Are you talking DTV or Dish? I'm SURE you could get a much better deal than that if you choose to switch to either. Dish & FIOS both offer multiroom DVRs that can show different channels at the same time to different TV's. DTV does not offer this YET, but you can hook up more than 1 TV to the DVR you just have to watch this same thing on both TV's & as you said you don't have them on at the same time. If your sister is losing her picture, she should call her provider. It is the result of a bad install (they do happen). I live in SW Fla where we get a LOT of HEAVY rainfall & rarely lose my picture, if I do it is for only a couple mins. I lost service for much longer periods with Comcast Cable. As far as Verizon, I have them for my phone & DSL. I have been very happy with their service. They just ran fiberoptic cable down my street, they called me about switching to FIOS, were very polite, & explained EVERYTHING about their service including the cost. I will stay with DTV for now but if I leave it will be for FIOS.