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Wagon Circler

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Posts posted by Wagon Circler

  1. What is the great fascination with tight ends on this board? :D

    Did we lose games because our tight ends only combined to catch 50 passes or because Kawika Mitchell led the team in sacks with 5 and most of the time there was no rush to speak of? A defensive end is the first and last priority in the offseason. I would not be adverse to drafting 3 in the hope that we could find one to rush the passer. I also rate free safety and o-line as a bigger need than tight end. Tampa-2 has no shot to succeed without a pass rush. Otherwise it is just a slow steady march up the field.

  2. The off-season is usually the highlight of the season for Bills fans, IMO. After the season is over, everyone's undefeated in 09 at least until September.


    I don't have any confidence in the Bills front office either because Ralph has absolute control. We also know Brandon isn't anything more than a public face, and has little say when it matters most. If what we read was true about who favored and opposed keeping DJ, I'd say Russ objected strongly and went against Ralph given the marketing angle he's been handed.


    If the very guy who was promoted to COO and quasi GM doesn't have enough say, then what else can RW swoop in and overrule him about?

    Good Post!

  3. The day that a DE has to be 275lb is over- a lot of really good ones are in the 250-265 range- which makes you wonder why people still feel you need for 320+ pound OTs - but I digress - I look at the DEs this year and say there's not a one that I'm head over heels with, and of course even DEs who are going to develop into good or great players often do not do much their rookie year- I was looking at Richard Dent a while back and he had 3 sacks his rookie year and 17.5 sacks his next year- I don't think any of the highly rated DEs from last year set the world on fire so if you are looking to get good fast a DE is probably not going to do it.

    I don't care. Stop the bull sh-- excuses. Take Orakpo if he's there. It is worth the gamble. Best pass rusher available. NO MORE KELSEY!

  4. I think our Offensive coaching problems are so severe that's it's almost impossible to accurately determine if any specific player is a problem.


    We have no offensive identity. The OC has zero situational awareness when calling plays. The blocking schemes are dysfunctional, to say it nicely. The coaches have no idea of how to use the personnel that are on the team. The QB rarely moves in the pocket to create passing lanes. They regularly play without tempo and in complete ignorance of the game clock. Basic NFL plays are almost completely absent from our playbook. Just to name a few problems off the top of my head.


    We all spend so much time talking about this play or that playor about this player or that player; but when you watch the Bills play and almost any other team it is blatantly obvious that we don't have a professional NFL offense. Timing routes, play action, slants, offensive rhythm - when was the last time we saw a Bills' offense with any of those things? It would be embarrassing except that most of my friends don't watch the Bills play so they have no idea our truly inept our offense can be.

    That summarizes it nicely. The coaching was almost too inept to judge the quality of the players. I do believe we have some overrated o-linemen though.

  5. Dockery has been nothing but average his entire time in Buffalo and today he was less then average. How Preston puts himself in that position before the half I have no idea. I know it's easy to take shots at Jauron but Preston has to understand the situation and the Center is suppose to be the leader of the line and he should be running back to the line of scrimmage to prepare for the field goal attempt. Even in his sound bites after the game he took no responsiblilty for his actions. He certainly has his faults but this season is not all on Jauron.

    This team's identity is a that they have a very good special teams unit and that is it. We need to focus all of our offseason efforts to improve one side of the ball. I don't care if it's offense or defense but we need to be great on at least one side of the ball.

    Agreed. Start with the mediocre defense.

  6. From Ralph's presser after the meeting....


    "Ladies and gentlemen, while I'm proud to be associated with Dick Jauron, a man of the highest caliber, we have agreed that the Bills will need to head in a new direction. This will also allow Dick to take his long desired position as a Wal-Mart Associate, effective immediately. We have already begun our search (with the State of New York unemployment office) for

    our new Head Coach. Thanks for the Millions".


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