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Everything posted by jangalang

  1. Best line of the season, so far.
  2. Seasons 1 and 2 were my favorites....David Palmer for president!
  3. Me too. Why all the hate for Tony, Dean? On a side note, the best character ever was Kevin Dillon playing the weirdo that held Kim in his cabin. LOL!
  4. That was a funny ending...he's about to kill 10's of thousands of people and his booty call drops by telling him she has dinner cooked and whatnot. He gives her a kiss and then has the president's husband held for ransom. Also, raise your hand if you think Tony is going to turn on the CTU team?
  5. Big Lebowski. Real line: You see what happens, Larry, when you *#!@ a stranger in the @$$ ?!?! Edited line: You see what happens, Larry, when you find a stranger in the Alps ?!?!
  6. The older you get the more rules they are going to try and get you to follow. You just gotta keep on livin man. L-I-V-I-N.
  7. I guess I'm in the minority. I thought the last episode was awesome. It was a great storyline to bring back all of the old, memorable characters and wrapped some things up like Elaine loves Jerry, George cheated in the contest, etc. I thought it was funny and have seen it several times.
  8. I thought Mickey did an excellent job!! The "down and out" cinematography was really good, but the movie itself was just okay.
  9. Yeah, she's a stripper and there are some NICE up close shots.
  10. It's true. Rourke tore it up as Randy "The Ram" Robinson. The movie itself was okay, but Mickey stole the show. And if you want to see Marissa Tomei naked....
  11. You're right...man, I thought people were knocking Alabama as an educational institute.
  12. That's correct. If I'm not mistaken, after this year, he has 2 undergraduate degrees.
  13. Alabama - Top Graduation Rate in the SEC
  14. I want Caldwell in Round 2!! Smart - 1st Alabama player to graduate in 3 years. Leadership - Made permanent captain in his junior year (99% of the time you must be a senior) Durable - Started EVERY game he was a part of since his freshman year
  15. I agree...it kind of pissed me off, to be quite honest.
  16. I watched the "Mystery Team" trailer and it looked pretty damn funny!
  17. That would be awesome!
  18. What about Chloe's husband, Morris O'Brien and her pregnancy?
  19. That's the thing...if I remember correctly, they never actually showed him dying, but instead just showed him in the ambulance. It was very similar to how Tony supposedly "died".
  20. I actually liked bringing Tony back because they never showed him fully dead. As was said in the episode, his got picked up by EMT's and Jack got sent to China. So I find that legit and am looking forward to how they'll use him and why he would be on the other side. My first thought agrees with the undercover CTU with Bill Buchanan and Chloe supporting Tony. I don't think Jeneane Garafalo is a mole though, because she is too much like Chloe...unless that's what they're intending. I don't like the woman president and her husband. That story is going nowhere thusfar. I REALLY hope we see Former President Logan and Secret Serviceman Aaron. BTW, I think Aaron and Jack are the only 2 who have been in every season. Also, I wish they wouldn't have spoiled the return of Bill and Chloe. If I wanted to know that, I'd go to one of the freak websites and read the spoilers.
  21. My Name is Earl Entourage (Seasons 1-4; haven't seen the newest ones)
  22. Whatever I can do to help. I don't know what your wife is into, but the love story part of Slumdog is better than Button's.
  23. I just saw on ESPN's bottom line that McShay had 49ers picking #10.
  24. I've seen The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Slumdog Millionaire, and I would have to see that Slumdog is a notch above Benjamin Button. It has great cinematography, a cool story, and top notch acting by even the young actors. Anyone else agree?
  25. Not only does Caldwell have great technique, but here's a few other tidbits on him: 1.) Experience - He's started EVERY game since he was a freshman, besides a 4 game suspension over lending textbooks to his girlfriend. 2.) Smarts - He was the first Alabama football player to graduate in only 3 years and is already working on his graduate degree. 3.) Leadership - He was named an Alabama permanent team captain in 2007, which is a big deal because this was when he was a junior. Traditionally, you must be a senior to get this honor. I'm not going to go and say he is better than Mack, but I've seen Luigs and Caldwell and would take AC any day of the week.
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