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Wagon Circler

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Posts posted by Wagon Circler

  1. And note that last season, due to the lack of push from Triplett and Williams up the middle, Schobel got a LOT of double teams and still managed to get 6.5 sacks. Not a lot, but with the number of double teams he was facing, that's not absolutely terrible. Also, teams typically moved their TE over to help when he face a team's LT. Whoever suggests that Schobel is not double-teamed on every play has no idea how blocking schemes are executed and how you deal with a player who is the only legitimate pass rusher from the outside.

    Who are you kidding? Schobel was invisible last season as a rusher. Kelsey is invisible every season. The return of Denney and the kid from VT give me hope though.

  2. Jauron is a defensive coach (defensive backs) as well. They spent most of the draft picks and big ticket free agent moves this off-season to re-build the defense.


    To summarize the 07 defense, I'd agree that Fewell did a good job with the bad hand he was dealt. The defense came into the season with plenty of inexperience and talent holes and immediate went into the ditch with injuries. I'm hopeful that with a full compliment of players that stay healthy, he'll be able to turn a unit that couldn't stop anybody into a capable defense. Just stepping the D up to "average" would be a huge turnaround.


    I've seen others post on this as well, but Turk is a question mark. Jauron has had a dismal record in hiring offensive coordinators, to be honest. Schonert was a jounreyman QB and has been a journeyman QB coach who has skipped like a stone across the pond of the NFL; but, who knows? Hopefully, this time it's charmed. Schonert hasn't been given an major influx of talent as help either. There is Hardy and ...? (Are people serious that Barnes and/or Viti are difference makers?) And now the Lynch legal trouble.


    I wonder about all the blame being laid at the feet of Fairchild. I believe a lot of that is deserved, btw. On the other hand, trying to look at it from his perspective: he was given a new offensive line with players that had never played a meaningful down together before, the veteran QB regressed, he had to break in a rookie backfield with both Lynch and Edwards, and the system he wanted to run was a pass-first system that required perfect timing and big-time speed on the outside -- again with a rookie QB and some small, average WRs. A-Train was no Marshall Faulk. I wonder how much Losman's failure, Peerless's injury, and the lack of experience at RB influenced Fairchild.

    Fairchild sucked. His playcalling cost us games last year;Denver and Dallas to name 2

  3. The early returns on this guy seem to be favorable. He has taken charge of the offense. He threatened to pull them off the field after a bad practice.

    The receivers are saying there a lot of new patterns to learn which is good because the old ones didn't work.

    He's going to allow Trent to audible which should take advantage of his high football I.Q.

    Supposedly there is a Sam Wyche influence to his offense. Wyche had a cool O with the Bengals.

    There is hope for our offense. :lol: He is the TURK.

    Your thoughts?

  4. Marshawn made his own bed here. He's antagonized the victim (and the police for that matter) by handling this in an adversary fashion. Had he treated this as an accident (even a day or two after the incident) it might be resolved sooner and simpler. There is insurance on the vehicle which covers liability for property damage and personal injury. If he and his agent were smart, he would likely carry an umbrella policy for additional liability above and beyond the vehicle insurance (as does the dealership that owns the car I am sure). He could have filled out reports, apologized privately and publically, dealt with the misdemeanor charge for leaving the scene and let the process take care of itself. The injuries to the victim don't add up to a huge settlement, not one that would reach 7 figures, so the insurance would likely resolve this. He'd pay a fine for the misdemeanor and the harshest penalty would probably come from the league, likely a short suspension. If He had done this, then he's not the villian he is now becoming. If someone else was driving, then he and that person should have come forward in the same fashion.


    Instead, he's turning this into a very expensive circus. He's motivated the victim to "take him to the cleaners" along with the DA and the commissioner, and his public perception once very good, will take a severe blow here. His lawyer, knowing that the police knew who's vehicle was involved, should have looked at this whole thing and advised his client to let the insurance companies resolve the accident. The path he is now on was easily predicted and the cost IMO will be higher doing it "his way".


    Sure, handling this openly and honestly may not have kept the victim from suing - but every other party that will judge him and punish him (and/or the driver of the car) for this incident (the public, the NFL, the Bills and the courts) would be doing so under much better circumstances.

    You forget one thing . He was probably drunk at thetime. He risked trying to get away with it versus the damage to his rep. from a drunk driving charge.

  5. They were starting because we had no other options. I loved the way Greer and McGee played but they are not exactly elite. Overall, our secondary wasn't very good and didn't have a lot of size. McKelvin is a little bigger than those too and has shut down some real good receiver prospects in college (Calvin Johnson for instance). The best thing about the move is that we took what was once a weakness and made it into a strength. This is a passing league now.


    Somebody should have told Fairchild!

  6. Trust the Mayock. He said he didn't have a first round grade on any receiver in the draft. Everyone said he was crazt and look what happened!

    I do agree we've had almost as hard a time replacing Hull as we have Kelly.

  7. As a resident of N.J., I watched a lot of Giant games last year. Mitchell was very solid all season and showed big play ability. I was thrilled when the Bills got him. I also do not believe they overpaid. You never know how these things will work out but I believe this signing really upgraded our defense. We went from a very mediocre linebacker core to Poz, Kawika and Crowell. I'm EXCITED!

  8. What the f#$k is OBD dong with the fullback position? No name free agent, no name draft pick. Do they really think the soldier fullback is the answer? I don't think the answer is currently on the roster.

  9. you are right about dropping passes. I watch a lot of Giants games and Shockey has been dropping passes the past few years. He had a great rookie season, and has not been the same player since

    Living in the NY market, I see alot of the Giants as well, and I'm with you on this. Nothing else bothers me about Shockey, but he drops WAY too many passes that QBs put right in the breadbasket, and he has a knack for doing it in the endzone. A 2nd rounder alone would be too much, in my opinion.

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