Driving gets me so mad I could sit here and type about it all night, but here are a few of the things that PISS ME OFF!
1. The ass that is turning right onto the road I am currently doing 55-60 mph on, and I am the ONLY VEHICLE IN SIGHT, cant wait 2 seconds for me to go by. NO he has to pull out right in front of me at the LAST SECOND. and seeing he was in such a rush to get in front of me, he proceeds to do 45. !@#$ YOU!!!!!!!!!!
2. The problem with merging isnt the !@#$ not getting over to let the merging car in, its the fact that nobody can figure out that YOU NEED TO BE DOING THE SPEED LIMIT BY THE TIME YOU GET TO THE END OF THE ON RAMP! Trust me this will make merging much easier for all of us.
3. Finally, and this is by far the biggest thing that pisses me right off and makes me want to jump through someones windshield and shove their face into the gas pedal.....PAY ATTENTION TO THE SPEED LIMIT! This is for people driving on Buffalo rd. in Ogden ny between 259 and manitou rd. THE SPEED LIMIT IS 55 GOD DAMMIT! when the speed limit sign says "end 35 mph limit", and they dont post another sign THEN ITS 55! PAY ATTENTION!
OK i fell somewhat better now. Too bad i go drive to get dinner now