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Everything posted by bills_red

  1. the teams they beat are 0-6
  2. not a starter
  3. We were pinned back inside our 10 every time it seemed. Thier P was great. McLovin should have had a TD but he was ran down by a fat K I don't know why he didn't try to power over him or do a quick cut.
  4. I'd put BUFF #3 on that list. Jaws will talk about the game too I bet
  5. O, I thought they loved to blitz with Rob Ryan, sorry.
  6. When I heard that a craped my pants. I think I'm right but doesn't OAK love to blitz? So I think you should have worked on that. But they still won so.
  7. +1 You should know most (70%-80%) of the of the players on the roster if you drafted or not. Anything more is a plus.
  8. Yea he had to miss it by an inch. I really thought he had it (looked like Ko did too cuz seemed like he stop a bit)
  9. he was hurt on this 2nd catch I think, this sucks but we play the Rams next week so I think they will play it safe and sit him. Is Mike Viti still a FA or was he hurt in TC?
  10. were do you work? Have you seen Spencer Johnson? I met him he seemed like a nice, shy guy.
  11. Boty has really work on his tackling. If I remember right he used to just throw him self at the player and hope he made the play. Really looking good so far.
  12. one word. no
  13. I'll give you $100, $200 if he needs stitches.
  14. NFL GameDay: Browns vs. Ravens highlights????? There is a URL: on the right side copy that Link http://www.nfl.com/videos?videoId=09000d5d80aff9b2
  15. I rather have everyone hate on us then everyone love us.
  16. If he is I will find Goodell and punch him in his face. D.Whit didn't try and hurt him he did it to make a point. If Higgins would have blow his knee then yes he should be gone 1-2 games.
  17. like i said dip sh-- thanks but no thanks
  18. ^That'd be cool if Porter was out. Mike Walker is better than TW imo. but we still should be all over their WR's if Porter is out.
  19. I already said you have to download crap which I don't want to do to see a vid. thanks but not thanks
  20. Wills does still have a house in Buff.
  21. can't play it have to download crap. someone post it on youtube
  22. lol, saw that today. I saw a shirt at the Bills game it said "Marshawn can run over who ever the f***ing he wants"
  23. Juj the last "point" you tried to make, I have no clue what you are talking about. Listen stop bitching if you don't like the thread don't post that simple. I thought people would like to get this shirt but looks like someone posted it before but like I said before I'm sure not everyone saw it. Get off my back.
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