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Heard of Buffalo Bills

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Everything posted by Heard of Buffalo Bills

  1. Possible ? Yes. One can only hope.
  2. http://nfldraft.rivals.com/cviewplayer.asp...utingreport#bio http://www.nfl.com/players/playerpage/1109429
  3. Note to Slick Willy McGahee: If Willy NillY McGahee is trying to do damage control its too little too late.
  4. So the thread got a little off the subject. Start talking about your cheerleader.
  5. Glitter!? Glitter!? Wow!! Where in the world did you get a Willy the wabbit Nilly jersey with glitter? I don't think I really want to know
  6. That's another good thing about you "The Dean." Everytime I ask you a question I learn something new. You are a cornucopia, no, a veritable fount of useful information.
  7. Good, I hate Broccoli!!!!!!!!!!! So There.
  8. The Dean.. It gets interesting every day as each time I log on here you have a new and different avatar everyday. My question is how often do you change avatars? My second question is are those the words to a Buffalo sea chanty? ie bowlegged women.
  9. Where in the world do threads like this come from?
  10. I agree. Lets not give Willy Nilly any kind of motivation including that kind of motivation. I've seen that kind of thing lit a fire under a team or player.
  11. Holcombs_Arm_Left Holcomb_Here_Today_Gone Tomorrow Where_In_The_World_is_Kelly_Holcomb Wheres_Waldo_Holcomb Inspector_Hocolombo Holcomb_has_Left_The_Building
  12. Lets hope this year that changes and the breaks start going in favor of the Bills.
  13. Its always open to fill in the blank. or insert your favorite word of choice.
  14. "I'd be a rabbit because all I know how to do is reproduce willy nilly" according to a reliable source who responded on condition of anonymity during the taping of the Nate Clements show.
  15. http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/6611526?MSNHPHMA Should have been a two-fer deal where they took Corn-Whys-Zer with Theismann. Put them both on PTI where they can do the least damage to ESPN's ratings.
  16. It's too bad that Willis is all about the nightlife and nothing when it comes to contributing to the success of the Bills. Good riddance to bad rubbish. If willis won't listen to his momma, why wuld he listen to what the coaches were trying to tell him. He's gone now. Now the Ratbirds can try to figure out how to deal with his "kindergarten roomper room" antics.
  17. Meh that's nothing. My dad used to walk uphill both ways in 12 foot of snow with two 50lb bags of grain under each arm.
  18. His mother will probably have to set him down and explain it to Willis just like everything else she has had to do with Willis. Not that it will do any good as Willis hasn't listened to anything that his dear gray haired old mother has already told him. besides Willis is no longer the problem child here in Buffalo anymore. The Ratbirds inherited his baggage.
  19. That's a good way to look at it. For me it's always interesting to hear or read someone elses point of view like your take on this DrDankenstein. I agree.
  20. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/news.jsp?news_id=4671 It's so refreshing to hear about pro athletes finishing their degree and having a plan B in their hip pocket for their post NFL careers. I can relate to this as I am trying to finish my degree. Ellison obviously has motivation involved. This should be the kind of examples that we should expose our children to as an upside to getting a good education.. This is truly the example of a good role model.
  21. There's a linebacker in Green Bay right now by the last name of Hawk.
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