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Everything posted by sarmanuscg07

  1. funny thing is the raiders still seem to be sold on that old guy.
  2. the three teams are probably just waiting til it gets closer to the draft for AJ's price to drop on this guy.. IMO i think he will be a charger until a day or two up to the draft.
  3. Hopefully he goes to Miami so we can assist in continuing his careers course of being sacked 58 times or so per season.
  4. gotta love the people who need a little alkey to get over the anxiety of flying.. ooh and also those who just need to get a fix whenever and wherever possible.
  5. aah yes spoken like the bigger man.. trys to convey that he doesn't care but still takes that last effort to throw out another cheap shot. take care gramps
  6. or with his age some viagara so he can finally,..... you know.. haha
  7. well sir if your mother was in fact murdered i sincerely appologize.. if that is a ploy to seek empathy from me or anyone this board then, well, that would just be horrible.
  8. ok now from what i understand, as that "YOUNGSTER" you were refering to, that you can no longer convey anything even close to a rational thought. and ps i am not nieve im actually pretty well accomplished for my age and i have a good general understanding of how things work. but thank you for the low blow being that you know so much about me from seeing my picture on my facebook page. you must be like deon warrwick the psychic lady or something!!!! wow its an honor, do i get a free reading? oooh and california!! what a beautiful state that is!!! to bad its infested.
  9. such harsh words.. randy right? did your mother not love you enough as a young child?
  10. dont be a infectious cist on this rare breed of comical posts. the man deserves credit where credit is due. im sure your one of the ones who was temporarily fooled and in such angst you unleash your disapproval. its okay though, it had me for a couple of seconds.
  11. yea 23 year old single millionaires never frequent bars where flocks of women chase after them...... who would do that? donte was probably just saying that to oblige the obnoxious following of men around him that was detering the women around him.
  12. stellar!!! on another note do you think harris will slip into the 4th round??? i think he is gone in the 2nd
  13. id deff put warrick dunn on the non bold list and bo jackson was on his way there but that whole injury bug.... can't really count that one against him.
  14. Id just like to say well done.... good prank even though its kinda hard to believe... you can tell that you put a lot of effort into this and the article was well written.
  15. here is my 5th version of my four round mock draft with detailed analysis... tell me what you guys think.... JUST KIDDIN
  16. exactly what happened to youboty last year. and he fell to the 3rd and was projected early 2nd late first...
  17. maybe she cheated on him or something....... some of that would be understandable haha j/k isn't mcgahee a member of the slapahoe tribe too?
  18. yea, jason peters...... ooh was that rhetorical???
  19. hopefully he will be one of those guys who will want to stay in the comforts of buffalo with the system and his bond with JP.. i have a feeling he will stay, he is an extremely classy guy and i see marv forking over the bank for him. if we go WR early and often in the draft maybe that would be with the expectation of losing him though..
  20. thank you for the clarification
  21. here is a shocker 1- ilb willis 2- olb buster davis 3- olb rufus alexander 3- olb quincy black
  22. Did anyone else notice how old and just plain sh------- that guy looked in his picture on that link from todays press conference??? he looks like my Grandpa except my grandpa doesn't have warts and a unibrow..
  23. http://www.700level.com/fansview/nosebleeds/11831/1.aspx these idiots in philly.. i dont know what else to say.. You Build a Franchise PRIMARILY through the draft.. That is why marv pulled the trade. he is going to pick a young LB buck through the draft to groom for years to come.. you make good choices and have solid drafts (see buffalo 2006). NOT dumb draft choices on thugs like packman and broderick bunkley(philly 06 1st round) and winton justice (philly 06 2nd round). You DONT build a franchise through FREE AGENCY!!! Need Reference??? Look at the Redskins.. You stupid philly fans you should realize this.... the redskins are in your division you Fu@kin slobby morons. Did the New England Patriots build that dynasty through 31 year old injury prone free agents??? NO
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