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Heard of Buffalo Bills

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Everything posted by Heard of Buffalo Bills

  1. Marty Ball is slow and painful to watch...basically the equivalent of watching paint dry. Besides Marty never seems to make it to the big dance. He's a great coach if you want to win division titles.....but usually ends up being one and done in the playoffs. Trust me on this one...you don't want Marty ball in Buffalo.
  2. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I hope that you all got your fill of Turkey and football......
  3. All I can say this tradition of scheduling weak teams versus Strong teams that turn these games into snooze fests is ridiculous. Detroit is a horrible team to begin with but this game today should have had the baseball version of a run rule instituted. Same way with the Cowgirls and sea hags.
  4. I am glad to see the Bills get this much needed victory. I hope this is the beginning of a very long winning streak for the Bills. The impetus that will propel this team into the playoffs. Go Bills!!!!!
  5. It was truly great to see the contingent of Bills fans that were there at the game. Bills Nation was greatly represented. Good Job Guys and gals.
  6. Perish the thought........Go Bills!!!!!!!
  7. Go Bills!!!!!!!! Anyone know if the Bills are wearing the traditional uni today or if the Bills are wearing throwbacks?
  8. All I can say is that The Bills better not lose to the Chefs tomorrow. I would really freakin hate that. Instead, I will try the Bills will cream the chefs tomorrow attitude, period, end of statement.
  9. Ralph is to the Bills as what "Dollar Bill" Wirtz was to the BlackHawks. I couldn't agree more with your point of view.
  10. I'm still not quite sure what to make of a Bills team that I thought would have a good chance to beat the Browns as a confidence builder for this team. Guess I was wrong about that. That first pick that Edwards threw just gave me that old well here we go again feeling.
  11. Lets Go Bills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Bring back Marv......and Kelley and Reich and the Bills team that came back and beat the Houston Oilers. Greatest comeback in the History of the NFL. How I miss those days.
  13. I never understood why they instituted this rule to begin with. Either its flagrant or it's not.....IMO.
  14. What is someone trying to catch up to April 1st? Or else someone is campaigning to become the most hated player in Wisconsin.........it would definitely be a bad move on his part.
  15. First time I've ever heard of this. Makes no sense to me at all. Maybe I'm not understanding the purpose of this whole rule.
  16. I actually heard that this morning on ESPN and I thought that he makes absolutely no sense at all. It's like they caught him going home after a night out on the town.
  17. Well, that didn't sound very optimistic did it?
  18. Always, always play to win. You want the never quit or never give up attitude of winning football games. To me quitting or tanking the season to get a better draft pick is like taking a dive in a boxing match hoping somehow if your low enough in the rankings you may be able to fight someone you can finally beat. Its not a good example for the rookies coming out of college, especially those with the traditionally strong football programs that emphasize a winning attitude and put that in to practice.
  19. After reading the espn article its highly unlikely that Al will play again unless he can pass a physical. With his history of injuries especially the neck, the odds of him passing a physical diminish greatly. I say that his career is more than likely over with. I don't believe that Broncos would release a guy of Wilsons caliber and career ( five time Pro Bowler) and knowing that he could pass a physical and still play for Denver.
  20. I must admit that I like the Sabres and the Bills equally although getting hooked on the Sabres got me hooked on the Bills. I still remember the Buffalo-Houston game and how the Bills rallied and came back from being down by 40 points. I loved that game and it really made me a huge fan of the Bills. Frank Reich, Andre Reed, Thurman Thomas, Bruce Smith, Shane Conlan, Cornelius Bennet and others that I can't think of right now were awesome that day. Greatest comeback in the history of the NFL. Guess I will have to find a video of that game on the web and watch it again. Watching that team really makes me hope that the Bills through the draft and such will build a team that can go all the way and win it all.
  21. http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/p/sp/too.../1160163485.jpg
  22. #12 in honor of Jim Kelly.
  23. Awesome job by the Sabres!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. I think that Marv will do the right thing.........
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