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Wagon Circler

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Posts posted by Wagon Circler

  1. O.K.- Schjobel has paid well but has not gotten the sacks which is what we need him to do. Kelsey was our best player in the pre-season, but as usual never gets near the Q.B. It wiuld seem like it might be time to dress Ellis and give him a shot. Sorry, Copeland.

  2. Couldn't have said it better, we have Marshawn Lynch and Freddie Jackson and we can't run the ball?


    Is this the after effects of Fairchilds greatest show on turf disaster?


    I don't put the blame on Turk Shonert for the previous offense he's been forced to adapt to, but I do expect Shonert to make the necessary adjustments in the next two weeks to help our running game get on track.

    Agree completely.All off-season I kept hearing that there were going to be major changes in the passing game but the running game was staying basically the same. And I kept thinking WHY? We couldn't run effectively last year. Turk needs to take these two weeks and revamp the running game.These plays stink. We haven't been able to run the ball since Kent Hull retired.Run the occasional pitch-out and sweep.Varieyt Turk!

  3. When we blitzed that didn't work either. They seemed to have the right play called for taking advantage. What bothered me most abour today was the resurfacing of some of the same problems as last year.; an inability to run with any consistency and no four man pass rush. We still need an edge pass rusher in the worst way.

  4. We get no respect. Even if we win the next two we probably wont get any respect. A win is a win. A come from behind win is more impressive than a blowout because its hard to bounce back.


    Teams around the league are getting upset every week. Yet, we keep winning. This is the best season and team we've had in a while. We bills fans like to get excited early but the team is real deal. If our O-line gets it together and we stay healthy we have a legit shot at the superbowl. Jauron will keep our team thinking one game at a time. Bills fans think ahead. Thats what we do.


    Berman is on our side, forget the rest of those chumps.

    Berman continues to insist that we are the best wagon-circlers in the NFL.

  5. They definitely should mix in the no-huddle as a change of pace. Trent runs it well, it gets the defense winded, they can't substitute,the D schemes are basic. We have the personnel to line up in the shotgun and wing it. Does our coaching staff have the courage?

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