waiver from the local channel (about impossible to get, esp from Linn).
  18. Good post. The only thing I would add is that while Trent has shown he can play well under ideal conditions, he hasn't shown that ability in poor weather YET. He also has yet to play an entire season without being injured.
  19. I also disagree with you. You either have forgotten or maybe never knew, but QB's back in the day called their own plays, & they didn't have a plastic cheat sheet on their arm. Even though the defenses weren't as complicated as they are today, that took inteligence. By the way Jim Kelly was about the only QB to call his own plays when he played.
  20. Just my opinion, Time Warner has a right not to carry NFL Network, & EVERYONE has a right to not subscribe to Time Warner because they don't.
  21. GREAT TUNE by a Great Band
  22. Actually you don't need the sports package either, it is included on Direct TV at no extra charge.
  23. Sure you can it's called a TIVO - works with Cable & OTA. Check it out @ TIVO.com.
  24. Yeah he had a great Super Bowl.
  25. Is Brady a great QB or did the cheating appear to make him a great QB? I remember watching the Pats* 1st Super Bowl against the Rams & thinking it's like the Pats* know exactly what the Rams are going to do next. Now it is clear they DID KNOW.
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