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  1. Ive never seen one either but the chevy dealer said there was when i had a similar issue. Who knows, good luck
  2. I think there is a sensor in the filler tube. Try some fuel injector cleaner
  3. it was because of the qb rule....there is no other way to look at it. by listing him as QB you basically add a roster spot.
  4. Those "too few QB skillz" you speak of were good enough to get us 6 wins last year and probably should have been 8-8. I really think the people who are predicting 4 or less wins this year are the ones with ESPN colored glasses on. Ive been watching this whole offseason and keeping quiet about what i think. I think after watching a few camp practices its completely obvious this team CANNOT be any worse than last year. Save the schedule argument because it just doesnt fly with me. Im not sold on the jets or the dolphins yet, the steelers could have a slip up this year.........point is LOTS of things could happen and this schedule could turn out to be pretty easy you never know. Its happened before, remember our really hard schedule in 08'? Thats right.... turned out that the 5 teams we beat in the beginning of the year ended up bottom of the barrel that year dont be surprised if this team doesnt end up last in the division.
  5. no he didnt. he said that the bills HOPE he will have a change of heart now that arizona is out of the playoffs.
  6. Ralph never said he "was GOING TO clean house". He said he would EVALUATE the entire operation. Then all the kiddies ASSUME that means EVERYONE WILL BE FIRED. Then we end up with a fan base that is pissed at Ralph when in reality they should be pissed at themselves for ASSUMING things that simply are not true or was never the case to begin with. You are born with a brain.........use it.
  7. Well I agree with you guys. While I really like his enthusiasm and all the tools he has, he really does need to stay in school for 1 more year. Would still love to see him end up with us though.
  8. I will be watching closely. I like what I see from him. I would love to see him on our team behind an experienced vet for a year or two.
  9. "ohio state sucks" - LenDale White
  10. Yes, it is. If your taking it like candy. A few advil every now and then wont hurt you. Now if you are drinking every night then your liver is probably shot anyways.
  11. 3 advil and tall glass of water before bed. Nice HOT shower a soon as you wake up. Does the trick every time.
  12. lol no dont carry any weapons while i'm driving. But I do get really angry. Its a problem I have, but I would never do anything to hurt somebody. To loosely quote guns n roses.." patience is a virtue, and I lost my virtue long ago......you know I'd like to hurt you, but my conscious always tells me no"
  13. Driving gets me so mad I could sit here and type about it all night, but here are a few of the things that PISS ME OFF! 1. The ass that is turning right onto the road I am currently doing 55-60 mph on, and I am the ONLY VEHICLE IN SIGHT, cant wait 2 seconds for me to go by. NO he has to pull out right in front of me at the LAST SECOND. and seeing he was in such a rush to get in front of me, he proceeds to do 45. !@#$ YOU!!!!!!!!!! 2. The problem with merging isnt the !@#$ not getting over to let the merging car in, its the fact that nobody can figure out that YOU NEED TO BE DOING THE SPEED LIMIT BY THE TIME YOU GET TO THE END OF THE ON RAMP! Trust me this will make merging much easier for all of us. 3. Finally, and this is by far the biggest thing that pisses me right off and makes me want to jump through someones windshield and shove their face into the gas pedal.....PAY ATTENTION TO THE SPEED LIMIT! This is for people driving on Buffalo rd. in Ogden ny between 259 and manitou rd. THE SPEED LIMIT IS 55 GOD DAMMIT! when the speed limit sign says "end 35 mph limit", and they dont post another sign THEN ITS 55! PAY ATTENTION! OK i fell somewhat better now. Too bad i go drive to get dinner now
  14. actually rivers reminds me of marino as well. always has. Im not sure what it is but he just does.
  15. To me, Mitchell is a great pass rusher. I dont think we need to get anyone, we just need to call the damn blitz a little more often. That would make me happy.
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