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Wagon Circler

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Posts posted by Wagon Circler

  1. C'mon man! Can we wait for training camp to open! I like the fact that starting jobs aren't just being handed to rookies. Let's see who's what by opening day. While I don't know if our overall line has been upgraded, I do feel like the interior of our line has. Don't panic of the "starting" line-up in OTA's.

  2. This is a complete misnomer. The Bills during the early 90's led the league in rushing twice and were 7 and 8 the other two years they ran the no huddle. The no huddle spreads the defense which opens up rushing lanes. The no huddle can effectively wear down a defense as good or better than a smash mouth offense. The whole key is moving the chains.

    Totally agree. Sometimes spreading the defense is the key to running successfully. The reason the Bills have trouble running, aside from the fact they go up the middle too often, is because they have no credible passing game. DB's come flying up on first down as soon as the ball is hiked. We MUST throw on first down so teams don't gang up on the running game.

  3. I'm not going to pretend I didn't want this guy as a Bill--I did and this hurts. I've seen enough of Ellison and he's a backup at best and God forbid he or anyone else should go down next year. The FO screwed the pooch on this one, IMHO......

    My feelings exactly. I wanted them to keep Crowell. I would have loved to have any of the free agents who came in. I can't watch Ellison. Exactly what have they done in the offseason to upgrade the run D. Nothing.

  4. That's the only change that should be made. To all the people bitching that teams who win the coin toss seem to win too much, I have this to say. The other team should try playing defense...either on the kickoff by actually covering the kick (or even an onside kick) or by trying to actually stop the opposing offense. It's a team game and if your defense and special teams aren't contributing, you don't deserve to win

    Totally assisine. Why shouldn't BOTH teams have to play defense to win? Because you won a coin flip? BFD

  5. I can imagine how this conversation with Jauron and Russ went down.


    Russ: "So, it looks like the Cards released Travis LaBoy, a real good pass rushing DE. Would be a nice addition to our squad and give us great depth"


    Dick: "Pass, we already have Kelsay"


    Russ: "...riiiiiggghht. They also released this Defensive Back Roder..."



    :lol: Excellent post. :thumbsup:

  6. You mean like "svelte" 366 lb. "new" LT Langston Walker?




    I just love how people tend to gloss over the fact Peters was pretty damn good in 2007. Instead, they like to focus in on 2008. Like that year is a foreshadow of he'll play from now on.

    Have you ordered your Jason Peters Eagles jersey? Players are graded on an annual basis. We determining if our o-line will be better than it was last year. Peters might be great in the future. I really don't care. He is no longer a Bill. He forced his way off my team. No love for jason.

  7. I have to disagree with your post. After watching every snap last year, I think the team has the perfect blend of offense and defense. The defense is downright offensive and they have no defense for the offense. I can only watch so much of a poorly executed, flawed scheme. It only takes a few missed tackles and I'm anxious to get the offense back out on the field, to show what they can't do. A few checkdowns for no gain later, and I'm yearning for eight yard cushions again. Once the opponent scores, I am all giddy with the prospect of Lynch dancing his way to a 1 yard gain. On third and long Trent finds a well covered Fred Jackson five yards behind the LOS. The clock runs out as Jauron saves two timeouts for the second half.

    Man did this guy just hit last season in a nutshell or what? :P But the cushion varies and is usually one yard more than the other team needs for a first down.

  8. Now that the draft is over and free agency is mostly over, I was thinking. Looking at our schedule, is there anybody out there who wouldn't be thrilled with a 9-7 record? PROGRESS!

  9. Mark Schlereth called Peters "an absolute mauler" on NFL live today. Did he ever watch him play?? Even in '07 Peters wasn't "mauling" anybody.

    I agree. Pretty good pass blocker which is what you want at LT but I don't remember him "mauling " anyone in the running game. I liked Peters but he is clearly overrated.

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